Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: PEARL DRUMS on February 05, 2013, 07:58:27 am

Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 05, 2013, 07:58:27 am
 Please do a a few minutes of research on your recipient when you get the name. It will allow you to learn more about their tastes and preferences. It has been mentioned many times in the sign up thread, but of course buried quickly. Draw lengths can vary GREATLY from style to style. Handle depth can vary by almost 1 1/2" itself and that can effectively shorten or lengthen a persons draw equally. It wont be hard to scare up a an exact number to shoot for. I will be finding out exactly what I need when once I get my name to kick me off.  ;)

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: blackhawk on February 05, 2013, 08:12:40 am your research. One of the reasons why this was done this way was for you to get to know the person your building for better and make it more personal. The simple stats we posted are not enough info to go off from to build a bow for someone,even if a specific draw length is stated,its still not enough info. Please take the time to find out who you are building for. Some folks that signed up haven't posted a lot. I have asked them to please post more asap so the person that gets there name can go thru and read all there posts. You might have to find out who they associate with here on the forum and have to ask them in secrecy to know more about them. This way you get to feel like you know your person better and it will give you a better sense to take pride in your work and go that extra little step to make it awesome for that person,instead of building a 50@28" bow for a blankless face. If you research me you will find out I make and enjoy shooting bows from a 24" draw all the way to 32". Everybody's different,so find out what that difference is.

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: GregB on February 05, 2013, 08:46:30 am
I'm just going to use this string to tell my preferred draw length since there has been so many comments.    27"

If others who want to will do the same, this string can help with the "research" of draw lengths for whoever you get.

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: hunterbob on February 05, 2013, 08:58:32 am
I am a snap shooter ang 26 to 27 " draw would work for me. if that sometimes .LOL
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: danny f on February 05, 2013, 09:03:35 am
i draw around 25"- 26"  with any of the bows i have made so far.   :)
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 05, 2013, 09:06:04 am
Guys please dont add you numbers here. This is just an informational post. You truley cant build a personal bow for a specific person without knowing anything about them.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Pappy on February 05, 2013, 10:01:57 am
You are right we all should get to know the person that we are building for,that is part of what this is about but as for the bow they receive,All I really need to know in weight and draw,say a guy prefers a short sinew backed Molly,that ant happening cause I do feel that is the best bow that I build.I plan on making the best bow that I can make and mine unlike a lot of others here don't vary much. Not tying to stir the pot but just want everyone to know if I get their name they will get the kind of bows I feel I build the best. That being said let the games begin.  :) Thanks for all yall time getting this together and all the time you are going to spend keeping up with it. ;) :) :)
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: JonW on February 05, 2013, 10:07:02 am
I don't think my preferences are a real secret. Well said Pappy!!
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: SLIMBOB on February 05, 2013, 10:12:31 am
Seen that bow rack picture Pappy.  Any one of those would be a sweet surprise.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Keenan on February 05, 2013, 11:59:11 am
 25 inch draw is my "normal"  and like around 50-55lbs. 

Like JW said, I would prefer you sign the bow as it is very meaningfull.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: bcbull on February 05, 2013, 12:51:51 pm
28 is my normal but can go 31 with longbow i usally shoot 55-65# brock
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Carson (CMB) on February 05, 2013, 01:08:03 pm
Here is a research tool I didnt know about until recently.  If you click on a person's handle, it takes you to a profile info page.  Look under their handle on this page and one of the options is show posts.  That will show you all of that person's posts.  Might still have to dig a bit to find what you are looking for, but it is a good way to find your recipients posts. 
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 05, 2013, 01:12:05 pm
Exactly Carson. Like Pappy said, he knows what bows he builds best, but it still helps to get to know the person a little. Skins? No Skins? Osage, hickory, elm, yew? Check out their interests in archery, be it hunting, target or just field shooting. I want to learn as much as I can before I start a bow for a person. I am buildng it FOR THEM afterall.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: darwin on February 05, 2013, 01:23:17 pm
My draw length is 31" normally (I'm tall with long arms) never shot a bow over 60 lbs so anything under that would be preferred. For some reason i have lived in fear of being overwhelmed by my own bows as a result every bow i have made ( about 8 i think) with the exception of one has been given away (and honestly the one i kept is probably the one i was the least satisfied with), as a result I will be more than happy with anything I receive and don't worry i wont be giving that one away
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: BOWMAN53 on February 05, 2013, 02:56:02 pm
Everyone should put their draw length in thier signature, for the next week.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Gordon on February 05, 2013, 04:54:10 pm
My draw length is 27" with a rigid handle bow.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: bubby on February 05, 2013, 05:03:02 pm
29" on a ridged handle,
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Gus on February 05, 2013, 06:12:09 pm
I draw 27" on a stiff handle bow.

Grew up shooting off a shelf, but lately have been spending more and more time
shooting off my hand.
hunt and fish with a bow. Skinned, painted, stained or nekked I love them all.
I truly will be happy with the style and finish that my builder chooses.

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Cardboard_Duck on February 05, 2013, 09:00:59 pm
I draw 27-28"
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: RyanY on February 05, 2013, 09:29:50 pm
I like my light target bows at 28", my short native american style bows at 24", my warbows at 32", and my japanese yumi's at 40"!  ;D Kidding of course. If it's between 20" and 34" and under 120# I'll shoot it.  ;)
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Arrowind on February 05, 2013, 10:04:53 pm
I like bows.       :laugh:
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: 1442 on February 05, 2013, 10:27:06 pm
I'm one of the ones without much of a post count. I've tried to post some bows I've made but have been unsuccesfull. Last night I tried to post a 50 pound at 28" hickory bow that fits me absolutely perfectly but when I hit submit, that was the last I saw of it. I'm gonna keep trying untill I figure it out.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: missilemaster on February 06, 2013, 12:18:52 am
Mine is 26"-27".
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Pappy on February 07, 2013, 08:22:17 am
Mine is 25/26,never seen so many 28-30 draw folks.I have been around a lot of
selfbow shooters and to be honest , haven't seen many that draw even 28.
Most say they do but in reality if you watch very few get close.Guess I hang with a short armed bunch.  :-\ ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: stringstretcher on February 07, 2013, 08:26:37 am
Mine is 26 1/2, and I might get to 27 on my best day.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: SLIMBOB on February 07, 2013, 08:38:18 am
Yep 26-27 and I stretch to get to 27.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: sadiejane on February 07, 2013, 10:37:45 am
have measured numerous ways and when a bow is right for me, i can easily draw to 28"
but i have bows that only draw 24"-like those short bendy handle NNA style bows.
have a cupla that draw 26" and those work just fine.
and have "american longbows" that draw a full 28" so....
for me, its really about the style of bow that determines draw length.
but itd have to be sub 40# for me to pull it way past my chin :)
so 28" is my max.
but as arrowind stated-i like bows
and will be honored and down right tickled pink with any bow that comes from one of you fellas
funny when someone comes to the house and wants to see bows,
the first ones i pull down are ones made for me by pa folks, not mine
those are the ones i am most proud of
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: darwin on February 07, 2013, 10:41:16 am
You probably have a point Pappy, however I know I have a long draw a few time I have almost put an arrow through my hand shooting arrows I diddnt realize were to short for me to reach full draw with. That is one of the nice things about makeing my own arrows though is I can make them as long as I want

That being said i will draw a bow however you build it
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: JonW on February 07, 2013, 11:07:16 am
I'm with Sadie. Send me a bow and I'll draw it how ya built it.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Sidewinder on February 07, 2013, 11:57:52 am
Im 26-27" I have a few buddies that are real short armed at 24". I made one for Spanky Brooks this year and he is only about 5'6" tall but he draws a true 29". His arms are a bit longer than normal for a guy his size and his form is impeccable. He is also one of the best long bow shooters in the midwest and when he told me he drew 29" I still asked to measure him and it was true. I should'nt have doubted him but I guess even though I'm not from Missouri I still got a little show me in me. I think some people also are a bit confused about whether you measure from the back of the handle or the front. On a bow with a handle depth of 1- 1 1/2" that can make a difference. I was taught that you measure from the back of the handle. If I am missinformed on this someone let me know. If everyone is on the same page in regards to how you measure your draw it should work out well.   Danny
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: _Jon_ on February 07, 2013, 12:03:45 pm
27" here also.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: doulosparachristos on February 07, 2013, 12:49:06 pm
I can comfortably draw to 29'', however, Ill shoot anything.  ;)

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: fishfinder401 on February 07, 2013, 12:54:31 pm
i usually shot between 28-29.5  with normal bows, but enjoy anything from 24 draw shortbow to 33.5 warbows
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Stringman on February 07, 2013, 01:01:23 pm
I'm a 28 incher, but if you send it I will shoot it.  ;)

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Old timber bows on February 07, 2013, 02:17:04 pm
Hi my Name is Marty Tarrant (Old Timber Bows) I have been building bows aprox 22 yrs lam and self bows together I live in MI my draw is 25 to 28 inches I like 50 to 60 pounds and RH bow I love osage that is the only bow wood lol just playing we hsd the Marty jam at my house and that was the joke all weekend well take care and God bless.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Knapper on February 10, 2013, 12:35:37 pm
Since I've been here on PA and making different style Bows I've learned to shoot at different lengths.
Short bendeys vrs long, preference is 28",50-55 lbs
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Carson (CMB) on February 10, 2013, 12:45:01 pm
28" with a stiff handle
26" with a bendy handle
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: KellyG on February 10, 2013, 12:47:20 pm
on left handed rigid handled bows I draw around 27" as measured from the deepest part of the nock to the back of the bow. I simply had some one put a mark on an arrow shaft when I was at full draw and repeated a couple of times. I have only done this on american longbows/hill style bows. I guess if Some one made a really thick handle it would shorten my draw a bit. Never shot a bendy handle bow so I really don't know on them.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Sidewinder on February 10, 2013, 06:41:51 pm
Can someone considered an expert comment on Kellys statement that a bow with a deeper handle will shorten his draw length? I have been under the understanding that draw length is measured from the back of the bow not the belly of the handle, am I wrong. The reason I bring this up is it can be confusing for new ones and if a guy is working hard to make his draw weight close to his trade partners drawweight and length but he is measuring from the wrong point then he will miss it all together. thanks in advance for the clarification.    Danny
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Weylin on February 10, 2013, 06:58:42 pm
I certainly don't consider my self an expert but I'm pretty sure most people measure draw length from the back of the bow. If you have a deeper handle it will make your drawlength longer because the more substantial handle is pushing the back of the bow out farther away from you. Your drawlength becomes shorter with a bend through the handle bow that has a thin/shallow handle because the back of the bow is now closer to you. Hope that makes sense. If anyone sees it differently feel free to correct me.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Will H on February 10, 2013, 07:01:39 pm
Yep, what Weylin said ;)
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Sidewinder on February 10, 2013, 07:12:02 pm
OK. I'm a little dense. Its taken me 6yrs to finally see this. So if we measure someones draw length, what is the standard depth handle for a standard measurement? Or is there one? 
 So to take into consideration handle depth and draw weight at a given draw length one must factor in that handle depth in order to reach the desired length and weight. Right?
 When I build my bows I put it on a tillering tree with a pully and have inches marked to guide my not pulling past a certain point while also on a spring scale. I add the depth of the handle to the distance I am pulling at the target weight so as to not over pull it. Maybe I should start another thread so as to not hijack this be continued.
Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: Dvshunter on February 10, 2013, 08:20:59 pm
Mine is 25/26,never seen so many 28-30 draw folks.I have been around a lot of
selfbow shooters and to be honest , haven't seen many that draw even 28.
Most say they do but in reality if you watch very few get close.Guess I hang with a short armed bunch.  :-\ ;) ;D ;D

Better than dragging yopur knuckles though. :laugh:

Title: Re: *** BOW SWAP DRAW LENGTHS ***
Post by: steelslinger on February 10, 2013, 08:42:31 pm
I just built my first bendy handle bow and I draw that 28.5 to 29".