Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: johnston on June 05, 2011, 12:00:36 am
Now we all know that when pictures of our work areas are posted things in the background will be noticed. Ask about tiller and someone is sure to say," Take off about half a thousandth 7 61/64ths out off the fades". They may say "well I'll be derned, you got 349 bricks on your back wall. I ain't got but 300." Outside photo? "That pecan tree, the one looks like it was planted ,oh, about 1983 it has ear mites on its lower disidous apertites".
And they will be right every time. Cause for the most part these are hunters, primitive bow hunters and by god they sure don't miss much. one ever notices ;) just how messy your work area is. We can place a bow on top of a pile of shavings and folks will say" nice clean lines on that Molle" never "Sweep the damn floor ,dude". But they notice. I know they notice cause I notice.
I have made a living for over 40 years with tools in my hands and I know, absolutely know, that nothing pretty ever came out of a trashy work space. I know every tool should be put up when not in hand. I know these things.What I don't know is how things got this bad this quick. And just who is gonna straighten it out?(
Hell man, by comparison your shop is spotless !!!! no I dont care to share pics of mine.....just to nasty to contemplate ;D as to straightenin it out.....I'm still watin on that damned shed fairy to show up.
If your shop is too clean, it means you aren't doing any work. Shops aren't for showing off, they are for piling up shavings and such.
I see ya got a fan blowing on your wood,and dude sweep that dang floor :D
I agree with those above...I just try not to let it go to far. And try to keep my tools at least in the same "area" when done,and ill at least push my shavings into a pile in the corner when done too.
Just be glad you have a shop. I have to do all my work in an apartment with a 2 year old around, meaning I can't leave anything out when I'm done for the day.
You mean there is a shed fairy! Send that fairy to my shed right away!!!!!!
Rich I was showing off the wood I cut today and having a little fun. Check out that curvaceous piece of hornbeam. Don't know what I'll do with it but had to have it.
Weylin I have to leave it out so I can find it again.
blackhawk that fan is on me!
prosaffel I agree but management doesn't.
Is that a 1955 model freezer? ??? Bet its full of critters ;D ;D
You mean there is a shed fairy! Send that fairy to my shed right away!!!!!!
I'm married to her. She will come out and clean the shop any time I let her. Then it takes me a month to find stuff. Worse yet, she has the gift of pitch, if I don't keep a close eye on her that big washer I saved off the last golf cart rebuild goes in the trash. She has no appreciation for good junk. Last time out I lost all my old golf cart seat backs. ::) I still love her though. And my shop's still a mess. ;D
I have birds nesting in the rafters above my bench and mitre saw I'm sure the bastards just stick their tail over the rim of the nest when they need to go!
I have birds nesting in the rafters above my bench and mitre saw I'm sure the bastards just stick their tail over the rim of the nest when they need to go!
;D :D
Fisrt thing I noticed was the grain lines on that 2 x 4, I wouldnt try to build a bow with that..............................go find one with better grain....My shop used to be clean when I worke don one bow at a time. Now that I have a few cooking at any given moment the shop is never clean.
I don't worry about it till I'm done for awhile. If I have a couple of bow builds going on back to back the shop area where I work is a disaster. I'll clean it when I'm done, cause why should I waste time cleaning when I'm just gonna funk it up some more before I'm finished. Kinda like "I'll sleep when I'm dead" plenty of time for all that later. ;)
I'm pretty particular about my yard, my house, my bedroom, and other important areas as far as neat and orderly.........but my work space isn't one of them. Too much time spent cleaning is wasted energy and time better spent working.
However.............when I'm prepping staves I have to clean the floor in between each one cause otherwise I would be waist deep in bark and sapwood. Then it becomes a safety issue and a trip hazard. I'd hate to trip over a pile of bark and plant a draw knife in my forehead or my arm. :o ;D
Oh heck Chirs, that ain't so bad...I've only done it twice now ;D I do however, now keep the leather sheath on my drawknife (had to protect the blade ya know >:D) and my floor is ankle/shin deep right now but as you say, when you have multiple bows or projects going it is hard to clean it all up. I will likely have to do a cleaning here shortly though as this pattern of many bows in the steamer could go on for quite a while I think ::)
You get used to it after awhile, and wallowing in your own filth starts to feel somewhat comforting. :-\ :D
Of course I'm just kidding. I hate tripping over stuff while I'm trying to work.
I keep pushing the osage shavings into a pile until it is such a hassle I can't stand it. Then I roll the wheelbarrow in the shop, load it up and put them around my shrubs in the front yard. Sometimes I have 2 or 3 different colors of darkening osage out there. There's a duck nesting there now so I'm hoarding shavings until she gets done.
I tried cleaning up my shop once but I'm still looking for the stuff I misplaced then. ::) Lots of my shavings go into the wood stove for fire started in the winter. There is still plenty, mind you but that's my story and I'm sticking with it. :D
I think "regular" bow building wouldn't be a huge deal as far as a mess BUT I did debark about 18 Osage staves down there...that makes way too much mess, next batch will be debarked outside ::)
If you haven't finished reading Mr. Webb's "Born Fighting" book yet, I highly encourage it. It's a darn good read. ;)
I also use my bark and shavings for fire starter in the wood stove in winter, but now that it's hot and don't need a fire going in the garage I pile them up outside to be burned. Osage makes the best fire starter, and the end pieces that get cut off are some of the best wood stove fuel I've ever burned. It ranks highest of most BTU's with least amount of ash left over.
Too bad the shavings aren't worth money cause I'd be rich. :-[
I also use my bark and shavings for fire starter in the wood stove in winter, but now that it's hot and don't need a fire going in the garage I pile them up outside to be burned. Osage makes the best fire starter, and the end pieces that get cut off are some of the best wood stove fuel I've ever burned. It ranks highest of most BTU's with least amount of ash left over.
Too bad the shavings aren't worth money cause I'd be rich. :-[
Yeah id be a millionaire!
My old lady dos'nt even like to clean the house she dose it. But she dos'nt like it she'ed surely never go out and clean my shop. Really not sure if I ant her to. I really hate her to come in and move one thing. I'm sure your all just like me you know where everything is and it all has a place. She came out about 15 years ago said it smelled to animally. Has'nt been back sence she leaves me alone to do my thing she says. I like it that way.
Looks a lot like mine,the funny part is I know where everything is,if folks that use the tools will just put it back in the right pile, ;) ;D ;D As far as wood shavings and scrap wood it don't last long around my place.Man needs fire also. :)
My shop/storage building is terrible. Too bad for even me.
My wife really put her foot down the other day and demanded that I clean it.
Well, she would have.... She could not get in the door. ::)
I am going to clean it. Someday......
I think I have a distinct advantage over most in that I dont have a physical "workshop" persay haha. The shed in the backyard is an ongoing process so right now I use the back deck of our townhouse. So I gotta cleanup everyday after I'm done or the old lady would have a fit and I gotta put the tools back in their place otherwise they wont fit in the house haha. But if you catch my work area mid way through some bow building it looks much the same.
Guys I started this thread mostly in jest cause of the way I have so many tools scattered. I have put most up two or three times only to get 'em back out. They can stay where they are. Never thought about putting the shavings on flowers but yeah, that would work. Speaking of plants, my wife read a few comments and said she was glad I did not post pic's of her planting tables. I reached for my camera and heard" Oh hell no!"
Still ain't got it back.