Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Don on January 12, 2013, 10:22:46 pm

Title: What does the wife say
Post by: Don on January 12, 2013, 10:22:46 pm
when she comes home and finds that you put cow horn in a pot of water to boil to flatten for bow tips
and the pot goes dry. Make a heck of alot of smoke and SMELLS BAD.
There was more smoke coming out of her ears then I made. >:(
That was 3 days ago and it still stinks.
All I could say was sorry dear. :-[
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Roy on January 12, 2013, 10:29:19 pm
LMAO, I'd be dead. My wife is Italian/Irish and has the temper of both combined into one:) Glad your still alive:)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: dmc on January 12, 2013, 10:32:04 pm
Hahaha...... Been there, done that. I boiled some deer horns on the stove to get the hair off of the skull.  If I remember right, the pot even over boiled all over the elements. That stuff is nasty!! My wife threw the pot out, and the look I got, meant I wasn't too far behind. Hehe
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: toomanyknots on January 12, 2013, 10:34:43 pm
Ha. Your better off than me. My wife is irish/german. She has an irish temper, plus she is like twice as tall as me.  :o It's scary round here sometimes...
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: sleek on January 12, 2013, 10:40:42 pm
My wife is French ( not so bad ) Spaniard, Argentine ( good cookin ), Cuban ( watch out! ), and Arabic. She speaks 3 languages, and sometimes, I get all 3 at once!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Carson (CMB) on January 12, 2013, 10:41:25 pm
LOL.  I did that in the garage with some elk hooves on the camp stove.  Stunk up the garage for days, and the wife was not too happy...I can't imagine if I had done that in the house.  I would be dead.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: rps3 on January 12, 2013, 10:49:22 pm
Grinding deer antler with a dremel leaves a long lasting smell also, and  my wife and daughter operate as a team .
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: lostarrow on January 13, 2013, 04:22:45 pm
My wife likes  red wine................................. I buy a bottle or two a week to make sure I stay on her good side. Lets call it preventative maintainance  ;)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Keenan on January 13, 2013, 05:15:14 pm
Been there, done that, Not good! ::)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: MWirwicki on January 13, 2013, 06:25:35 pm
My wife is pretty tolerant to my bow stuff.  One thing though, I can't burn feathers and can't sand horn in the house.  Nip, Nada, No-way!   ;D :laugh: ;D  Funny to hear, though!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: turtle on January 13, 2013, 08:48:50 pm
Im no longer allowed to boil osage in the kitchen..........something about the walls turning yellow. ::)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: osage outlaw on January 13, 2013, 08:50:37 pm
My wife got pretty upset when I got some superglue on her new countertops while fletching some arrows.  I still hear about that every now and then.  I know better than to do anything inside that has a smell.  I even have to make jerky on the front porch.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 13, 2013, 08:52:39 pm
My wife doesnt say a word really, she knows what it means to me and how much I love it. The only time she gets a little testy is when I steam statics on an osage bow and that yellow condensation drips from my tin foil teep pee unto the stove, she doesnt care for that. If I clean it up, Im cool.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Don on January 13, 2013, 10:33:13 pm
Well she's smiling again now but speaking of osage and the kitchen counter.
 Bleach takes the yellow off of a white counter top. :laugh:
You would think she would see it coming after 37 years.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: koan on January 13, 2013, 10:51:13 pm
Lol. No wife so my whole house is a workshop... FYI... I use the heat gun and a clamp or vise to flatten horn. Quick and effective... Brian
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: RidgeRunner on January 13, 2013, 10:57:18 pm
I sure hope my wife never looks in the very bottom of the deep freezer. ::)

Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: WoodMunkey157 on January 14, 2013, 01:16:58 am
Makes me not want to get married... ::). I get enough grief from the girlfriend's visits.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: osage outlaw on January 14, 2013, 01:59:35 am
David, it took my wife 3 months to find a beaver head stashed in our freezer  ;D
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Rick Wallace on January 14, 2013, 02:48:52 am
What was the question? Shes still yellin from last time!!  :(
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Bryce on January 14, 2013, 03:24:51 am
Common phrases:
"what the heck is that smell? "
"Why is there a dead animal in my living room!!?"
"Your not doing that inside the house, you have a shop for a reason"
"Get that dead animal off my couch!"
"Where's my_____(<--Insert kitchen item/s)
"How long until you get _______ out of my freezer/frig."

My response: "I don't know"
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Jodocus on January 14, 2013, 05:50:07 am
I got me a mobile stove with two plates, nice one from the sixties, cause the house was dripping after steaming a stave for 90 minutes. Can do that stuff outside now, wich is good for my marriage. I need my wife to stay positive about my hobby, cause she is surely the only one who will listen to my constant drivel about some bent sticks with never ending patience and interest.  :-*
Really, it's mostly good to be married  ;)
Only thing that she really hates is socks full of sawdust.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Pappy on January 14, 2013, 08:06:50 am
That's why my shop is at the farm and open air shed. ;) ;D her kitchen is her castle and I don't think she really even like me in it at all. :) she tells me all the time,you ant at the cabin or with a bunch of guys. I forget sometimes. ;) ;D
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: lostarrow on January 14, 2013, 10:00:12 am
There's a don't ask, don't tell policy for anything in the freezer marked "NOT ICECREAM" ;)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: jimmy on January 14, 2013, 10:41:27 am
Very funny post guys.  It's always amusing to think of how someone can be "jealous" of wood or how us guys stash animal parts around the garage and in the freezer.  I'm guilty as charged.  My wife is very understanding being from deep down in Oaxaca, Mexico.  I have gotten a few stern warnings from using her cooking pots.  I suppose guys all throughout history have been through this, and good women put up with it.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: darwin on January 14, 2013, 11:24:45 am
mine always complains that i have a lumber yard in the living room, but we live in a town house with no garage where else am i supposed to keep my wood? :(
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Bryce on January 14, 2013, 12:06:31 pm
mine always complains that i have a lumber yard in the living room, but we live in a town house with no garage where else am i supposed to keep my wood? :(

Valid point
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: toomanyknots on January 14, 2013, 12:18:24 pm
mine always complains that i have a lumber yard in the living room, but we live in a town house with no garage where else am i supposed to keep my wood? :(

We have no garage either. I have one room that I have basically turned into an inside shop, and it is my haven.

EDIT: I should add that my wife is ok with it (so some degree) as she uses it for painting and ceramic work, which would be impossible anywhere else in the house due to our feline infestation.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Onebowonder on January 14, 2013, 12:40:48 pm
<snip> ...anywhere else in the house due to our feline infestation.
A little 30 - 40 lbs short bow can be VERY effective in cleaning up that feline infestation issue for you if you use properly spined arrows and some razor sharp broad heads.   >:D  >:D  >:D    ::)  ;)

Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: killir duck on January 14, 2013, 03:29:20 pm
<snip> ...anywhere else in the house due to our feline infestation.
A little 30 - 40 lbs short bow can be VERY effective in cleaning up that feline infestation issue for you if you use properly spined arrows and some razor sharp broad heads.   >:D  >:D  >:D    ::)  ;)


a blowgun is even better, silent and deadly
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Keenan on January 14, 2013, 03:38:15 pm
 Wife: How do you plead on the following charges?

 Boiling horn in pan until burnt?                                                        Husban: Uh,,,, really hard to say right now
 Taking up refrigerator freezer space with frozen sinew glue?                       Uh,,,,, there's only a few containers,,,     
 Leaving bows on kitchen table?                                                                     Uh,,, you mean today?
 Shredding sinew and sorting on coffee table                                                    Uh,,,I clean up the mess?
 Coming in for dinner from the shop smelling like fresh sturgeon?                    Uh ,,,Totally guilty >:D
 Making extreme mess of deer hide hair from working hides.                          The pressure washer did it!
 Filling cooler with fish skins while on vacation.                                               Didn't want to waist them?
 Bows hanging on drop lamps?                                                                       Just need to dry a little more!
 Four thousand piles of stupid sticks,,,,,                                                          Yes, but they are not all good staves
 Spending days after ice storm searching the area for downed trees,            Yes, being frugal
 Looking for staves while on date walk                                                            Guilty as charged
 Gathering goose feathers while walking sandy shores with wife.                    Not much different them collecting sea shells on the beach?
 Slamming on brakes to check dead snake.                                                     Sometimes they are still good?
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Bryce on January 14, 2013, 03:42:33 pm
Hahaha very good replies Keenan. All valid!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: lostarrow on January 14, 2013, 04:56:18 pm
Ive come up with a new expression that i've used more than once lately.

 "More patience than a bowyers wife!"

 Feel free to embroider it on a pillow.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Jodocus on January 14, 2013, 05:03:06 pm
Looking for staves while on date walk       

Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: tom sawyer on January 14, 2013, 06:46:44 pm
Lol. No wife so my whole house is a workshop... FYI... I use the heat gun and a clamp or vise to flatten horn. Quick and effective... Brian
But who makes your biscuits?
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: koan on January 14, 2013, 10:52:39 pm
Lol... I cook them with the heat gun to!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: JLoranger on January 14, 2013, 11:39:47 pm
The whole apt. is a workshop. Girlfriend doesn't mind since I am a bigger neat freak than she is. Usually its a good plan to warn her what animals/parts I have stashed in the freezer. Doesn't like the smell of hide glue though....
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: hedgeapple on January 15, 2013, 01:15:14 am
My wife once gave a speech at Toastmasters about living with a hunter/bowyer.  She sited going to the freeze to get blackberries and touching a frozen coyote's nose.  I use to make bow in our guest cottage, but she had her exercise equipment there.  She didn't like the dust and smells.  So, she MADE me build a workshop.  All is good now. :)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Patches on January 15, 2013, 03:28:11 pm
I walked through the house with cane pole and a noose on it, and my wife asked what I was doing I said "Going dumpster diving at the butcher shop for deer legs.  I need sinew."  She just laughed saying that she never thought she would be with someone who went dumpster diving at the butcher shop.  Another day I drove her around to garage sales.  We were driving down the road and I seen a roadkill fox squirrel, but I needed a tail for a string silencer, so I just stopped, threw the squirrel in the bed of the truck, then jumped back in the truck.  she just laughed and said "Bow making stuff?"  I said "yep!"  Ended up with three roadkill squirrels from that trip.  Now she actually points out roadkill squirrels to me!  She finally understands my addiction. 

"Resistance is futile...she will be assimilated!"  I am going to make her a bow later this winter and try to get her to start shooting with me when I go  :) 
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Bryce on January 15, 2013, 07:36:39 pm
That reminds of a time I saw a road killed porcupine. I jumped out with some wire cutters and went to town getting quils. Maybe I'll try some bead work? Who knows...
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: hedgeapple on January 15, 2013, 07:53:20 pm
Patches, take your wife to the TN Classic.  When she sees how much fun you're having shooting the 3D range she'll want to shoot, also. It work on wife 2 Classics ago.  She would have finished 4th last year in the women's selfbow division if she'd turned in her score.  I bet she'll turn it in this year ;)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: bow101 on January 15, 2013, 11:24:35 pm
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ???........lots of dust.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: lostarrow on January 17, 2013, 11:21:46 am
Hey Bryce, a quicker way to get quills is to throw a blanket(should have one in the truck for emergencies ) over the Porcupine ,then just pull it off. The quills all stick to the blanket and come off the animal quite easily. Pull the quills (or push them through) when you get home. The  wife won't even have time to ask you what you're doing before the deed is done.  FYI .the animal doesn't have to be dead to do this. They move slow and are easy to sneek up on, due to poor eyesight  ,hearing , sense of smell.............Good thing they have the quills.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Bryce on January 17, 2013, 01:32:29 pm
Hey Bryce, a quicker way to get quills is to throw a blanket(should have one in the truck for emergencies ) over the Porcupine ,then just pull it off. The quills all stick to the blanket and come off the animal quite easily. Pull the quills (or push them through) when you get home. The  wife won't even have time to ask you what you're doing before the deed is done.  FYI .the animal doesn't have to be dead to do this. They move slow and are easy to sneek up on, due to poor eyesight  ,hearing , sense of smell.............Good thing they have the quills.

Wish I knew that earlier lol I always have a wool blanket in the trunk!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: rossfactor on January 17, 2013, 02:38:14 pm
I often get accused of looking at and describing trees in terms that are... too intimate. Plus everything else on Keenan's list.

Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: bushboy on January 17, 2013, 03:02:47 pm
Yes,eyes rolling,growling@ me after turning my back porch into a lumber yard,bows all over the house!she says I'd rather play with my wood than her!lol!
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: bow101 on January 18, 2013, 06:14:52 pm
Yes,eyes rolling,growling@ me after turning my back porch into a lumber yard,bows all over the house!she says I'd rather play with my wood than her!lol!

Lol......if I had my own place there would be a shaving horse inside and wood shavings all over.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: andujar9464 on January 18, 2013, 08:30:44 pm
My wife is irish and scottish with a bit of german on her mother's side....but I'm dominican of spaniard moor bloodline. I win the temper battle and my workshop is the livingroom.
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: Roy on January 18, 2013, 08:58:20 pm
Some funny replies. I used to work on Osage bows in the basement garage where the wife's car was kept. I would pull it outside and work on bows, then when done I would pull it back in. My wife is a toll collector and has to wear a uniform. Her uniform  pants are a dark blue and there was more than one time she would get to work and someone would say, Chris what's that yellow dust all over the seat of your pants. LMAO
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: lostarrow on January 18, 2013, 10:48:20 pm
[/My wife is irish and scottish with a bit of german on her mother's side....but I'm dominican of spaniard moor bloodline. I win the temper battle and my workshop is the livingroomquote]

As a man of Scot ancestory, with a wife of German / Irish background, may I offer a pearl of wisdom? When you think you've won........................ you've  surely lost. ;)  Especially if she smiles.         
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: swamp monkey on January 19, 2013, 10:55:44 am
Our first fight as a married couple was about what goes in the freezer.   Boy was i clueless.  We worked that out. 

The last time I sanded Osage in the basement there was a fine atmospheric layer of yellow dust that settled ALL over her scrap booking table and supplies.  She was at first miffed, but said there are a lot of worse things i could do. 

One day I used her candle warmer for a glue pot warmer and put on some sinew backing on a bow.  It STUNK up the house.  My wife came home and said, "what's that smell?"  At that very moment the dog audibly passed gas and got 100% of the blame.   >:D Months later I fessed up.  Guilty conscience I suppose.

I wanted to hang a bow up for display and my wife disagreed.  When I protested she took me on a tour of the house showing me the bows on her dresser, the atlatls hanging from curtain rods, the pelts draped over the railing, feathers and bison horn on the book case shelves, staves in every conceivable corner, bead work supplies on the carpet. . .  well the tour took long enough to convince me I have decorated every room with primitiveness.  I suppose a doily here and there is no big deal. 

Saxton Pope once said something to the effect of: Your wife will accustom herself to wood shavings and feather scraps in her rugs.  That is not the exact quote but it is close!

He was right.  Mine does not share my addiction but she is quite patient overall. 
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: soy on January 19, 2013, 12:38:25 pm
 :-X i plead the fifth ;)
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: JeremiahVires on May 17, 2013, 03:17:15 pm
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What does the wife say
Post by: bubbles on May 17, 2013, 04:26:30 pm
My girl wants to starts her own forum "wives of bowyers". So she can talk about all the "dumb crap" that I do with others. .  Also she is very happy she has never touched a frozen coyote's nose. :)