Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: ionicmuffin on February 12, 2013, 10:08:46 pm
I was at lowes getting distracted by all the different possibilities for bow material and flintknapping material. So i went to the garden section and found this little beauty, or, at least i think its a beauty ??? I think that it will make a great bow because its all pretty strait.
I would make the last pic the back and keep it wide. You can get a bow of that.
Is that hickory or ash? Looks hickory like. I wouldnt go more than 1 5/8" wide, temper it and trap the back if its hickory. If its ash I would do the same but make it 1 3/4" wide.
good thinking, i thought i could get a bow. do you think i should cut it in half and splice together? also, should i follow the grain or make the bow flat along the sides? by this i mean should the side of the bow wiggle with the grain wiggles? i also have an inch and a half of depth and about 53 inches of length that i can play with, the width is about 2 inches. If i splice i can take the best parts and make a bow, or i could make two shortbows? thats my thoughts. I have no idea what wood it is, but it has to be hickory or ash, its heavy and seems quite durable.
Follow the wiggles of the grain. Also, the label usually tells you if its ash or hickory. what draw weight/length would you like? That will determine if you can leave it as is or not. If you cut it and splice, you will need a handle riser as it will not be thick enough there. Your best bet on a splice is to find another handle and splice two handles together. Now, all that being said, if its hickory, you can get away with how long it is now, depending on draw length. With a bendy handle you can get away with 25 inches draw just fine. I am betting on it being ash though, as that seems to be the most used for handles like that. Though the color makes it look like hickory.... But that grain... ahhhh I dont know.
i would like a 50 lber, but if i cant get that much id be alright with 40. I was thinking i would take the handle section off, i wasnt counting it in the length measurement.
If it were me, I would splice it. 53" is beyond my skill level. :-\
Mmmm would be of interest to see what kind of bow you get out of it.
The one I made is only 1 1/16" wide and 57" ntn and I got 40# at 28" draw from it. It was a bend in the handle bow. I believe the true temper wheel barrow handles are made of Ash. I plan on making a sinew backed Ishi bow from the other half of mine.
Post along as you go! I just bought a wheelbarrow handle today as I was browsing through lowes and I would love to see how I should begin.
I have made two bows from hickory wheel barrow handles and have sent some good halves to other folks that have made bows from them. They work real well if the grain is straight. I orient it edge grain or quartersawn if possible.
I'm so afraid this bow will end up a know, part compound, part primitive....with a wheel on one end of it! >:D
I bought two rraly nice grained wheel barrow handles from lowes last week. They didnt say what wood they were but looks like white ash to me. Havnt decided whether to make bows out of them or cut backings strips from them.
ill have to get to work on it one of these days. I currently have a board bow to finish for the red oak trade. once thats done i can get started.
I'm so afraid this bow will end up a know, part compound, part primitive....with a wheel on one end of it! >:D
That might be handy for wheeling your deer out of the woods instead of draging them. ;)