Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Prarie Bowyer on September 19, 2011, 02:42:25 am
Ha! I made a bow that didn't break, that I like, and that is over 50#!
Should my brace height be deeper than my fletching? I'm at 5.5" and the tips of my fletching rest on the side of the bow. Is that normal? It shoots off the hand.
70" R/D with a handle bump. 53# at 29-30". I'm thinking 2 more twists of the string will put me at 54# at 28. Pics coming.
The brace height on my board bows are all 6-6.5 inches, and my fletching touches my bow as well, with no shooting problems.
Looking forward to seeing your pic's.
Changing brace height doesn't affect draw weight. Brace height depends a lot on personal preference. I usually like a 6" brace height.
One tip is to keep the bracing height as low as you can and still get clean arrow flight. A higher bracing height will give you slower arrows and increase strain on the bow.
Mine are usually 51/2 to 6 that seems to works for me. :) I usually use 4 inch feathers and start fletching them a little futher back on the arrow so it don't set against the bow. :)
What mikekeswick said.
Howdy, I tend toward low brace heights. See other's comments on keeping the brace height as low as is consistent with clean arrow flight. I feel that strains the bow a little less and theoretically is slightly more efficient. As a result my fletches almost always touch the bow, but I don't notice a problem. ( That may be different if I hunted and was worried about noise during the draw.) Ron
I like to begin adjusting brace height at fletch clearing distance. Typically, my brace height is 7-7.5 inches as measured from string to back of handle. This may help you tune up.
My bows use'lly have a little clearence of the feathers. Each bow is a little difference. You have to show it to find that sweet spot.
Has anyone ever noticed any performace problems if the fletchings touch the bow at brace height? The bow I recently made has a brace height a little over 5 inches and the fletchings on my arrows do touch my sight window a bit, but i'm still fairly new to shooting instinctive and can't really tell if that is throwing me off or not.
I have few that sit on the grip, no biggy.
Well that's good to know, because I am very happy with how everything turned out and I would be reluctant to start making changes to it now.
A fistmele works well for me, and it's easy to measure (mine's around 6 1/2"). It clears my fletchings, and if my brace height gets much lower, my wrist starts getting slapped.
I prefer to keep my BH as low as I can and still keep the bow quiet.Mine usually end up at 5 1/2",and the front of my fletching lays on the handle as you described yours.It does'nt hurt a thing.I think it is easier on self-bows with a low BH ,with less strain . JMHO God Bless
I'm trying to get pics up but PhotoBucket isn't letting me in today.
I stressed out about the same thing when I began, , but I'm now shooting well at 5 1/2 in. brace with short 60" or so bows and do not see any Ill effects.
why does it matter if the fletches touch at brace height? when you draw the bow they wont touch and when ya release the arrow they all touch for a sec. does it really matter? I have been flintknapping a few years and I just started dabbling with making primitive bows so I was just wondering. do me it doesn't seem that it should make a difference.
Well I was just thinking that it will probably tear up the feathers. They touch before drawing. On a knuckle shot bow that means that when drawing the feathers are rubbed backwards adding wear and tear. I'm uisng 5" long fletches adn I may drop that down in the future.
Still cant get into my photobucket account. The bow is on my Face Book Account.