Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Dictionary on February 04, 2012, 03:06:29 pm

Title: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Dictionary on February 04, 2012, 03:06:29 pm
Would be much obliged to know what this wood is. Its tough stuff, grows very straight without hardly any side branches. I got a picture of me bending it, and i've bent it around a tree without it breaking before. The bark is nearly impossible to get off in this season. I've tried making a bow from it green and its very..."pliable", meaning it bends too much i guess i should say. Pictures aren't too good so i took a bunch of em. I'm guessing its a hickory but this stuff grows too straight and knotless so i'm guessing its not a bow wood since from my experience bow woods are usually knotty and crooked unless in large diameter  :laugh: I often see knotless straight saplings and they usually end up being poplar.
Leaves are pinnately compound i think. cant be sure.

See below.....
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Dazv on February 04, 2012, 03:17:15 pm
the picturs arn't working for me.
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 04, 2012, 04:25:50 pm
I see hickory and oak ,I can't tell what the bush is !
build some bows and try arrows from the shoots
Have fun !
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Bevan R. on February 04, 2012, 04:29:18 pm
Photos not showing for me. Sorry. :'(
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 04, 2012, 04:45:24 pm
click on them ,they  should come up
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Dictionary on February 04, 2012, 04:53:06 pm
I hear a hickory and an oak...

Here is the best pic of the bark i have... since the pics don't appear to work for some people. (

Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Bevan R. on February 04, 2012, 05:12:54 pm
Thanks BG, that works. 8)
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: DRon knife on February 05, 2012, 06:27:29 pm
Hickory!! Shags in the making!  In one photo(background right) looks like a cluster of bitternut hickory..lucky dog!! a better pic I could confirm it. You must live in New England?

As for the shrub, I just just made a 24" bow from it...the thing is awesome!! light and fast,I d-flexed and re-curved it on a jig for 5 days in my boiler room. I'm looking to find two nice lengths now to make a spliced handle bow! Tons of it on the power lines,Ron
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: fishfinder401 on February 05, 2012, 06:35:39 pm
i still cant see?
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Dictionary on February 05, 2012, 07:30:09 pm
Here are the pics from imageshack, maybe they will work.

DRON says its hickory and so does Guy
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And the shrub(bush) VERY INVASIVE. Has taken over some of the woods around here.

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Sorry for the awful pictures

And DRON, you said you made a bow from that bush?? It grows like wildfire and i figured it was weak and useless for bows. And ha i didn't know that the other was hickory. I've been told hickory grows crooked and knotted. This wood is straight and has hardly any knots on 1 inch diamter and upwards.
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: DRon knife on February 06, 2012, 01:55:05 am
Check out hickory a little more and you may find that hickory wants to grow straight, also,look up bitternut hickory/bark and see if those background trees in pic 1 match up,bitternut makes good bark on bows that are indestructible,hickory was for me and is for all a great beginners wood.

Those shrubs(buck brush I call it)will make excellent bows,I cant believe how snappy this little sucker is!!  There are several different types I've found and have only tested one,I'll try to get u a pic of the bark,RON
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Nifty on February 06, 2012, 10:36:44 am
My mom always called that shrub Chinese Privet. Not sure if thats the proper name, but I made a hatchet handle out of it once, it's pretty hard, tough stuff. I would bet it would make a bow if you can find a piece long enough!
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Pat B on February 06, 2012, 10:59:46 am
See the "960x1280, 498K"  that is about twice what size your pics shoukld be for PA to accept them.  Should be "640x480, 200k max"
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 06, 2012, 11:32:06 am
Shag bark hickory and Chinese privet.

Whoever told you hickory grew twisted an crooked sure didn't know much about trees, they may have been thinking about osage and got the two mixed up.

Chinese privet is the scourge of the south, makes lousy bows but pretty good arrows, heavy and tough but a little hard to keep straight.
Title: Re: Another Tree Id Please
Post by: DRon knife on February 06, 2012, 01:57:40 pm
we may have two different types of"buck brush"then Eric,this wood is very light weight,I took the best pics I could.