Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Stiks-N-Strings on September 25, 2011, 07:06:11 pm
I love this short draw shooting! Didn't think I would at first but I liked the looks of these little bows so much I had to give it a whirl.
47.5" tip to tip 46" ntn. Mocassin backed Yew. 51# at 23". I built me a few stone head arrows and a few trade points to hunt with and I'm hoping she'll make some meat this fall.
Thanks for looking.
wow! that is a beautiful paddle bow, very very impressive. when i think of a perfect bow for hunting blacktails thats what i think of
is it sinew backed or no ??
either way that's a cool little bow!
Yeah, I gotta try a shortie some time.
Grat looking bow.
Sweet lil meat making rig >:D....good luck with her....I always like a good shorty. :D
No sinew, just a sweet shooting little self bow with some purty skins ;D
Thanks for compliments, Stiks
Nice looking shorty! For some reason, I don't think of using yew wood. I happen to have a piece that would be perfect for it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Cool little bow Kris. I love those moccosin skins. I guess you finally figured out when to stop? ;D
That's just great! Excellent profile, tiller, and finish work, Kris! :)
that is just sweet. love that yew grain and the full draw is money
Goodlooking shortbow!
cool bow ;) Nice to see you back ;D
Pat you known I did LOL I figured 23" and a little set was good enough!
MWirwicki, It has alot of sapwood on and I figured it would take alot more set but it didn't. She ain't no speed demon by no means but she still shoots good and hard out to 15 yds which is plenty for her intended quarry of whitetail and turkey.
if you can get shorter arrows that are still spined right your speed will go up. im sure a 60 inch bow with 50 inch arrow wouldnt be a speed demon either if you catch my drift. i tend to like shorter arrows with shortbows because of the flatter trajectory at 20 yards. i have looked at this bow probably 10 times and still drooling over it
Not very often does a name just come to me for a bow but it did for this one an hour or two after I read Pat B's post.
I think I'll call her "Patience"
Fits don't it Pat LOL
I think that thing is very cool dose she have abit of hand shock???
It shoots different than a regular bow for sure but I don't think it has alot of jock. Actually it is pretty smooth compared to what I expected. Of course I have never shot any thing like it before so I really don't have anything to compare it other than regular longbows or recurves.
I did have a Bear supermag 48" one time and this little bow shoots alot smoother than it did. This little bow is a alot of fun and pleasant to shoot.
Barefoot, I had the same thoughts on the arrows and ended up with 2 26" arrows with stone points around 125 grains and two 27" arrows with 150" grain trade points.
I will use the trade points for coons and such but my stone points are strictly reserved for that first primitive kill whitetail or longbeard. There is a noticable difference in trajectory at 20 yds but 15 and under not enough to worry about. I also built one arrow with an antler blunt tip rolling bunnies and tree rats. I figure it will knock'em for a loop and I can quickly dispatch them with quick wack in the noggin.
I'll get some pics up of my arrows and the quiver I'm makin' for this set up. Gonna do a quiver and bow sock kinda deal all in one with a bob cat hide.
Yes Sir,
That is one fine looking little bow.
Never knew Cotton Mouth skins could look so good... :)
Kris that thing came out awesome. Love them little short bows, Yew did that one justice, very nice work Bro, now get out there and shoot something. >:D
Keenan that's one of the yew billets I got from you in TN
That makes me even happier for YEW!!! LOL
I have blown up every short bow attempted over 30#. Every time I get the lust cooled off another poster quality bow comes along. It is hunting season and ain't got time for this but mercy me that is sweet!
Who would have thought moccasin skin was that pretty? We have them all over South Carolina where I live and they are usually muddy grey from the swamp. Well you have inspired me to go out and lose a finger or two. Great looking bow and I will get some moccasin skin for next bow!
Just beautiful,I missed this when it came out ,don't know how but glad it came back up.Sweet. :)
That is one beautiful bow!
dig those little short bow and this one is exceptional.
sure would like to see yr quiver/bowsock made from that bobcat.
and some of yr arrows too!
Moccasin Bit Yew!
Kris, this is my first time to see the shorty you mentioned on my post. What a BEAUTY! Definitely a keeper! My experience has been the same as yours -- very pleasant to shoot, quick, and powerful! Mine actually has less handshock than the 60"+ hick bow i made of same weight.
Happy hunting!!
Thanks for all the compliments, I really did not expect to win BOM with this little bow. Very humbling to be in company with the caliber of bowyers on this site and achieve BOM with my first yew bow. I definetley could not have done it with out the encouragement of a few fellers here that I am blessed to call my friends and mentors.
It is my first succesful yew bow after I blew up a couple other long bows. Now it's on to another after hunting season.
beautifull shortbow, very nice
Yes Sir!
Congratulations Stiks-n-Strings, on winning Self Bow of the Month!
I was Pulling for ya!
I Really Like This Bow!
what a great looking little bow how has the hunting been going with it???