Primitive Archer

Information and Resources => Primitive Archery Clubs => Topic started by: Ringeck85 on January 11, 2012, 04:53:06 pm

Title: Traditional archery in D.C. area, Maryland, and NoVa
Post by: Ringeck85 on January 11, 2012, 04:53:06 pm
Hi!  My name is Jonathan and I'm interested in either starting or joining a traditional archery group in the D.C. area.  I'm willing to drive about thirty minutes out from there, but anything more than that is going to be difficult for me to do every week. 

My personal focus is on martial archery.  I intend to study the English longbow/warbow, but any other bow style that has been used historically in war is fine, or any traditional archer that just wants to practice is welcome!

I do have a nearby archery range that I intend to go to, I can give you directions via pm.

I intend to go as soon as I get my bow and arrows shipped to me (hopefully  by the end of the month), so I can't practice right away.

But I wanted to know who is in the area and would like to practice with me!
Title: Re: Traditional archery in D.C. area, Maryland, and NoVa
Post by: jthompson1995 on January 11, 2012, 10:02:53 pm
Look up Arundel Archers. They are in Crofton, MD, not too far from DC.  Not sure if they are strictly traditional or not, my guess would be not.

Title: Re: Traditional archery in D.C. area, Maryland, and NoVa
Post by: doggonemess on July 12, 2012, 11:31:05 am
Sorry to chime in so late on this, but I just discovered the topic. I am looking into Arundel Archers myself. I do most of my shooting in the backyard, but at only 100 feet or so, there's only so much I can do. Are either of you a member of AAA?
Title: Re: Traditional archery in D.C. area, Maryland, and NoVa
Post by: Scowler on July 22, 2012, 08:15:16 pm
Just found this topic myself.  I use to be a member of AAA back in '02-'05 and I checked out their range in '11.   Unless they have changed their rules/policies they have a no wooden arrows rule.  They really seem to favor FITA and compound archery.  I have seen some traditional shooters there but they all use aluminum or carbon arrows.  Not friendly towards primitive archers.  If you can make the drive check out Baltimore Bowmen.  I'm currently a member there and they are very friendly towards wooden arrows and primitive archers.
Title: Re: Traditional archery in D.C. area, Maryland, and NoVa
Post by: Yorkist on June 22, 2013, 07:23:54 pm
Well, I'm coming to this very late but I would be interested in joining or helping to found a primitive archer club in the DC area.  Like you I am big on the English warbow.  I am personally located in Fairfax County, Virginia.  PM me if you are still interested.