Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Basculho on February 11, 2013, 11:47:50 am
Hi guys, great forum! ;)
Let me say that i am passionate in everything related to the medieval era of history, it's just amazing and amusing!
Therefore, i had never thought about it, and i finally decided to make a bow to pay homage to those times!
It will be first and i'm only 16, so i don't have access to many tools, but wood won't be a problem since i live in a zone where forests are plentiful
So, thing is, it's so hard to finally get into the art, and i'm completely lost in it :-\
So my question is, what are the firsts procedures in bow making and can you guys provide me some good resources on the matter?
Thanks and have a good day :D
Traditional bowyers bibles, primitive archer magazines, bent stick by paul comstock is a good start...also use the search bar in this forum at top and also in how to and build along forum
This site is a great resource. I would advise you to dedicate an evening to just reading, especially in the buildalong section. The Bowyers Bible volumes one through four are also a great read for new bowyers.
I would recommend that you first go out, identify a tree that is known to be decent bow wood, cut it down, strip the bark, split it, and get it drying. Then go out and buy a straight grained red oak board or two at a lowes or home depot or something. Try to get a bow out of the board while you wait for your natural staves to dry. You will learn a lot from the board bow build, and then you can try your hand at the stave.
Again, just get reading on this site, there is a lot of information here.
welcome, and what everyone has said already but mostly welcome
If you want to see everything I do from cutting a log to polishing a horn nock, google 'Bowyers Diary' It's been running for a few years now and I even post my mistakes and failures, which can teach you plenty!
First procedure will be finding a piece of wood. Good fun. It won't take long until you now every shrub around where you live. Take enough time for that, you want a nice piece for your first attempt. Actually, get a couple.
Then you can either wait desperatly for your wood to dry, or start right away and get a lousy bow cause it was still wet. I strongly recommend the latter. ;D
All else can be learned off this site. Let me thank all of the people who participate here on this occasion. It's really great how much knowledge is being passed on here.
The best advice i can give is don't get discouraged, i can almost promise you that your first bow, if it doesn't blow up, will probably not meet your expectations, but your second, third, and fourth will be much better. Read everything you can get your hands on especially the build along section and the bowyer's bible (if you can only get one get the first one). also i would get yourself some staves and while those are drying i would try out a few board bows you can buy the wood at a local hardware store and if they blow up you wont feel as bad as if you blew up your first stave that you just spent months drying