Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: soy on September 27, 2012, 06:54:39 pm
Hello everybody I got a package yesterday( now the mailman can roam freely :laugh: )
It is an ocean spray Static Recurve( unfortunately I forgot to take down the stats) I will put those down when I get the money shot taken unless the builder put some in first. all I can say is that it is a unique piece of art , full of character , 1 of a kind masterpiece. it shoots where you are looking , and does it with authority! Thank you sharpened
Gotta love an ocean spray bow. ;) I bet it's a smooth shooter.
- is smooooth!
I forgot to mention That it isa sinew backed ;)
wow, nice looking bow!
That is a nice bow there. looking forward to the rest of the details and pics!
Pretty nice lookin' bow you got there,very unique and primitive-Hammertime
That is sweet!! I love it!
Tattoo Dave
Looks nice and primitive.....I like it.
As the kids would say, that thing is totally awesome. Love the style and look of that bow, get those stats and full draw up on that beauty.
I want to see and hear more about this bow.
Simply WOW.
Good things come to those who wait! 8) Very cool bow.
Man that's a beauty! I guess the was someone later than me on the deadline ;).
I'd like to know how he did those statics. I've had a hell of a time tryin to convince Ocean Spray to bend like that.
The bow is 54" total length and 55 or so lbs at 26". It is from a natural de-flex stave. A logical chioce for a short bow...
I tried dry heat first, it didnt work so well... The tip has be reconstructed. Ive shot the bow hundreds of times, it gonna hold...
I then boiled the other end, it worked much better. Could have used a bit more time though.
Despite it's flaws, I'm very happy to pass it on.
I'm glad your enjoying it Soy.
And thanks for posting some pics, I havnt put hardly any of my bows on the forum.
It's a proven killer.
Thanks again 60,I hope the pictures have Brought to light some of its finer points ;)
Good looking bow,love the picture lay out,very cool. :)
Great bow!!!
well done 60... looks like a war you won and Soy got the spoils!!!
Great character, artwork and details!!
Lucky man Soy, great job 60. Looks like a true meat maker.