Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: jermcramp1 on October 18, 2011, 01:06:20 am
I'm working on my second bow, its a rip off of ken75's shorty hickory/walnut molly, kind of...
56" t2t 10"static 2"fade 12"working 2"fade 4"handle
I've got it to a 4" brace and its about 35# @ 17, I'm working slowly and working limbs seems to be bending equally, but one of the limbs is twisting a little when i flex it, its kind of corkscrewing slightly, I have a 4" gizmo but I cant use it because the limbs are too short, I tried to make a 2" long gizmo but it didnt work either...
I've got tiller block, any advice would be greatly appreciated
You can see how the left front is rotating down
How far clockwise the limb is twisting
and at 4" brace
morw twisting
I have been working the limb slowly but have seen minimal untwist and an worried about ending up too light...
I am at a standstill guys, sorry about the pic links, not sure how to do it otherwise...
The pics are probably essential for help. Just don't mess up through impatience.
Check the side to side thickness of the limb that is twisting. Sounds like one side is thicker than the other.
What Pat said. These bows do have a mind of their own. LOL. Inspect the limbs after taking a few passes to make sure the wood removal is equal. At any rate, remove wood from the HIGH side..the side furthest from the string when stave is strung in your case. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE. TOUGH MORNING. Sorry. Jawge
Here's a link to a thread discussing tiller-induced twisting. Perhaps you'll find it useful. :),27206.msg364029.html#msg364029
Wow, thanks for the link! it seems so simple now...I had to put it down last night cause I couldn't figure out which side to work on.
Thanks guys, I will still post pics asap.
One more question, I'm shooting for 45-50# @ 28",
How should I step up the weight vs inches from where I'm at now at 35# 17"? I don't want to over stress too early
Keep pulling till you see an uneven tiller or you hit the target weight !
As long as the tiller is even thru the entire bending areas ,and the two limbs are even then you can keep pulling to your target weight (50lbs)
keep working it this way till you get to about an inch less than draw length ,save that last inch for sanding !
One other thing to watch is for a change in unstrung look (or set to start)
Keep it simple Keep it fun !!
Plenty pics at the links...
Ok, saw the almost full draw pic and I gotta ask, how does it shoot? I mean sure it has some twist but does it shoot bad? Ain't saying you should not try to fix it and there are folks on here who can help...but hell, it looks like a shooter to me.
Nice work on the grip.
I havent pulled it past 17" or 35#, been scared since I punched myself in the eye when my first one blew up on me. But I guess so long as the string tracks over center a little twist doesnt matter too much huh?
I'm taking it to the country this weekend so hopefully I can get me a deer quickly so I can finish her up. i was really hoping to get my first bow deer with my trad bow but as my first one died and this one aint done yet I gotta use the training wheels...
Thanks about the handle, I think I'm going to add wedges of hickory over the walnut to give me a more secure grip, |\ /| something like that