Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: toomanyknots on January 01, 2012, 07:58:57 pm
Just trying something new.
Looks very nice.....sort of "looks right" with the primitive bows
Looks great- well done!
Looks great
Thanks guys. I would rather op out for more standard cross stitched leather handle probably if given a choice between the two, but I don't think it's too bad. I wish I could figure out how to braid leather like a pool stick handle, ;D.
I like it ;)
That wrap has a nice look to it. Good idea.
Thats pretty stylish,i like it!
I think you need multiple strands for the poolcue look.
I have been thinking of trying to make a macrame sometime,there are some awesome patterns that cuold be made that way i think.
Thanks guys, I was just playing around. I'd rather have a normal leather handle or cordwrap any day though.
Fancy ;)
Nothing wrong with that. Looks really nice from here
After reading the title I was unsure about checking it out. But you did good, I like that wrap.
i think it looks really nice.good job brother,steve
I like it alot, good job.
Very simple and elegant. Makes me wonder if you could use contrasting leather lacing to make it pop a little?
I like it! Great Idea!