Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: johnston on November 01, 2011, 10:21:41 pm
Stitched one piece leather wrap... Do I put glue on the handle before sliding the wet leather in place? TBII ok ?
Whether stitched or wrapped, I've always used DAP contact cement...I apply it to the inside of the leather and also the bare wood, let it sit for a bit until it gets tacky and then adhere the two pieces...not sure of your process with the 'sliding' of wet leather? I've used the wet/damp leather process before but you have to be careful, with leather being elastic and shrinking when it dries, it can also tear away from your stitching if you're not careful...hope this helps some, cheers - P1.
x2 on the contact cement - you don't need much, just enough to keep it from shifting. Contact cement will come off if necessary and the residue can be rubbed off with your finger. No need to wet the leather - if it won't stretch to conform to the grip, it's probably too thick.
Lane, I've done it that way, with the damp leather and Titebond (II or III, don't remember). I've also done it without glue. Either way will work.
Hey Lane,
Dont know about wet leather and slide on's. I dry fit my leather and punch it with an awl, then lay some duco cement on the leather and stitch it in place. It will hold real tight and if you have to....ya can pull it off without damage to the bow. If that helps ya any.