Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Grizzzly on April 03, 2012, 09:56:53 am
Let's see some pics of your creations !!! I will be starting my first Osage bow and would like to pick up on some ideas and designs. Thanks, John
please don't take this the wrong way, this is a good website to research just about all you want to see and know about bows, but you have to put forth some sort of effort. God gave you fingers and I assume you have a mouse and a key board. All the pics you can imagine are just a click away. People have been posting pics of bows and how-to's, etc. for years, and it's all in the archives.
When I am looking for examples of bows I usually just look through the BOM contests from previous months. It is certainly not all the bows posted on here but it is a lot of them.
Here's a few shorties I made, all osage and self bows, some for me and some for members on the site. My normal draw is 26" and most all my personal bows are somewhere between 46/7 and 50/5 pounds in weight.
The search function on here doesn't work the best for me. Like kleinpm posted above, check out the selfbow of the month posts. There will be pictures of several osage bows each month and links to the original posts that have all the info about the bows.
Here is a link to last July's contest. There are quite a few osage bows.,20737.0.html
Working on my first now also. Here's where she is. Check out the link below for my build along. Best of luck!! (
These bows I left the sapwood on but are otherwise unbacked:
(Wanted to go for a mock yew look, LOL.)
My first selfbow I made last year... 64 t-t-t and 60# @28...Not perfect but learned a ton through the process!!!
here is one I did a while ago:,28944.0.html
8) K heres a couple >:D
My only three Osage Selfbows
#1 my Trade bow to Robustus... SORRY just noticed the un-backed part ... this one has snake skins but just for looks...
#2 is a belly split I gave to Bob (my neighbor)
#3 is 63" 50@27 for me :)
The only 2 osage I've done.
... this one has snake skins but just for looks...
I was thinking that bows with skins that only add Big Magic to a bow - not actual tensile strength - would still be classed as un-backed bows.
As with a couple of others in the thread, I'm working on my first at the moment so I hope to add pic's when it's done. I'll take "pre-skin" (I was gonna go with "fore-skin" but thought better of it) and "after-skin" pic's to cover myself ;)
Some beautiful work posted here.
post some pics during your build.... tons of great folks here on PA to help out!!!