Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: BowEd on September 25, 2012, 07:36:04 pm
Hello all. Well I'm finally able to get a picture up of some of the bows I've made over the last 3 years excluding a few sitting around the house here too. Mostly hedge and hickory. Mostly self bows with a few glue ups.
that is some sweet eye candy beadman, Bub
You've been a busy bee ;) ...that's almost as many as I've made this year :laugh:
Love seein a "full rack" >:D
Those are might fine looking bows, Beadman. Jawge
Nice rack, show more! Maybe backs, handles, tips etc. I love seeing others peoples bows and all the details.
Wow. I'm jealous. Hope to have a collection like that some day!
Lets see a picture with them all at full draw! >:D
Lots of nice lookin bows there Beadman. The little humidity meter sittin on top is a nice touch too. I have the same one sittin on top of my rack. :)
Thanks fellas...I like a nice rack too......LOL.The picture thing for me is a hang up being without a digital camera or a phone camera.I had to travel to iowabos' house 2 and 1/2 hours away to get this done.I just got home.He took a picture of the rack that was a 4"x6" 35mm picture that I brought along.Figured I would show you guys this once instead of just being a mouth piece on here all of the time.......LOL.
Nice rack!!!! You've been working :)
okie64....You keep your humidity at about 45 to 50 percent too?I put a dehumidifier in the area too to control that.
Great work Beadman! You know the addiction is bad when you can't decide which "nice rack" you like to look at more. >:D
Looks like a fine bunch of bows. :)
okie64....You keep your humidity at about 45 to 50 percent too?I put a dehumidifier in the area too to control that.
Yeah I try to keep it around 45 percent or so. My house stays pretty consistent between 45 and 50 percent except for dead winter. Sometimes the rh will get down to 20 percent or so in january and febuary, I dont do much shootin at that time of year anyways and if I do I just grab one of my hickory bows.
Very nice, that's impressive. I'm self bow poor right at the moment, been trading too much. :D
I like a good rack too. I think the bow rack is my favorite cuz I don't believe that lustin after a bow is sinnin, unless of course its your buddies and then that would be considered covetitiousness, lol. Danny
:o lot o goodness there :o
more pics! ;)
This is for Gordon's asking of seeing your bows....LOL.I don't have a camera to retake a picture so thougt I'd do it this way.....LOL.
Very nice! Thanks fer sharin!!