Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: swamp monkey on February 13, 2012, 08:37:59 pm
The Hunger Games is a popular teen series written by Suzanne Collins. A movie is coming out in late March 2012. The story hero is a teenage girl who shoots a bow that her deceased dad made in order to hunt in a post apocalyptic America. The book starts in a coal mining district.
A friend of my daughter requested a bow from me and was a fan of the series, so I made this one according to what I thought a coal miner's bow would look like.
total length 69"; hackberry. The wood had a bit of a kink in the handle that resembled a reflex.
2" wide at the fades; handle 1"; 5/8" at tips, limbs 1/4" thick. Minwax, English chestnut stain followed by 5 coats of boiled linseed oil. the emblem on the fades is the mockingjay emblem worn by the hero. Mockingjays are fictional creatures created by crossing wild mockingbirds with jabberjays. The rest requires some 'splainin' and that is not what this forum is about. The bottom line is youth will be keyed in on this series and the movie. We should think about how to use that enthusiasm to get youth into archery.
BTW the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) has conducted research that indicates students who engage in archery tend to score better on standardized tests and have improved self esteem. :D
That is neat. I have heard this series recommended several times. May have to check it out. Nice looking work.
that is the kinnd of bow made to make someone happy, good job!
Here is the F-D stats. With it being a youth bow I figure she will grow into it.
draw force
10 3
12 6
14 9
16 11
18 14
20 17
22 20
24 23
26 26
28 30
The series is a page turner. Each chapter was a cliff hanger!
I read the series, it was excellent. Bow looks great too, love the insignia on the limbs.
That is a a wonderful youth bow. I've seen some supposedly made for children that had so little power as to be un-usable and others that they could hardly draw and still aim, (...kinda like me on an ELB ;) ). It looks like your customer likes it!
nice bow swamp monkey, i ended up doing the same thing for my grand daughter after Avatar, makes ya feel good dont it, Bub
How did you get that amazing print on their?
That looks great, cant wait till my boy is old enough to shoot.
Good looking bow,with them stats it should be a smooth drawing and sweet shooting bow. :)
Great job! She looks pretty happy!!
Nice job, I teach high school and I've seen a lot of students reading that series. It's always nice when they read!
Great job, I'd love to get archery going here at the school.
Great looking bow. Always good to see kids getting interested in books and archery.
My 10 year old read the series and loved the books too. She is also a big fan of the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. LOTS of archery in those stories too.
Anything that gets them kids reading and then to have a hero and out shooting a bow. Win , Win , Win ! Good work ' Frank
Nice bow you made, and putting a bow in a childs hand is what it is all about. You can see it in their face right away.
Very nice! Looks like the bow is in good hands.....
Great looking bow and neat to see an uncoming archer. Congratulations
I just saw the hunger games movie. It is sure to drum some serious interest in archery! The lines to get in were unbelievable!
Right on! Very nice bow.
Sweet bow!!! She looks like she can hit what she's lookin at :)
It is wonderful to see the passing forward of the tradition :)
However, I think you may need to call the producers of the movie and offer to teach the "star" a thing or two before she hurts herself :-\
I don't know if this has already hit the round table but look at the attached promo pic from the movie. You'd think a major hollywood event would warrant someone at least showing her how to hold the bow ???...or better yet where to nock the arrow on the string :o. Or am I just whistling dixie and not familiar with this technique?
I noticed that in the pic too. her arrow is not centered on the string. Perhaps a early pic before she got comfortable. In the movie you really don't see much of that kind of stuff and are able to enjoy.
Her anchor is lower than I teach folks to use. That I did notice in the movie.
All that aside I still think youth will be excited about archery and THAT is good thing because they will come to people like us and not consult the movie!
It sorta looks like she is balancing her arrow on her wrist... And with a nocking point like that I feel bad for the bow, i wonder if it's fiberglass or wood, it's so hard to find a movie with a good traditional bow in it :(
@swamp monkey: fair enough. It wasn't really supposed to be a "hate" statement. More something to roll our eyes and laugh at. How was the movie btw?
Sweet! I've heard the books were excelent!
I feel bad for the bow, assuming its a real one, and if it is, also feel for the string slap her wrist is about to receive.... Other than that, I think I would like to contact the producer to find out more about the bow/s in this movie. I would like to know if they are real or just rubber props, what wood are they and who makes them...
Things happen during photo shoots that don't normally take place !
Low anchor point to expose a pretty face!
arm gets tired and shaky from holding it up to long!
Its all good !
I had high expectations for the movie considering how good the books were. The movie did not disappoint my high expectations! If you read the books IMO you will enjoy the movie.
My 10 year old daughter read the series and is looking forward to the movie. Might go see it today...
From reading some of the "Inside the making of..." stuff it says that the archery coach was an Olympic archer which would explain that chin hold anchor point.
I did read where she had been trained - that pic is so inconsistent with who you actually hold a nocked arrow I wonder if it is an artifact of post-production. Ive seen the same pic with a different backround, too. Gonna see tons of kids on here getting into archery, I believe!
btw, looks like my anchor - (cross dominance, NOT olympic-style!)
I like the look of the bow and arrows.... that parts pretty cool!!
I've seen some equipment in other movies that was comical to say the least :)
I had a film director upset because my bows didn't "creak" properly. I told him to go talk to the foley guys. Creaking bows are VERRRRRRY expensive, much easier to add in during post production. hehehehe.
beautiful bow monkey, I'm actually buildin a bow right now for a friend of the family. She's graduating high school in May and a big fan of both archery and The Hunger Games. I'm attempting to build a holmie and hope it turns out. I'm following ADB's Holmegaard build along so I got a good set of instructions to follow. After lookin at this picture though, I think I need to narrow the working portion of my limbs down to make it match more...
Here's the link to mine, in much need of more tillering. Any thoughts on if I should narrow at this point or not?,31843.0.html
That is a great looking trad bow, that's a great thing to see in a recent movie. It sure will peak some interest in archery. I wonder how they their hire bow makers, cause that would make for one cool job
If it's like LOTR the bow is actualy molded rubber. The arrows go exactly where the director says they will go. :laugh:
It is wonderful to see the passing forward of the tradition :)
However, I think you may need to call the producers of the movie and offer to teach the "star" a thing or two before she hurts herself :-\
I don't know if this has already hit the round table but look at the attached promo pic from the movie. You'd think a major hollywood event would warrant someone at least showing her how to hold the bow ???...or better yet where to nock the arrow on the string :o. Or am I just whistling dixie and not familiar with this technique?
Finger I can't comment on. String nock point... look on You Tube for the "string walking" technique. Not that I suggest that is what is going on here. I'm pretty shure if there could be captions to the pic it would read, Her:"Like this"? Photographer: "Yea... just look determined, focused and HOT. Hold that. Wait.. what the hell? Who turned off my flash?!. Hold it honey.... Clicks, just like that .. hey point your figer. That will look cool"!
It sorta looks like she is balancing her arrow on her wrist... And with a nocking point like that I feel bad for the bow, i wonder if it's fiberglass or wood, it's so hard to find a movie with a good traditional bow in it :(
Check out "Lost Future"... nice primitive bow there.
The bows in the movie are made out od good ol' Indiana osage, John Scifres who I am proud to be able to call a good friend is the feller who made the bows.
Here's a link with some info from John.;f=164;t=000009
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