Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bigbird583 on December 25, 2012, 11:45:16 pm

Title: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: bigbird583 on December 25, 2012, 11:45:16 pm
     Well, now that I got through Christmas, I can get focused on other things, like my first bow.  I've got the bibles on the way and am hoping to get started on a bow bench this week.  I was wondering if anybody knew were I could see some pics or prints of some so I could get a better idea of what I want?  Any input would be appreciated.  Also, I'm gonna start with a board bow but I would like to start collecting some staves for other bows.  My problem is since I just moved to SC I am just overwhelmed with all the new trees that I have never seen before.  If there is anybody on here from the Elloree SC area that might be able to give me some schooling on what it is I am looking at, they would be my hero.  I hate not knowing and I've been trying to find out online but most of the pics are in  the summertime when everything is in full bloom.  Not many leaves left to compare to.  I would really like to find somebody willing to take me out in the woods were I could learn more hands on.  I wouldn't need to cut any wood just tag along and ask some questions.  And I have a strong back too to help pack anything out if anyones interested.  One more thing that I haven't been able to find anything on in the forums is, how do you guys split such big pieces of wood?  I need to get more of the tools I will need but I don't know the best way to do it.  Thanks again everyone.  Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: Weylin on December 26, 2012, 12:59:07 am
hey, welcome to PA and bowmaking. I can't help you at all about finding bow wood down there, I'm sure someone from that area will chime it shortly. It sounds like your have the right attitude and ideas for getting started.

As for splitting wood, this is how we all do it. Watch this video that Dvshunter made.

Ok, maybe not.   ;D Most people use and axe to start the split and a maul with wedges to continue working it down the length of the log.
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: Don on December 26, 2012, 01:24:09 am
Now that's a wood splitter.  ;D
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: Pat B on December 26, 2012, 02:53:30 am
Hey Bigbird, where is Elloree. I lived in Bluffton, outside of Hilton Head for 12 years and grew up in Savannah. I now live in the Mountains of Western NC just above Greenville.
   You have access to lots of bow woods on SC.  Hickory, red and white oak(and lots of other oaks), sassafras, some sugar maple and locust in the upcountry and others. You can occasionally find osage.
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: burchett.donald on December 26, 2012, 08:18:33 am
   I live in Sumter a few minutes north of you. PM sent
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: bigbird583 on December 26, 2012, 01:13:55 pm
     Hello Pat.  There is definitely more variety of trees here than Colorado. But my problem is I'm not familiar with these trees here and since it's winter I can't really identify what I am seeing.  Everything I'm finding online as far as tree ID shows the leaves and not many pics of the bark up close.  So I'm kinda looking for someway to learn the trees here.  I haven't even heard of a couple that you mentioned Pat.  So if you guys have any pics that you could post, anything would be very much appreciated.  I can't wait for my TBB's to get here so they can answer some of the questions that are rolling around in my head.  Thanks for the replys everyone.  I'm still amazed at the quality of work you all do.
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: Buckeye Guy on December 26, 2012, 04:44:05 pm
Cut your self a shagbark Hicory ,its the one with the well "shagy bark" !!!
That will keep you busy till spring trying to get the bark off of it !!
Then in the spring ,when its a more proper time to cut trees,you can identify them by their leaves !!
Have fun
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: tgtmatt on January 15, 2013, 03:53:16 pm
I live about an hour and a half north east in myrtle beach. I'm in the same boat as you:P
Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: bigbird583 on January 19, 2013, 12:35:53 am
     Hey Buckeye, if I had me a Shagbark Hickory tree handy, I'd do just that.  At least there would be wood chips on the floor.
     And Matt, I finally found all the pieces for my camera, after moving.  So if I learn anything I'll try get some pics posted for you.

Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: KShip85 on January 19, 2013, 02:24:15 am
I'd suggest in investing in the Audubon field guide to eastern trees.  It's been a huge help in identifying trees year round.

Title: Re: Help with South Carolina bow wood
Post by: H Rhodes on January 19, 2013, 02:50:04 am
I don't have the link handy, but check on line for "Trees of Alabama and the Southeast" - it's a field guide website  put out through Auburn University.  It has fantastic photos of lots of species that will also be found in the Carolinas.  I think you will find it very helpful.  ;)