Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Zion on December 16, 2012, 08:27:30 pm
So, recently I decided to make myself a bow and give it to myself for Christmas! ::) ( Joking, actually it just turned out that i got it done now.) So far, though, its my best shooting bow. Can't believe how fast and accurate it is!
This wood is great stuff, lemme tell ya that. First off, it smells about as good as serviceberry, its like butter to work when green, its real springy and tough, and the wood is pretty darn nice looking. Definitely gonna get some more of this stuff. O:)
Unfortunately the grain was twisted so i had to stop splitting it and the split favored the deflexed end. This resulted in like 2" of set. After a very light heat bending i got it a bit better, so after shooting it has about 2 1/2" of string follow. Oh well. It's addicting to shoot anyway.
The thing i used to draw it on for weighing only goes to 22", (It weighs 70# at 22") and my draw on it is 27. So i'm thinking it has a decent weight. (High 80's, maybe into the 90's). If there is a rule for figuring out weight per inch ...? ???
Green Transparent Apple-wood
58" ntn
about 1 1/2" wide
I found an old leather coat which has provided me a ton of leather. I did a bit better of a job on this handle, i think.
I guess this is kinda a build along:
Finally, the finished result:
Good lookin bow there! Tiller looks great! You usually pick up 2-3 pounds per inch of draw. It's hard to belive you are drawing that much weight! Wow! Sure are strong for 13! :o
That looks real good Zion. I think you nailed the tiller on that heavy bow, the bend looks exceptionally smooth and even to my eyes.
That is quite the draw weight, hows the cast with a heavy arrow?
Nice job, Zion! I've heard them fruit trees make great bows. Sweet bend on yours, for sure. I've had my eye on some bradford pears in my neighborhood. Just waiting for spring pruning!!
Bend looks good.....but I got a question...what exactly are you using to weigh your bows?...I'm having a hard time believing your frame can hold near ninety pounds at ease for a couple seconds for a full draw picture ...not being rude..just curious and call me a skeptic
I would love to try Apple. Just have to pester the Orchard people I guess................ 8) nice job..
When I saw the first pics of the twist I thought, "no way, give it up", then I scrolled down and saw a really great bow. I'm kinda shocked. Ego shattered again.
I suggest you have someone punch you in the face and see if you can take it. If so, drop the bow making and go into MMA fighting, beat up Jon Jones, make a ton of money, then get out of it and go back to your farm and resume building bows in an early retirement mode.
58", 1.5 wide, green, 90 lbs and 2.5" of set???
I've used apple to some success, but you just knocked it out of the park. Great job!! I like the rustic, bare bones look to it too.
Incredable bow Zion. Beautiful tiller. 8)
It's surprising to me that you got so much weight and draw length of a narrow short stave of what I'm guessing to be a fairly light density wood. The set is understandable but I have to guess that moisture content is high for it to survive that weight. Seems a consistent pattern in the bows you've made. Short and very heavy for as narrow staves as you've used. Even simson's osage was as wide as this one and lighter although with less set.
I am impressed as heck with this bow. You obviously have talent for bow making. But I would be careful shooting such bows. Several of my friends have ruined their shoulders due to years of pulling heavy bows. You are young now but someday you will be my age with a desire for archery that still burns hot. Pace yourself - you only have one body.
Thanks for the positive comments guys i appreciate it. Steve i might consider that haha ;)
Ryan the chief reason i use narrow diameter staves is because of the very reason you see here! When i try to split everything but maple up here it does this!! Of course its not too hard to make a bow out of it but jeeze, it's annoying!!! >:(
Simson's bows are really really awsome. I hope to someday make bows like that. I guess one of the reasons i make mine kinda short is cuz i really like to see the wood work. Any signs of failure and i know it's pushing it for the wood or design.
Thanks alot Gordon. It's hard to pace myself i guess. There's just something super fun about shooting these heavier ones.
Nice bow Zion! Reminds of a Thimo bow. (that's a compliment!)
Apple is actually surprisingly dense and hard wood. Much harder than plum in my experience. At 12%moisture its specific gravity can be in the mid 0.8's. Which is comparable to some of the denser hardwood. For example denser than most elm.
Nice bow! I'd sure like to get some apple. That twist looked awful. On branches like these I tend to not split and just ignore it. but that's for much lighter bows ::) But you can still make lighter bows when you get old.
How thick (deep) are the limbs? They look quite thick. And what's the mass of the bow?
Good lookin bow. :)
That tiller looks awesome Zion! Love to get my hands on some apple wood someday. BTW, My son is 13 years old and a wrestler also and he was very impressed that you could pull that weight. :)
awesome profile well done
Younger and younger bowyers... This is cool! Great tiller job!
you make some great bows this one is no exception nice work.
affirmative! thats a beauty, and a great lookin tiller job! Way to yank that badboy back like that, i know that anything over 65 lbs means a dislocated shoulder or broken collarbone for me. lol
That's a beauty Zion. Being near apple country, you should have an endless supply of that stuff. Cut-offs and shavings are great in the smoker too. Got an apple stave like that myself to work on (from Yakima). You guys got a lot more snow than that the last couple of days didn't you?
Thanks guys!!!
Ross, i kinda noticed that the density seemed to totally peek as it became dry. When its green its super easy to work!!
Jodocus since i don't really measure anything when i make bows i don't know that off the top of my head. All i know is the the limbs are pretty thick and the bow is light ;D I'll try taking measurements soon.
Thanks Okie and that's awesome your son's a wrestler. My season just starts off after break.
Lol randman yeah we got a bunch of snow now. Last night it probably dumped another 4-5." Most snow we had in a while.
Thanks again!
Very nice
That's a beautiful bend on that stick! I really appreciate your simplistic style of bows. You continue to prove that less is more. Josh
Sweet as apple pie :D
I like your bow, and the tiller looks awesome, great job. You did good with that propeller twist, thats ofter very difficult to deal qith but looks like you tamed that wood. keep it up.
Thanks Marc, Doc, soy, Legionnaire.
I think apple pie is still sweeter ;D