Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: ssgtchad on March 02, 2012, 12:10:07 pm
I've been trolling on here for a while and I must say you folks are talented! Now it's time to jump in and try something of my own. So what I have is an experiment in bowyershipthingyyism (real word...true story) ;D. I don't have any seasoned staves but I did have this warped propeller twisted mess of Osage orange that was a little on the short side So I decided that I would practice some skills until I do. I finally ended up with a steam bent, dflex/reflex with a rawhide backing work of art......just saying! . She's 52" long, 45" ntn, and pulls 31.5lbs at 28". I'm kinda proud of the result. My first bow, No power tools were used and I made my own hide glue.... sorry about the crock pot dear! oh and the pretty yellow dots all over the new white stove from the steaming...... that I have since removed. But here it is I am open of critique or suggestions. The is Tiller finished... i think, still needs sanding and a handle, I'll add pictures later. Thanks GO RANGERS!!!!!
good first like to see an unbraced pic from the side view to better judge your tiller...but from what im seeing now you could have gotten a lil more bend up in the fades up towards the handle...but since its osage and your first then just leave it as is and learn what you couldve done better and make another,and shoot the snot out of it and enjoy it for what it is
and 55" long but 45"ntn...huh ???
She's 52" long, 45" ntn, and pulls 31.5lbs at 28".
Not looking too bad, but please recheck your figures. It looks like a stiff handled bow. For your first bow, reaching a 28" draw within 45" ntn of a non-working handle bow is nearly impossible unless it is sinew backed, and even then quite a feet. Also, if it is 45" ntn, that would mean that you have approximately 3-1/2" of limb tips beyond each nock.
Thanks for your service SSG Chad. Your bow looks pretty good for a first of fifth. I agree with BH, get them fades moving more next time around.
Yeah.... apparently proof reading and measuring are not my strong points lol sorry guys. The bow is 51" ntn ....As far as the draw, putting it on the tree with a 6.25" brace measured from the back of the bow its 28" here the pictures. Thanks for the input
Yeah, very nice, but she's tillered a tad square* like the other guys have said. A bit more circular would take some of the stress ooff the limbs and help avoid too much set.
Great job for a first bow tho'
* E.g You could sort of draw a square rather than a circle over the pic of it on the tiller.
Thats crazy bent...................Osage is king.....long live the king.
Del the Cat.... its suppose to be round!!!! well hell
Yeah its some bending stuff
That's some amazing bend there Sgt. Great first bow (or 10th or whatever) Welcome to the addiction.
That is pretty darn good one for a first!! :)
Good first bow! I gotta get me some osage for sure... :laugh:
Its finished!!!! Got the handle wrapped with saddle leather straps, And a dark mahogany minwax on the belly. The white rawhide backing didn't take the minwax, so I just used black leather dye. Its not real pretty, but it shoots as well! Here the finished product. And I've already started another one.
Those law-breakers better watch their backs, or they might find an arrow sticking out of it. :laugh: :laugh: >:D
i think you are doing great.keep it up.
Great job Sgt! Yeah yer definitely addicted now. Looking at your pics again I noticed the pile of staves you got started in the corner of your patio ;D
HEY! The cops took your bow!! :-\ just kiddin,looks great!
Nice looking bow... Stay safe out there Sgt.... What Department you with? I got six years on with Claremont NH Police
Yeah the wife has been fussing that I took over her patio >:D
Very nice,lots of bend in that one,even more impressive being one of your first. :) :)
Thanks Pappy! after seeing the bows you have made Im honored. And thanks to everyone for your in put.