Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: boughnut on August 30, 2012, 04:48:46 pm
64 inch NTN 56 pounds at 28" Bamboo Back Bamboo belly IPe and osage core lams. IPe handle with accent. She has a sweet pull very smooth out to my draw of 27 inch I carbonized the bamboo in my own secret way without a heat gun. It is carbonized from the inside out not the outside in leaving me a nice clean surface to stain how I would like. The stain looks yellow in pics but really is a nice dark orange faded to brown. layered handle overlays of IPe HIkcory and brazilian chery as well as the tips are with horn overlays Hope yall like. It is going to its new home tomorrow after I put a leather grip on.
more pics
You do great finish work.
thanks pearl. by the way remember the trade you did with a fella under the user name of bownut for some skins I gave you skins you gave me mulberry? well this is me lol It has been some time since I used the sight due to some family issues and just super busy and lost my old user name. But im back and happy about it I love the sight and all the good people sitll have one set of thouse mulberry billits that will be put to good use soon.
I thought I recognized the shop Matt, welcome back.
I've been wanting to try a tri-lam. It looks like you know what you are doing. Just you taper the core lam, belly lam, or both?
every thing is tappered and this is a 6 lam 4 in core and the two bamboo lams. 2 bamboo two osage two ipe all have different degrees of taper.
The pawn star is back ;) a lotta work in that,and it turned out sweet
Lol I love it. Is it really considered work if you enjoy every minute of it. A wise man once told me that "a man who enjoys what he does for a living never works a day in his life" so there for I dont have one minute of work in that bad boy just lots of fun. ;)
Very nice bow. :)
Very nice shooter!!! Beautiful finish work :)
That's absolutely beautiful!!
I can't be the only one thinking a leather grip would just serve to hide a lot of the beauty there??
Thanks guys I agree with the leather but that is what he wanted.
Beautifull bow! I for sure wouldn't wan't a leathergrip on that. Looks gorgeous as is.
Sharp looking bow!
Great looking bow there. Welcome back.
Real nice bow, looks top notch .