Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: hook on June 14, 2011, 08:53:43 pm
Hey everyone!
I just recently broke my (I don't remember how many'th) bow because it got over heated when the steam pot ran out of water. It was tillered and drawing 55# at 30" but I had string alignment issues and well....ho-hum there goes another one. I have very little time to work on one now but might be interested in purchasing one with a 30" draw length and 55 to 60 lbs
anybody got any suggestions on where to get one? prefererably osage unless its to $$$$
PM James Parker (robustus)
I say stick with it!!! if you had it pulling 50pounds at 30 you were almost there! String alignment isnt a big deal there are ways around that. I understand wanting to buy one until you can get one built but I would just start another bow and take your time with it and ask lots of questions on here. You might be able to get one on the trade blanket if you have anything to trade? Do you have any staves seasoned and ready to go? What are you wanting to spend on a bow? that would give us a better idea on who to reccomend. ;D
if ya gotta buy one till ya can build another, you can get one perty much done, just sand and finish, probably from james parker, but dont give up, it's a blast when ya finally get it, Bub
I feel your pain buddy.. I have broken 3, then I had an epiphany O:) O:) I became a gatherer of "natural renewable resources" and traded for some fine fine specimens.... ;D ;D
14...That's how many I broke or came in under weight before I got a bow I could hunt with, hook. That was in the early 90's. This isn't for everybody. There are many top notch bowyers who will make you a bow. I had a burning desire to hunt with and kill a deer with equipment I made myself. I finally did it and it was exhilarating! The other option is to attend a bow making class. I would be glad to give you a push in the right direction but NH is probably far from where you are. Then there is Mojam which is a great way for a beginner to get started and an all around fun time for the veteran bowyer. I went in 2003 and had a blast. Jawge
I did about the same as Jawge and same desire to hunt with something I made , I also would be happy to give you hand ,as is showing you :) if you are anywhere close to TwinOaks. We do a lot of teaching and showing most every weekend. :)
hook, here are some tips that have helped me over the course of 20+ years. When I started, kin dried boards where a no no. Tim Baker put that idea to rest and had I started with one, success would have been quicker. First, go to the lumberyard or local box store and get a straight grained piece of red oak ...straight tip to tip with no knots or imperfections now matter how small. Repeat after me, "I will find a straight grained piece of red oak or I will walk away and come back another day." Look at the face of the board. Nothing else matters. Forget the butt grain. What kind of cut, etc is meaningless. Second, repeat the first step in the car as you head to the store. Three, find a piece of red oak .. a 1 x 2. Perfect! Easy. Four, leave it that dimension. Resist all temptation to add a glued on handle. Resist all temptation to narrow the handle; leave it 1.5" wide and 3/4" thick. Five, double your draw and add 30%. So if you draw 26", make your bow...68" ntn. Bend in the handle bows shoot well and are not shocky. Sixth,, trust me I've made many board bows. They may not be pretty but they shot fast and hard. Seven, there is much on my site regarding board bows. If I had it when I started, I'd use it. Eight, enjoy. Have fun.
Pappy, you are a kind man. Thanks for volunteering. I need to mention, though I never took lessons I had Bob Holzhauser of Silver Arrow Archery (now OTB, sadly) often check tillers on my bow. He is the best osage bowyer I've seen ever. I'm not going to name other names because people out. hook, if yo an take Pap up on his offer then do it. Jawge
I never did either Jawge,lots of hard knocks, Finely got some shooters and meet Gary and he perfected mine or helped prefect them some and now that is old history. I love helping people get started,I do way more of that now than work on my own. Your site has helped 100's probably 1000s
since I ant much on keeping up a web site I just do what I can ,hands on. Hook hang in there and take Jawges advice and you will have a shooter before you know it. :) :)
Hook- you just heard from some of the best. Where ya from cause someone on here should be somewhat close ;)
The thing to keep in mind is that - just like with skinnin cats - There's lots of different knives to use, several different places you can start and a whole bag full of ways to get them to turn lose of their fur. In short, everybody has a different approach, but we're all just bendin sticks. Keep tryin and remember the secret is to stop just before ya break it!
;D ;D ;D ;)
thanks guys for the support and I should add that I am not through with this yet! I know I can make one! I just don't have the time and don't know when I will. I am working out of town and living in a hotel. I really like the idea of just sanding and finishing one like bubby said, that way I can say i kinda made it anyway lol.
I'll PM robustus and see whats up!
thanks again
Good luck getting James to answer a PM. You are better off calling him. If you travel to Fl let me know, same offer you got from George and Pappy stands here too. If you have trouble getting in touch with James, let me know.