Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Brent.Mac. on October 24, 2011, 11:03:38 pm

Title: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: Brent.Mac. on October 24, 2011, 11:03:38 pm
Hello everyone reading, just to let you know I'm a total beginner, so I'm just 'testing the waters' a bit, I'm working on my first bow now, and it's been a great learning experience for me!  This one might not be a shooter, but hopefully #2 will be!(Seems addicting >:D)

Anyway back on topic, I'm wondering what a board bow is?  Do you go to home depot and buy a plank of wood?  If you have made such a bow could you tell me what too look for and what kind of wood to look at.  General tips.  I don't think my parents want me cutting down too many trees :-[.  Do you generally have to back board bows? 

I've been looking at different bow "shapes" and found two that really stuck out, Penobscot and Mollegabet.  If you have any expirence with these I'd really appreciate the advice!

Thanks a lot everyone!
-Brent, the rookie :) 
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: jturkey on October 24, 2011, 11:19:23 pm
yes brent board bows are boards bought at home depot lowes or any other lumbermill or need to look for the straightest grain possible no run-offs. maple red oak and popular are what the homdepot here sells at reasonaable price. stay away from the popular though. gearge on here has a site but i don't know the link it has a lot of information on the board bows. i have made a mollegabet mine was out of a hichkory stave from a young hick that we cut down for smoking purposes.with the help of rich(half-eye) and ken both. (bow still shoots wonderfully to.)
 there is a lot of help on here and welcome it is very addictive lol.

Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: M-P on October 24, 2011, 11:20:59 pm
Brent,  Yes, a board bow is just one stArted from a board, instead of stave.  The most important part is picking the right board. !   Ther is a chapter in TBB on making bows from boards.  JAWGE ( amember on this forum) also has a website with excellent info on selecting a good board and turning it into a bow.  I expect JAWGE will leave reply,but if he doesn't you might send him a pm for the website URL.   RON
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: Ifrit617 on October 24, 2011, 11:52:36 pm

Welcome to the sight!!! As far as board bows go I would also recommend jawges site and remember... STRAIGHT GRAIN IS A MUST!!!! I would stay away from a Molle design with red oak or maple unless made quite long because that design puts quite a bit of stress on the inner limbs and both milled I have built from red oak have chrysaled(compression failure) and then broken after a few thousand shots...:( I have no experience with the Penobscot design however, and I wish you good luck!

Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: Brent.Mac. on October 25, 2011, 12:13:39 am
Thanks for all the quick advice so far, but when you say "run offs" you mean the grain leads off the board?
What would be the wood best suited for the molle design?  I think I will make another D bow before trying anything fancy, I need to learn how to properly learn how to mark the stave before working on it, the major problem I had on my current stave :-[.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: Pat B on October 25, 2011, 12:42:53 am
Welcome to PA, Brent.Mac.   If you look on the top of the "How To and Build Along" page you will see Jawge's Website. Check it out. George has everything you need to know about choosing the right board through building and finishing your bow. Well worth the read.
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: Bohunter0908 on October 25, 2011, 01:50:12 am
welcome to PA and the greatest addiction
You'll ever have good news is there
Are lots of great people with great knowledge
on here who love to help feed the addiction >:D
I'm pretty new myself. George has great sight also
Check out he does a lot of board
bows has a couple of build a longs.
Main thing is keep at it and make shaving
have fun.
Laporte TEXAS
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: ken75 on October 26, 2011, 01:47:53 am
hillbilly did a molly build along in the how too section
Title: Re: What are board bows? + Bow Shapes.
Post by: bubby on October 26, 2011, 03:53:46 am
Brent, personally I think the best use for red oak is a pyramid bow, you can easilly get a 50# bow, if you want to try one pm me and i'll give you starting deminsions, Bub