Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: osage outlaw on April 24, 2012, 07:53:55 pm
Here is a quiver and armguard that I made from a wildebeest hide. I made the straps for the armguard like an endless loop bowstring. I probably won't do that again. All the serving in tight spaces was a major pain and it took forever. The buttons are deer antler.
The quiver turned out OK. I attached the tail to the bottom of it just for fun. I am not very good at stitching. I am going to take the strap off, turn it around, and change the angle on the upper side where it attatches to the quiver.
Um, your tail is showing... :-[
Nice work!
very cool i like it.
That rocks, love the tail ;D :laugh:
Great work! I've never seen wildbeest used before, but I really like it.
Very nice......I have been aiming to do one of those myself. Made a small one a while back for a young fellow out of Longhorn.
nice work them both.
I like it,very cool. :)
Thats pertty cool man. Two thumbs up!!
Nice, those arrows in there arent too shabby either mister!
Nice. Like Pearl said, those arrows look pretty good too. How was the hide to work? Is is tough?
The hide had some thick and some thin areas. It was pretty flexible so it wasn't bad to work with at all. On the armguard I backed it with a piece of leather to thicken it up.
Wow Clint that turned out great I bet there is alot of hide left to make other small things also
Thanks. There is a lot of the hide left. Thanks again for the trade.
Heck of a job Osage, love the tail!! dpg
Great job!!