Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: tgtmatt on January 22, 2013, 11:45:15 pm
I'm sure some of you saw my recent post about my red oak pyramid bow. I made my own version of a "pyramid" for my dad's birthday. (which was today). I just finished it today too, but will add a little bit more when I finish. I hope you guys like it as it is the only bow that I have actually sealed, stained and added extras. I'm pretty proud of myself as it only being my third bow.
Here's the dimensions, it is 68" ttt, Draws only 38# and 28". It was my first attempt at a pyramid and I know I could have done a lot better but I was very short of time. I'm just happy my dad likes it and It will not be the last one I build for him. Well here it goes.
I also stained it with 2 different stains. I stained from center to 15" on each side of bow and then once it started to taper I stained it with a dark walnut.
i like it! very good work! i bet he will be proud! ;D
That bend is near perfect. Well done. I'm sure Dad will love it.
Cheers to a great bow. My endorsements... ;)
Thank you guys, It's always so nice to get the approval of the fellow bowyers. And for this bow I can only thank everyone on this site for helping me finish my first one, and always giving such valuable knowledge and information.
That tiller looks pro! nice work, you're movin' right along with this bow making business. 8) Now we need to get you a stave. ;)
Nice job there young feller. Tiller looks very nice. Do me a favour though?... can you pull your pants up? :o ::) 8)
I notice my pants too.. I wasn't too happy either. I look like hoodlum. But the bow was worth using the pic. I know weylin I do need a stave, then i'll officially be a bowyer. Only problem is I don't have a year to wait/: Once i go off to college i'll be stuck in a dorm room. Oh god.
Nice job Matt! Perfect tiller on that one right there. Being a Dad myself, I'd be proud to get one like that. Come to think of it, I've never gotten anything like that from my son. Goin to have to have a word with that boy............. ;D
Looks good. I'm sure your dad does like.
Awesome !
Awesome, the tiller is perfect. Dad will be very happy.
Congrats!!! Job well done! Don't criticize yourelf too much as each bow you make is a learning experience!
It has a very nice look,and a great bend ;) i hope you are both proud of that 1
nice bend, you done good, Bub
Nice job on that bow. As a dad, I know yours will love it.
Nice tiller on that one,bet he will love that.Nice job. :)
Great bend on that birthday bow!
Nice job on the finish and details also. I bet your dad will be quite pleased with that present, I know I would. :)
Nice bow,he is gonna like that.
Nice job on that one. Sweet bend!!
Awesome! 8)
Well done. Congratulations
Awesome bow, and as a father of a son myself, I know what that bow means to your Dad in more ways than just getting a selfbow.
wow cool bow and grain patterns, does it bend through the handle? it looks like it does
It does bend through the handle. It scared me last night when I finally drew it after it was complete because I heard creaking and I later figured it was just the leather breaking in.
Nice work Matt. Looks like a shooter. Way to make the old man proud.
You guys are the biggest ego boost ever, haha. It's so nice to hear about how nice a bow you put work into turned out. If only I hadn't waited like a week before his birthday to start on it. Thank you all again.