Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Archived Hunting Pics => Shooting and Hunting => 2007 Hunting Pics => Topic started by: Justin Snyder on September 27, 2007, 10:50:01 pm
Rodney Pedraza shot this ram in Texas. He asked me to post the picture for him. I will let him post the details.
Rod, Let me be the first to say that is one heck of a huge ram. Good job. Justin
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Hey - that's a nice ram, or was he one of those mean one's ;D. Good job! like that bow too - copperhead?
I know nothing of these critters but he's got big horns fer a little guy ;D
Well done eh!
a friend of mine, Trapper, made that bow for me. it's a sinewbacked elm bow with copperhead skins. is 68" long and is 65# at 28" draw. This is the first animal i've taken with a bow so needless to say i was very pleased. i was just happy i hit him! copperhead skins came out of my front yard!
Nice job prod,I have killed one of those and let me tell you as I guess you already know ,That is a nice one. Good job. :)
That's one really nice ram! Bring one of those horns with you to the Tn. Classic in May, and we'll use them as a corkscrew! ;D
Might have a problem finding a bottle with a big enough neck/cork for it to fit in though. ;)
Beautiful Ram!!!!!!!!!! Way to go.
Nice ram, Prod. If that is the same Trapper that we know, he makes a pretty nice bow. Good shooting. Pat
yeah that's the same Trapper....he does some good work! saw one of his bows at a friend of mine's in--laws and got him name from them and had to get one to shoot. never hunted with a bow until i got this one so it's all new to me but i'm having a blast!..thanks on the compliments, he was a pretty good ram and i'm very proud of him!
SWEET! Sweet bow, sweet ram, sweet story, everything! My teeth are starting to rot just looking at it!
You know you been hangin around here to much when you look at a pic of a good ram and think.I wonder how many tip overlays could ya get out of those horns.LOL Congrats great ram tradrick
Man, what a set of horns.And Joe sure made a good looking bow.Way to go!
Prod, contrats man, I know how hard it is to get in to bow range on a Ram like that.