Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: DLH on October 15, 2011, 04:57:25 pm
Trying to build a hickory pyramid its 68in long and 1 and a half wide here it is a brace looks rough.
I thinks its bending way to much at the fades. If anything have learned some lessons 1. pay attention and don't cut it narrower than planned (aiming for 1 3/4 but mind was wandering) 2. careful with the fades if they bend too much its bad news. I guess I learn the hard way but if you read about a mistake its a lot harder to learn if you make a mistake its completely different. At this point I just want a shootable bow I don't have any money in it except glue the rest was scraps from my grandpas shop. So what do you all think?
What is it braced at? Looks a little too high. You are right about it bending right out of the handle a bit much. Stay away from that area completely. Let's see a full draw shot. It is definately salvagable but it may come in lighter than you wanted and have some string follow. It's a good experience maker though. :)
I think you're on the right track. Your bow is bending too much right at the fades. Remove wood mid-limb, and out to the tips, and you should be able to save it. Don't bend it anymore until you do.
I had been bracing it running a tillering gizmo up the limbs than unbraceing and removing wood and repeating have left the weaker limb alone though thought that would help. The brace is at about 7in to the belly side of the handle.
Keep going your doing fine !!
Drop the brace height an inch for now to ease off the load.
I'm that it will end up a shooter, might be a tad less poundage than you wer hoping for, but just tell folk you were aiming for that stiff outer limb style of tiller anyway! >:D
You're getting there. Don't give up on her. Lower the brace height a bit, as suggested. Leave the wood on near the handle and remove wood from midlimb out to about 4-6" from the tip ends. You just need to get the entire limb bending rather than just that part of the limb nearest the handle. Finish it and learn from it.
Does it look any better? I think it looks a little better but what do I know. I don't have another string right now or a jig to make one trying not had enough time to trade for one.
Keep going your getting there !
I cant wait to see ya finish this !
The mid and outer limbs still look very stiff. I still wouldn't touch the fades. A pic with it bending a bit would also help.
I agree with adb. On the plus side it is hickory ;D Can you get a pic of the bow being drawn a little?
looking alot better. I agree with others, still a tad stiff from mid limb out. If you're going to keep making bows(everybody here knows you will) you are going to want to learn to make flemish strings, no jig required. A 1/4 # roll of b-50 will only set you back about 8 bucks and you can make alot of strings from it. They aren't hard to make, once you get the hang of it. BTW that already looks way better than my first. Good work so far!
Thanks everyone. I have the string material just have seen the flemish strings made on a jig online. Have made one string from a endless jig I improvised but it was just temporary. I'll scrap some more and post some more pics.
Yes there is hope!!!you can do it, you already have good advice so I will just give you moral support ;) can't wait to see final pics.if u need advice on string making pm me I will try to help.
Really you shouldn't be bracing that bow as the limbs are still not the same strength, in the last pic the one on the left is still stronger. It also has a better shape - more even bend. The right limb is still bending too much out of the fade. Remove material form the right limb- around 8-10 inches from the fade out to the tip. Then remove wood from the left limb everywhere apart from the first few inches (4ish) out of the fade. You will have to take off more from the left limb to even up the strengths. If the right limb was bending correctly then it wouldn't look so out of tiller.
Remember when tillering you are aiming to stress the bow the minimum amount necessary to see stiff/weak spots.
Hope this helps.
Follow the above advice. Don't bend the bow any further until you see an even tiller. What's your draw length? Bet you'll be able to pike the bow and pick up some poundage when it's tillered.
This is giving me fits I never want to mess the fades up like this again can't imagine what a working a stave or something with character is like...
Remember the fade area is under more stress than the rest of the limb so even on a pyramid bow (little or no thickness taper) the first couple of inches out of the fade are best left a shade thicker than the rest of the limb. If you make another bow like this make an 1/8th thick lam thants four inches longer than the handle lam and glue it inbetween.
Heat treating the belly might be soemthing to consider at this point.
Heat treating the belly might be soemthing to consider at this point.
I was considering this thought it would pop my glue joint but could just reglue a piece.
I think its gettin close removed twice as much wood on the stronger limb just want to get this one finished up and start a fresh.
Thanks Everyone.
Think I'm going to finish this one up and call it quits and start a new on that I'm gonna be alot more careful on thanks everyone for the help.
Nice job im looking forward to seeing your next.
That last shot is looking pretty darn good. The fade area bend seems a lot better. You got her bending more both mid limbs. First third of bottom limb looks a little stiff. Looks like a tiny bit of hinge in the area just past mid limb on the bottom (could be the pic with shadows and angle). That could be smoothed out by getting the tip area just past it to bend more. A whisker more off both tips and you got her! Just what I see but I'm an apprentice here too.