Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: possum on August 02, 2007, 11:21:15 am

Title: elk antler bow
Post by: possum on August 02, 2007, 11:21:15 am
I'm starting on an elk antler bow.  Well, OK, I started a long time ago but life pulled me away and now I'll have more time.   ::)  I need information on how to splice the two pieces together and how much sinew someone would guess it would take.  The pieces are @20" each.  I was thinking maybe a butt splice with another piece lapped over both or maybe some interlocking type with another piece lapped over to also help build up the handle a bit.
As for the sinew, I have @13 deer leg sinew and @20 back sinew.  I had more back sinew yesterday but my dog got on the table as they were drying >:( >:( >:( >:(  Anyone want a dumb stupid boxer? :-\

Here's a page I made when I started
Title: Re: elk antler bow
Post by: Dane on August 02, 2007, 01:51:52 pm
Possum, I heard that dogs love eating sinew.

I assume you are making the bow with a wooden core? My understanding is a butt joint is all that you will need, assuming the horn will be on the back of the bow. That is the kind I am using for an Asiatic composite I have started already.
Title: Re: elk antler bow
Post by: possum on August 02, 2007, 03:06:52 pm
This is just an antler and sinew, no core.

Title: Re: elk antler bow
Post by: 1/2primitive on August 02, 2007, 03:17:25 pm
I was interested in these kinds of bows when I saw them in TBB, I will be checking in on this bow.
Title: Re: elk antler bow
Post by: welch2 on August 02, 2007, 05:39:22 pm
I havn't tried antler ,but I have made a few like that with horn and sinew.
      That's the way I do it.Butt joint at the handle ,tooth the entire back of both horns .Then make a short 3" piece to overlap the butt joint at the handle,and tooth both sides of the short piece.Drill a small hole in both limbs and matching holes in the short handle piece. Next I peg it all together with hand made horn dowels and hide glue . I leave the pegs just a little bit proud ,and sinew wrap the handle with one layer to come up flush with the pegs.

   After the assembled limbs have dried for a few weeks I put on the first sinew layer ,after 4 layers of sinew these little bows will pull into a 'C' so wrapping the limbs with sinew is usually necessary. Some of them end up completely wrapped.
