Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: TRACY on January 05, 2013, 06:27:42 pm

Title: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: TRACY on January 05, 2013, 06:27:42 pm
For all of you that have these rasps, which one would you recommend if you could only purchase one for now?  Thanks for your valuable input!

Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: seabass on January 05, 2013, 06:54:21 pm
i like the 49.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: Pat B on January 05, 2013, 07:17:02 pm
I have a 49 also.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: hedgeapple on January 05, 2013, 07:30:51 pm
I have a 49, but it is a newer one made is Brazil.  It's a piece of crap.  It's the worse $50 I've spent on tools.  It clogs up at within 10 strokes and has to be cleaned to rasp any wood.  I spend more time clean the thing than I do rasping with it.

No my wood is not wet.  Osage that lived in my hotbox at an average MC of 9.8 for a week without loosing weight.

If you can find a #49 made in the good ol' US of A.  I would get that one.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: osage outlaw on January 05, 2013, 07:37:14 pm
Tracy, have you looked at the Shinto rasps?  I just got one for Christmas and I really like it.  It has a rough and a fine side and doesn't clog up.  And is less $ than a Brazil made 49 or 50
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: PaulN/KS on January 05, 2013, 08:02:40 pm
A sharp # 49 is a joy to use. I have a pair of the older USA rasps...
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: vyadha on January 05, 2013, 08:22:04 pm
Im with the outlaw, the Shinto is the way to go.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: Shaun on January 05, 2013, 08:28:20 pm
I have both and mostly use a farrier's rasp. Great tool and cheap. I sometimes use the 49 almost never the 50
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: osage outlaw on January 05, 2013, 08:38:02 pm
I love my ferriors rasp to
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: BOWMAN53 on January 05, 2013, 08:42:56 pm
Cobolt heavy rasp is only 8 bucks and it works great
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: mullet on January 05, 2013, 09:10:12 pm
I had a 49, didn't like it worth a darn and accidently broke the end off. Gave it to hillbilly. I have several real, good rasps I use, all American made.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: Will H on January 05, 2013, 09:50:04 pm
I love my 49 and 50. If I could only have one I would say the 49. I've used the Shinto a few times. It's kinda like a 49 and 50 combo. But I don't like that it's flat. I use the half round side of my rasps most often... But I could probably get used to it. I'd say get a 49 ;)
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: bubby on January 05, 2013, 09:52:59 pm
farriers rasp and a good 4 way
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: TRACY on January 05, 2013, 10:24:28 pm
Lots of good advice. I have several 4 n 1, farriers and the Shinto. I just want to add one of the finer rasps and have even considered Torges rasp but the extra $ is not there. I've always wanted the 49/50 set and have to choose. I've built several bows without them and can do fine with 4 n 1 and farriers. My other dilemma is buying American which is getting harder and harder. Thanks for all the input so far and keep it coming. Several say the 49 and that's where I was before the post.

Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: MWirwicki on January 05, 2013, 10:38:12 pm
I have both 49 & 50.  I use the 49 more.  I love them both but, they are the old Made In USA ones.  The Brazil versions are no good.  If anyone has any USA 49 or 50's they would like to get rid of, contact me.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: Bryce on January 06, 2013, 02:24:15 am
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 06, 2013, 09:42:44 am
I have a 49 Brazil that is a plugging up POS. I dont use it three times a year. I use an 11" Shinto or a ferriers rasp 97% of the time. Im with a few others, if you are just looking to add a good rasp, find another brand.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: sadiejane on January 06, 2013, 10:10:52 am
have to agree with numerous posts, do NOT buy the modern, brazilian made nickelsons.
keep yr eyes out, new old stock nickelsons appear now and again, along with lots of old ones at estate sales, farm auctions , flea markets etc.
there is an old hardware store in kansas city, harry j epsteins(a google search shld take you to their online store), that is always on the search for these new old stock american made hand tools.
they have a crate of such nickelson farriers rasps on the way right now and should be in the store this coming week.
the owner told me they would be selling for about $15 each.
i have purchased NOS amer. made nickelson rasps from them also, tho they are currently out.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: rps3 on January 06, 2013, 11:17:36 am
I had a 49 set aside that I ordered months ago and noticed it was was made in brazil. After reading this thread I just broke it out and put it to stated, it clogged immediately. Waste of money.
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: Pat B on January 06, 2013, 12:43:37 pm
Since I started using the Shinto a few months ago I have come to like it very much...but it is flat. I use the round side of the #49 at the fades and around dips, etc where a flat rasp doesn't work well for me. I also have some old rasps(big) that my father in law bought at flee markets 40 to 50 years ago(I've been married almost 35 years and he died a year before Marcia and I met). One of my draw knives came from him too. They were all rusty from laying around the flea market(and before) and in his garage until I got them but I could see the potential.
  Buy the best tools you can. Old tools are generally better than new ones for most folk's budgets. I started with a few old rasps, a 4 in 1, a sureform and the old draw knife for a scraper. Then a few years later a farrier friend gave me one of his old farriers rasps. Farriers buy lots of farrier rasps. After they dull a little they throw them away and get a new one. The newer ones work better on horse hooves. His old ones will remove wood faster than you can think and will also expose your knuckle joint in a heartbeat(don't ask!) if not careful so a used farriers rasp is a good cheap option.
  Watch the "Trading Post". I have put a few different tools on there that I don't use anymore as do lots of other folks. Some they get in a previous trade, some they get at flea markets, etc and some they got with the intention of using but found they didn't like. This is where you get your best deals because there is no money involved. You will have to wait for something to come up on the Trading Post unless you specifically ask for what you want and have trade items to back up your end of the trade.
  Here is another place that patience comes into play. You won't necessarily get what you want when you want it. Make due with what you have(assuming it is enough to do what you need) and build bows. Get better stuff when you can. You can build a bow with rocks as has been proven over and over again. You can build a bow with only an ax which has also been proven or a pocket knife. Its not the tools that build the bow it is you. If you want to bad enough you will no matter what tools you have or don't have.
  (my Sunday morning caffeine sermon!)
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: PaulN/KS on January 06, 2013, 08:33:07 pm
Also, there is a  company that sharpens rasps and files at a very reasonable rate ant the results were VERY impressive.
I believe the name is Boggs Tool and File sharpening...
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: TRACY on January 06, 2013, 08:42:48 pm
Thanks for all the great info gentlemen!

Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: osage outlaw on January 07, 2013, 02:10:02 am
Tracy, I tried to google the made in USA #49 for sale and didn't come up with much.  It seems like the bowmaking community aren't the only ones that like the USA #49 and #50. 
Title: Re: Nicholson 49 or 50? Can only get one
Post by: TRACY on January 07, 2013, 07:13:18 am
That's what I've seen online. Might be cheaper labor to make them in Brazil, but their not making the same product from the sounds of it.