Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Archived Hunting Pics => Shooting and Hunting => 2011 Hunting Pictures => Topic started by: Ranger B on November 05, 2011, 07:30:49 pm

Title: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Ranger B on November 05, 2011, 07:30:49 pm
Well, it all came together but not in short order.  This hunt was quite an experience.  I got off early enough to get on the stand.  I hunted the Red River, which is one of my favorite places to hunt.  I hunted this stand last weekend and five does came in along the big bluff overlooking the river.  The pre-rut is on so I hoped that the doe activity would bring the buck around.  I’d seen several hot scrapes but I’ve had trouble in seasons past on the property with the bucks only coming in at night. 
At 5:00 p.m. an 8-pointer came in.  He got by me at about 40 yards then circled and came back at about 50 yards on the opposite side of me.  I got my camera out to take some pictures of him when he stopped and began acting strange.  At first I thought he smelled me but I was up really high and his behavior was odd – skidish and almost like he was scared of something.  At that moment I heard something behind me coming hard.  I turned to see a really big buck with his head right on the ground and a wild look in his eyes.  He was going to pass my tree at about 20 yards, but he was running.  I got ready to draw in hopes that he was stop. He was 20 yards out and sure enough he slowed to a fast walk.  I lined the shot up and was ready to release when he busted out again.  I released and hit him mid-body but back. 
I watched him disappear, eased down and went home.  I had shot him at 5:36 p.m.  I was using my new osage selfbow.  I got a piece of the osage that Denny Sturgis and Gary Davis cut when they made Gary’s video.  I planned to make it a 3D bow.  It’s 40# at 27”  I was shooting spruce arrows.  I named this bow Artemis, which is the Greek God of the Hunt – it proved to be true.
At 9:30 p.m. me, my kids, Pappy, Woody, John, my neighbor Michael and his kids and a couple of friends went back and began the track.  We cut blood right away and it began.  We had fairly good blood but the buck never bedded down.  We tracked the buck for about a mile with pretty good blood but he never bedded.  At 11:30 p.m. we felt like we must be pushing him so we decided to back out.  I was sick at my stomach.
This morning Logan, my youngest son, and I headed back.  It was a foggy morning.  I prayed that we’d find him but I wasn’t overly hopeful.  Coyotes are bad here and we’d heard them last night.  Logan and I went to where we stopped last night and continued.  Logan tracked great.  We were on an island so I knew that he was at the end of it or that he’d cross back over.   We had good blood for about a quarter of a mile then he either had to go down a bank and cross or he was there.  We searched hard then decided to cross the water and look on the other side.  We found blood on the other side of the water.  We climbed a steep bank and had great blood.  After about another quarter mile I found where he had bedded and there was a lot of blood.  I told Logan that if we had blood after he bedded then we’d be good but if none then he got the bleeding to stop. 
We saw good blood right out of the bed and about 20 yards later I saw something move.  There he was and still alive.  I put Logan down to watch him and I ran back to the truck to get my bow.  When I got back he decided to run for it but I got a good arrow in him.  He was down right away.  Artemis had done the trick and my biggest selfbow buck was down.  175# dressed.  An 8 pointer with two broken tines. Did an even bigger buck kick his butt?  What a dream come true.  (
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: TNArcher1969 on November 05, 2011, 10:47:41 pm
I would just like to say congrats again. The whole event is something I will never forget. I will probably tell that tracking story for the rest of my life. 6 adults and 8 kids... Have got to give the children props because they hung in there and never complained about anything. thanks for the experience.
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: CherokeeKC on November 05, 2011, 10:52:53 pm
Great deer and story!!  The track probably made the hunt even more memorable and satisfying.
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Justin Snyder on November 05, 2011, 11:20:27 pm
Great story and a great buck. Ill bet it was fun for your boy to get to track and find it with you.
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: ErictheViking on November 06, 2011, 01:33:23 am
awesome story and a very nice deer. congrats on the chase/tracking. I would love to do that with my kids.
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: youngbowyer on November 06, 2011, 01:35:32 am
Nice buck, great story, and awesome pictures. Congrats!
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: leapingbare on November 06, 2011, 01:12:23 am
The photos don't do the deer justice.
I seen him in the cooler today and he is HUGE!
Way to hold it to gather and make it happen!!
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Will H on November 07, 2011, 12:29:31 pm
I'm with Jesse, pics don't do him justice ;) Congrats Jimmy that is one of the best deer I've ever put my hands on! The way you did the follow up speaks volumes. You are an inspiration my friend!   ;D
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 07, 2011, 09:03:16 pm
Forty pound stickbows will never kill a deer.  That's for sure.  You gotta get a 130# PLUS compound with 200% let off and 12 grain nano-fiber arrows with exploding shrapnel IED arrows. 

Atta boy, Ranger.  Love the photo with you, your son, and a fine buck!  Nice work.

Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Kent D. on November 07, 2011, 10:01:42 pm
Very nice.  Congats
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Big A on November 08, 2011, 09:39:37 am
Way to go Jimmy. That is a great buck and cool story. You are doing great things with those kids also. Big A
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: TurtleCreek on November 09, 2011, 12:03:51 am
That's a dandy, good shootin'!
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Kolton on November 11, 2011, 06:33:03 pm
Good Job and nice deer story that a great buck
    God Bless
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: criveraville on November 15, 2011, 03:52:10 am

This is a an awesome story! Man that beautiful yellow bow blends in with the fall leaves. That's one nice big fat buck! They don't get that big here in Texas. Great pic of you and your son!  ;) Keep up the good work!!!

Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: GregB on November 15, 2011, 09:43:01 am
Great story Jimmy and congratulations on your buck! I think I got to hunt that farm with you a few years back, and it is a beautiful place to hunt! Glad your son got to experience the track with you, great memories!
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: mullet on November 15, 2011, 09:59:23 am
I'm with Jesse and Will, that deer was huge! And the smile on your face and son's were priceless when ya'll rolled into Pappy's with it in the back of the truck.
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: Pappy on November 15, 2011, 10:30:09 am
Nice Deer Jimmy and great follow up. :)
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: PeteC on November 15, 2011, 11:32:57 pm
Congratulations on a nice buck,and y'all did a good job recovering him. God Bless
Title: Re: Birthday buck with new osage selfbow
Post by: HH~ on December 13, 2011, 10:01:20 am
Well Alright Jimmy James

Finally we got some of that west fork Horn Porn goin on. Great for you. Nice story and we also have been blessed with some Bone-In photo's. Like the full grip on that stick launcher as well.

Get outta the Afghan suck-hole in a week, leaves about 10 days to fork a few long eared bean eaters. Made some bows here on the edge of the Red Desert outta some really nice wood. Came off a few Haji Broom handles, shot some arrows that Joe had shipped in here. Had a hillbilly range where we threw hatchets, knives, and shot bow. Kinda loud when they were hangin 120's 50 ft away however.