Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: Sambone on October 01, 2012, 07:55:29 pm
Been practicing my knapping. I made this point out of glass. This is the first thing that I have ever knapped. I know there are a lot if errors but I'm learning by doing. Any pointers would greatly be appreciated. I figure I would use glass for now so I don't ruin all my stone.
No matter if it's your first or twentieth. That's pretty darn good
Very cool! Looks sharp! 8)
It looks like a good arrowhead to me, well done. The more you make the better you get, knap on, Dude. ;)
Thanks for the kind words folks. I have lots of glass to practice with before I try on my obsidian and chert.
Looks good too me! Keep practicing and don't wait too long to start hitting the obsidian and chert from the looks of your first point there!
Good looking point. You already have the basics for a really good point,whatever the material. Check out Towers tutorial on thinning with pressure,It has helped me greatly. ' Frank
The first one is the begining of your addiction to knapping, good looking point.