Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Keenan on February 09, 2013, 07:51:45 pm
Since we are all waiting for our trade bow namesand wondering what to build. I encourage everyone to just go ahead and prep what staves you have and it is also a good idea to make a couple bows at the same time. It is always good to have a plan "B" just in case something goes wrong. That happened to me last year in one of the trades that I was in. I had a couple bows going and one went south so I ended up sending out the Plan "B" bow. It also helps when the secondary bow comes out better then the first plan.
Thanks to this years trade I now have four new builds going at the same time. No wonder I always have so many unfinished bows in the works. ::) If Marie tarries any more with those names I might get all my staves roughed out! >:D
Einie Mienie Minie Moe!
One that I stared on. 58" yew ambush bow
Um...yes please....ill take em all ;D
I'm waiting to dig out wood until I get a name. And I'm trying to finish up my current projects right now first before I commit to another stave,cus I got plenty and one too many going.
Nice stash, Keenan.
Whoa.......I second that.. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :o 8) :o 8) :o 8) :o 8)
What Roy said.
Yup, the wood envy monster rearing it's ugly head.
Nice wood pile Keenan. Is that one lonely piece of osage standing there?
Oh my!!! :o
.....mine are so messed up they wont even lean against the wall.....Lord have mercy on the poor sucker I draw!
Now that's just crazy :o
Are those yew logs on the ground as long as they look? :o
I have a yew sapling going a lot like your one in the master, but mine has about as much deflex as yours has reflex.
Ok, everyone who wants to visit Keenan now, raise your hand. ;D
OH... yah... now you're just showin' off!! :'(
Yep just showing off lol ;D ;D
Carson that one log was given by an old timer that was going to make a bow many years ago. He Told my wife that he had an eight foot long yew log about 12" diam. Yes I did call imediately. whe I got there my jaw dropped right before my heart sank. It had been sitting outside along his driveway for many years. No bark and badly weather checked. It was stove pipe straight and from a very old tree. There is some clean wood on the inside but the checkes are very deep. Saving for some boo backed or sinew backed bows. The sapling in the Stave Master is a natural reflex. Right at 5 inches.
Clint. Yes there is an osage there but the two that I got from you are in the shop. In fact I have been carefully examining the one with the peep hole ;D
Little bit of this and that up there in the loft. Still have a few piles here and there stashed away but we have been trying to get everything put up and organized, as Lulyn is tired of the "piles of stupid sticks". :o >:D And then there is the pile of "stupid rocks" LOL ::)
I'm going to build 3 completely different bows and chose from them. If I can't decide I'll just send them all.
Keenan, you tell Lulyn that I don't see a stupid stick in the bunch. She must be mistaken. ;D
Great plan Steve! ;) I like it and my plan is similar. Building what I can between now and then, that way I should have a back up bow for any that need.
Pat I'll tell her, but she may be wanting to talk to you about that :o LOL
That is too bad about that log. At least it is in good hands now. I was recently looking closely at Strunk's boo-backed yew bows, and that sure seems like a good way to make use of yew staves that otherwise would have ended up in the fire.
Got a half dozen staves lined up... wish I had your stash Keenan... Nice!!!!
That an impressive array of staves Keenan, my pile is starting to look pretty poor in comparison to that. :(
Wow what a selection. I wish I had 10% of that to chose from for the trade. If you need to make some space let me know >:D
I've seen the gates of heaven
Man - impressive stash there Keenan ! Sure could use some "yella" wood in it tho >:D O:). Bob
That is just too cool. Awesome stash there Keenan. That should keep you busy for a while. ;)
Holly Coolness! :o Road trip to Keenan's!
I think the back up bow Idea is a good idea. You of course could have several back ups. Just remember 55 @ 27. :laugh:
Keenan, your shed looks alot like mine only mine is all yella and 1 yew stave, lol. Danny
in the 2nd picture,three on floor, how long and what. apologies for being nosy. oh and nice collection of supplies.
sorry just read other posts
already answered
Great plan Steve! ;) I like it and my plan is similar. Building what I can between now and then, that way I should have a back up bow for any that need.
Pat I'll tell her, but she may be wanting to talk to you about that :o LOL
You can send me as many of those 'stupid sticks' as you want. 8)
man i wish i had one decent stave or for that matter any stave, :-[ i may be getting some cut down trees if they have'nt rotted by the time i get to them. just finnishing roughing out my first bow from a stave, today but it's made from a fern and has 40+ knots in one limb :o. have fun making thoose bows im sure whoever recives a bow from you will be very happy. SS
Bow prep by keeping my self busy. This years first cut :)
Drawing the bark off and its crying "make a bow out of me"
Right on Knapper! Thats what Im talking about. I see some bows in there.