Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: tnfalconer on January 27, 2013, 12:11:11 pm

Title: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 27, 2013, 12:11:11 pm
First off, I have only made selfbows in the past and just recently started back up. Osage has always been my wood of choice.  I have some interest in putting together some smaller horsebows, either of wood or horn and need some help getting started. I have a full shop, just don't know what specialty stuff I might need to get. I plan to build a form for the design I want this coming weekend and will be on the search to get started.  Where would I source horn for instance. I had in my mind to make something that was wood backed with horn. Any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: Pat B on January 27, 2013, 12:16:33 pm
Paul Karpowitz's book about Ottoman horn bows(I can't remember the exact name) has a complete history of horn bows and a step by step on how to build them.  I'm sure someone will come up with the title of the book for you. I would suggest you buy or borrow this book.
  You could contact James Parker(Robustus). James is our Asiatic horn bow specialist and has built Native American horn/horse bows.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: james parker on January 28, 2013, 11:15:55 pm
Adam Karpowicz, book is called Ottoman Turkish bows manufacture and design,, also if you are looking for horns a member here on PrimitiveArcher, goes by the screen name Gaur, he can help you obtain horns, James
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: Pat B on January 28, 2013, 11:57:38 pm
Thanks James. Thats what I meant,  ;D
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 12:26:47 am
I am designing a form now, then I will be looking for materials to start a Horn/wood lam bow. I know there are excentricities of horn that I need to learn. I will start to look for that book and maybe get some enlightenment.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 29, 2013, 12:35:47 am
The photos in the book would make it well worth the price!

Horn bows and falcons....sure you aren't a re-incarnated Turk?
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 12:48:45 am
I don't use them both at the same time. Funny thing is, I like horse bows and not horses. I want to desig my take of a horse bow that will be a little longer and less curvy ;D
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 29, 2013, 12:55:40 am
I like horse.  A little sweeter than beef, kinda reminds me of elk. 
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: PatM on January 29, 2013, 12:55:59 am
If it's longer and less curvy there is no need for horn and it doesn't need to refer to horses at all.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: james parker on January 29, 2013, 01:18:53 am
what are your ideas in manufature of all wood and or horn combinations, i have several of my own, if you need some help let me know ,,,james
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 01:34:04 am
More or less I want to use horn and wood in the bow. When I say less curvy, I mean not quite as deep a curve in the center. I want to design my own and make what I like, plain and simple. I will post a picture of the form when I get it done. Then I am sure I will have plenty of questions on laminating the horn and wood into something usable. Thanks guys
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: Gaur on January 29, 2013, 05:50:51 am
Hi,  James got a small typo in my handle.  It's Gaur (a wild asian cow) not Guar (a kind of bean used to make gum) ;).

But yes I can get you some horns.  I live in Thailand and do the rounds at a few slaughter houses.  you can pm me if you are interested.


Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: MWirwicki on January 29, 2013, 11:03:08 am
TN:  If you look at past posts, you might find a "Coral Snake" bow that I did last year.  I got the idea from Jim Hamm's book, Bows & Arrows of the Native Americans.  He made a shorty with a horn belly.  It did not have siyah's typical of the Asiatics.  I built it because I have a desire to make the Asiatics and thought that it would be a good entry way in.  It turned out pretty good.

Gaur:  Good seeing you post and knowing you're still alive and kicking!  Hope all is well over there.

Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 01:16:53 pm
Matt I found your bow in searching. Very nice sir. That is a about what I had in mind, just about 10 inches longer with recurve tips. I do love the coral snake as well.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: Pat B on January 29, 2013, 01:23:05 pm
James Parker built a Native American horse bow a few years ago, sinew back, horn belly and wood core. You might do a search for that one also.   I got to see Matt's NA horn bow last year at the Classic. Very nice!  8)
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 01:35:19 pm
Pat, I PM'd him last night. The tennessee classic is only about an hour from me, so I plan to be there this year. The idea for this bow was taken from one that I had the pleasure of shooting in europe. Smoothest shooting bow that I have shot to date. Small enough to use in the bush and plenty of power.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: blackhawk on January 29, 2013, 01:40:16 pm
Yup pat...that ones a beauty...,23300.0.html

Are you sure you have what it takes to start tackling horn bows?  You might wanna make a few "known" types first before trying to implement your own design. If you do stubbornly try to embark on your own design first then please post them here with as much detail as you also highly advise going over to is much better help there for hornbow is a forum dedicated to horn bows..
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 01:57:23 pm
I did not mean to imply that I was new at making bows, just that the two I am building now are the first in a good while. I am also not really known for taking the easy road, although I have never made a laminate bow of any kind, I prefer to do my own thing. As far as I know the only way to learn how to build a Laminate bow is to make one, thus this thread. I plan to do just that,albeit a little more complicated with the horn. I have never seen anything that I could not build, mistakes are inevitable. I have never learned anything from being right. I would rather make mistakes and learn than build the same thing as everyone else and get it right. I think I will be ok with a little help and knowledge. Stubborn is one of my defining charachteristics. It pushes me to challenge myself and not settle for what is easier.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: PaleoNinja on January 29, 2013, 02:16:57 pm
Haha, You do want to do this the hard way!
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: Pat B on January 29, 2013, 03:47:01 pm
TN, James should have his horn bows at the Classic.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 04:35:05 pm
Thanks Pat. Rain here for the next couple days so I should be able to get the form made and pics posted here.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: PatM on January 29, 2013, 07:57:23 pm
What you are planning to do is something that has already been done so you can likely find a bow type out there that matches what you are thinking of.
 Here's a 57 inch simple wood laminate: (
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 29, 2013, 11:21:30 pm
That is pretty much what I want to build. Only thing I want to do differently is to have a full horn back on the bow.  That one looks to have horn overlays or tips.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: PatM on January 29, 2013, 11:35:18 pm
Presumably you mean a horn belly.... Are you going to sinew? There are examples of bows with horn bellies and no sinew. However if you want the horn to actually do what it's supposed to rather than just look the part then it makes sense to reflex and use some sort of backing that will help the horn do its thing.
 That bow I posted just has temporary fiber reinforcement wrapping the siyahs and splices for test shooting.
Title: Re: Help with simple horsebow
Post by: tnfalconer on January 30, 2013, 12:02:34 am
I would think that sinew would be in order. Honestly I have not thought that far ahead. Still building a form and trying to source materials.