Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: jpitts on March 17, 2011, 03:10:34 pm
Hi guys. Been a long time since I've been on here. Hope everyone is doing great.
I saw a tree down near Plant City this past weekend that was both in a park and larger versions in peoples yards. The bark was scaly or fissured like a hackberry and the shorter versions had very spindly upper limbs that resembled a willow with red tubular blooms. The taller trees were very straight.
I was wondering if anyone from Florida knew what kind of tree this is or experience trying to make a bow from it....I may be able to get some pics from my nephews later...
Jimmy, post a pic if you can. I live in north Fl. and maybe I can help.
Thanks Donnie. I'll see if I can get one.
Sounds like a Bottle Brush but, pictures would be easier. When I get home this weekend I'll take a picture of the one in my yard. If it was pinkish-purple, it might have been a Tababue, or commonly called,Ipe. They are being planted all over Lakeland and Plant City. The flowers are also yellow.
Thanks Mullet,
I just sent my nephews a pic request. They were planted in the median around and in the park at Walden Lakes. I also saw a few 30' ones in peoples yards. Now that I've been bitten by the bow bug, I look at every tree and wonder.... ;D
The leaves were very narrow and sticking out opposite sides of a thin a willow. The blooms were tubular shaped...about 2 inches long and red. Hopefully the boys can get me some pics this weekend....should have gotten some when I was there....
Jimmy, If this is the tree you are talking about, it is a Weeping Bottle Brush. And they are in Walden Lake. Here's pictures of the different stages of the blooms and bark.
Thanks Mullet. Thats it. Do you think it would be a worthy bow wood? I'm just curious....
BTW, I really enjoyed your article on Hog Hunting in the latest issue.
Jimmy, I've never thought about trying to build a bow from one. You very seldom see one half straight except an old one in a Park or someones yard.
And Thanks for the compliment. I hope to do another one when I stick something with my Horn bow.