Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: blackhawk on February 28, 2012, 06:35:50 pm

Title: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 28, 2012, 06:35:50 pm
Heres a black locust D bow with a subtle R/D,63" ntn,41@28". Pearl had reduced this down to floor tiller for some quick dry action,and it dried all petty wampus on him and he then wanted nothing to do with it. So i snagged it and rescued her from the fire and put her into service. I do have to admit it was a mess,4" of uneven reflex and the string was about 3" away,but i wrangled her with ease by a few heating sessions. I first aligned the string tracking by bending it at the handle,i then needed to take out some of that reflex and i deflexed it slightly at each fade,i then heat treated the limbs to match each other. whew-wee. i should have taken a before shot but i didnt. Its only a hair over 1 1/8" wide at the handle/fades. No frets,and i nailed my target mass of 12 oz. I started with 2 1/2" of reflex and it still maintains an inch just after unbraced,and after rest shes back to an 1 1/2". This is some good dense black locust. got any more from this batch that need to go to the "fire"  ;)  ;D  :laugh:
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 28, 2012, 06:37:24 pm
brace and full draw from both sides
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 28, 2012, 06:42:48 pm
That bow smells like Pat made it! Thats a Pat Recipe if I ever seen one. That did turn out very nice and I will admit I didnt want that thing one bit. Keep in mind Im NOT the picky type when it comes to staves. Nice bow Chris. You would think after supplying him with his last four premium staves of hackberry and BL a guy could maybe get a "Black Mockingbird" bow sent his way.............but nooooo.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: mikekeswick on February 28, 2012, 06:44:38 pm
Got to like that un-braced profile :)
I love black locust - I think it's one of the best woods out there for holding heat treated reflex.
Have you got any chrono info?
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: k-hat on February 28, 2012, 06:49:10 pm
Nice save!! I like the simplicity of it! Will have to put BL on my list of bows-to-be ;D
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: osage outlaw on February 28, 2012, 07:33:34 pm
Nice bow.  The tiller looks great.

Hey Blackhawk, are you going to the Classic?  I'll give you some crooked and twisted osage staves.  You just have to give one back thats straight and has a string on it  ;)
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 28, 2012, 08:24:22 pm still don't want anything to do with it?  ???

Thanks mike....I haven't gotten the chrony out lately..I shoulda done it yesterday(nice warm sunny day) as I have a few I need to run thru it. I really like me some black locust too  ;)

Thanks k hat...yeah put it on your list for sure

Thanks clint...yeah buddy ill be there....sounds like a deal to me ;)......are we there two more months yet  :-\...ill be there wed morn...hope you can make it before it goes full blown party to work on some wood together.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: osage outlaw on February 28, 2012, 08:27:13 pm
Me and my son are going to try to be there Thursday evening.  I'll bring something to work on.  Ole' Pearly don't know what he's missing.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: coaster500 on February 28, 2012, 09:11:01 pm
Another abandoned Pearl stave saved....... 

You would think after supplying him with his last four premium staves of hackberry and BL a guy could maybe get a "Black Mockingbird" bow sent his way.............but nooooo.

Sounds like we need some mediation here  >:D

Cool donation Drums!! Nice BL bender Hawkman :)
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: sleek on February 28, 2012, 09:26:02 pm
Blackhawk, you keep that up and you will make Pearl look bad.  Takin his trash and makin treasures you are....
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: ErictheViking on February 28, 2012, 09:32:23 pm
Nice Phoenix bow, from out of PD's ashes it rose. great job, love the full draw. btw Do you and PD have a secret contest going on for who can put out the most bows this year? just wondering. :D
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 28, 2012, 10:21:29 pm
aint that the truth clint  8)

thanks mediation required here ;)  just a couple a buddies jabbing at each other,cus thats what friends are for  :)

thanks did you know my secret plan with pearl  >:D

thanks secret contest going on here...BUT...we both feed each others fire for this passion and talk bows all day long when were "working" by the time its time to go home were both all fired up to tear up some wood. then theres our budy marty,and i thought we were bad,well hes sicker than us. we all have the extreme addiction case of bowyering and we all feed off each other.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: ErictheViking on February 28, 2012, 10:25:53 pm
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 28, 2012, 10:33:27 pm
Another good one Chris !!
Life sure wood have been different If I had come across you boys a little sooner!
It is a treasure to watch you three feed of of each other, this is the one arena where it is a good thing to try to out do the neighbor !!
Keep up the fun ,we are watching !
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: seabass on February 29, 2012, 12:17:59 am
nice work blackhawk.i am thinking about sending pearl a mulberry stave that wil leave him scratching his head.i have a bad one.if he can't do anything with it,maybe he can send it to Clint.if he can't use it,we'll send it to you and wait for the bow pics lol.nice work buddy,Steve BTW,see you at the classic.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Pat B on February 29, 2012, 12:30:42 am
Since my name was use in vain I guess I need to chime in.
 Nice save, Blackhawk!  8)  Somebody has to take up Pearlie's slack!  ;D
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 29, 2012, 08:08:17 am
Thanks worries..I don't see either of us slowing down anytime soon,so go get some more popcorn and keep enjoying the show ;)

Thanks seabass...that sounds like a great plan...see ya in a couple months 8)

Thanks  :laugh:  ;D
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Pappy on February 29, 2012, 08:24:50 am
Nice save,sweet bow . :)
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Old timber bows on February 29, 2012, 10:10:41 am
That looks great you build nice bows keep up the good work my freind take care keep building bows you have a gift and when freinds give you wood that is even better than they say darn I sould made that one lol no what I mean drums lol.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 29, 2012, 10:31:04 am
That looks great you build nice bows keep up the good work my freind take care keep building bows you have a gift and when freinds give you wood that is even better than they say darn I sould made that one lol no what I mean drums lol.

Kind of like that twisted "fish hook" osage stave you gave me! Thats my Marshall project this spring. 
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 29, 2012, 11:12:11 am
Thanks pappy  ;)

Thanks marty....ya know I got a discarded marty stave too...hmmm..let's see what I can do with that one ;)    ;D.....I think I know what im going to do with it,but it might be awhile before its done
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Sidewinder on February 29, 2012, 12:56:48 pm
Like I told George, I'm a little slow on the uptake but when I get it I get it. You guys crank out bows like no bodies business. I'm like the blind squirrel, eventually I find a nut. Seems like it takes me forever to get one finished. I look at the stave with longing and a distant look in my eyes and it seems like one day I have it in my mind and I go to work. I'm challenged by how you guys mow thru bow wood like no bodies business. Keep upp the good work and by the way, nice tiller.   Danny
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 29, 2012, 01:28:54 pm
Hey thanks danny  ; each his own and we all are different and build bows at different long as we all enjoy it then nobodys wrong......just don't try and go too fast ;)  im one of those once I get going I don't wanna stop types...and I love the tiller process,it gets my engine cranking if ya know what I mean.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 29, 2012, 02:19:35 pm
Oh to be young  again
how many hrs a week do you kids work on bows ?
These folks need to understand the hrs you put in this so they don't think your building a bow every few hrs !!
This hobby is not a race !!
I have seen these fellows put close to 30 hrs in on a weekend and they spend time thru the week also !
I so enjoy them but fully understand what it takes!!
cant wait to get back together with you folks and do it again!!
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 29, 2012, 02:28:33 pm
Im 40 Guy! That not so young anymore. A plain ol' bow takes me about 3-4 hours from bark on stave if I dont need heat. I spend an average 10-12 hrs a week Im guessing? Marshall is right around the corner buddy! We shall meet again! Kids bows are the goal this time, lots of 'em!
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on February 29, 2012, 02:35:09 pm
Hey Guy....just say it man....I know I don't have a life   :P  :laugh:....its true and I know a recluse hermit and its all I do.   8)......ill spend anywhere from 12 to prob almost 40+ hours in a week pending on how hot the fires burning.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: rps3 on February 29, 2012, 10:16:48 pm
Another nice one, you are a machine.
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on March 01, 2012, 02:23:31 pm
Thanks of these days we need to meet yet...I haven't forgotten about buddies n I haven't gotten together in awhile cus we all have been mentoring and teaching folks on our spare weekend of these days soon here. Im hoping anyways...
Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: criveraville on March 01, 2012, 11:32:40 pm
Very nice save. That bow would be a good friend to take into the woods.

I don't know what a Black Mockingbird is, but I'm sure I want one too  :laugh:

Title: Re: Another abandoned Pearl stave saved..BL D bow
Post by: blackhawk on March 01, 2012, 11:56:42 pm
thanks cipriano...she is as smooth as silk to draw n mockingbird is my handle name on trad thinking of giving this one to an older guy i work with  :)