Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: lowell on May 28, 2007, 01:15:44 pm
In past I have always looked for the straightest, cleanest stave I had.
This one I went the other direction. This one is a little snakey and has some knots to deal with that I have not had in the past. The one side was a little deflexed before but seems to be taking more as it is worked???
I hope for this bow to be a turkey bow I can shoot from my blind.
It is 54 inches long and I'm shooting for a target wieght of 45# to 50# @26". It is pulling 45 at 20" in the picture with a brace of about 3 inches.
I have to take some more wood off to reach poundage but not sure where it should be bending more?? Tips?? Fades??? Middle??
Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated.
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Looks like it could bend more at the fades but I'm no expert
I 'd wait for others to weigh in, I will say its time to slow down
don't want to come in light.
The right hand fade and out a bit looks stiff at full draw. The first pic shows that area having some deflex. Is that where a knot is? I think I'd try to heat that area back flat like the other limb then get it to bend a bit more. Other than that she looks real good. ;) Pat
Pat B,
The knot is on the left side. The deflex seems to be where the snakey part out from the handle ends. Heating that area straight sounds like a good idea!! Thanks!!
Then make it bend more near the handle???
The pics of turkeys were out shop window when I was taking pictures of bow.....also my inspiration for the bow!!!
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The right hand limb looks thick from the fades out about 8" or so. Could be just deceiving in the picture angle.
If that limb had deflex to begin with in that area, my guess is that you're attempting to make it "look" tillered even with the other limb, but could end up with that section of the right limb actually stiff due to natural deflex. I think there are times when a bow may not look well tillered, but actually is due to working around area's such as natural reflex or knots. :)
If it were my bow and such a short stave I would try to get more bending near the fades. Jawge
Thanks GregB and George, I think taking some from the fades and especially the fade on the right side may make it come to wieght and make the tiller better.
Still thinking about heating and straightening right side some as suggested by Pat.
All comments make me think more about it. (Outside of my box)!!!!! Thanks guys!!!
Again, yes bend more in the at least the right fade. Yep, I can see that it is very thick in that area. Good looking bow, can't wait to see it done. :)
I would probably heat and reflex the right limb some but be careful if that is a knot at the right
fade,sometimes they will split up at the handle if you put to much pressure on them trying
to get the hump out,so go easy.Sometime you just have to live with it.Is it thick at the right fade because of a knot? :)
There is not a knot at the snakey area, I think I was being extra
careful at that area and did not take enough wood. It also seems to have some propeller twist in that area (twists one direction then back in that short area).
Wanted to try something that gave me different challanges... think I found it.
Would it be best to heat it straight before I take some wood from that thick right fade??
You will probably be better to take the wood off first(at least some of it) then heat and bend the wood. Pat
What Pat said,but as I said be very careful when bending around the knot ,don't put to much pressure on it or it may split back into the handle,I have had that happen several times.Now I am
more careful and don't try and get it all out. :)
Nice work so far. I'm no expert and can't help on the tiller especially concerning around knots and bends. I am wondering about the string angle a full draw. With still having six inches to go till full draw, would it be something to be concerned about? The more experienced folks here would know.
Wanted to give a little follow up on what I have done with what was sugeested.
I took some wood from the snakey area on the right limb and heated it back straight. I then started to try to get both limbs to bend properly and had to jump back and forth and have taken about all I want to without it getting too light.
It is at 43#'s at 26 ". Was hoping for 45# or a little over but think I will live with 43# and it will still be ok for turkey. I have shot it with the short brace and seems pretty nice. Will be working on the handle next. It ended up with more set than I wanted but it is at least evn now.
This is intened to be for spring turkey only, so hope to be able to use it for that at least till I can make another. My wife often ask which is my favorite bow and I always tell her "the last one I made" LOL
Wanted to back this one with a snake skin... be my first try at snake skin. I have one skin and have friends and neighbors keeping an eye out for one more they don't want around.
Any sugeetions on which limb should be the top(split finger shooter) or any other help\constructive critisism
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I'd say make the left limb the top limb. It seems to be bending a bit more. Looks pretty good though. Nice job. With a little kick in each limb tip and you might get her over 45#. Pat
Looks a lot better,good job.
I concur with my two compadre's! ;)
Looks great! As to what Pat said about flippin the tips abit...thats what I did on ugly bow and it brought the draw weight up over 5#. I used 3/4" pipe under, heat it and clamped it to my bench at handle and tips. Just remember to put some kind of pad between em if you do. Again, great bow....Brian
How does it shoot ??? Maybe better one way than the other...
It picked up several fps. and you cant feel any stacking....Brian
Shot it both ways and couldn't tell any difference so went with the way that was suggested. That was the way I was leaning too, just looking at how the limbs bent. Reflexed the tips a little and have a shelf cut in and handle is shaped and begining to do final sanding.
Had some trouble when I tried reflexing tips. Was heating and gently pushing tip with hand before clamping to feel how it was bending and got a small fret at bend on belly. Super glued right away and then shot a little and seemed ok for now but will watch. Tonight I made a series of small pin punches on either side of fret as explained in Bowyers Bible III.
Learning more from this bow than any bow I have made so far. Hate to say it but thinking of the next bow before I have this one done. Got to make a bow for my unborn grandchild I just learned was on the way. No hurry though with that one I guess.
Also got permission to cut some osage and mulberry at neighbors, so want to do that soon too!!!
Work always seems to get in the way!!!LOL
About cutting wood today....
Was disappointed with the osage. Nice straight log but the rings were really narrow. Early and late rings were the same size :'(
The mulberry log is very straight and big rings.
For the mulberry, do I treat it like osage, seal ends, split and let dry??
Do osage ever fall down when cut!!!!! I always have them hang up in a tree that always is near and have to climb a tree to cut off the length I want to take home!! :(
Lowell, Do treat the mulberry just like osage. If you decide to take the bark off or if it falls off be ready to seal it ASAP.
The osage ELB I built that won BOM, Feb 06 was thin ringed with equal early/late wood. ;D I even left a few rings of sap wood on it. Pat
Got this bow done and ready for turkey next spring but will be shooting at a couple 3d first I'm sure.
Really like snake skin!!! Wanted to back this one with snake and is the first I've tried. Found 1 bull snake dead on road and the neighbor gave me another the was killed baling hay. The 2 were very different in color so I was kind of dragging my feet hoping for a better combination.
Was mowing one night and the little neighbor boy that I had made an elm selfbow last winter came running to me and pointed at his dad holding a huge bull snake they had found on the road on there way to his baseball game. They had turned around , got snake and brought it to me!!
It was 60" long and was beautiful!! Had a cut in the back but was it in the middle of the snake so it worked out to be right where the handle was. It easily did the bow which is 53 inches ntn.
Wanted to follow up on the progress and again thank everyone that gave opinions and helped me make this bow.
The only thing left is get a turkey with it next spring!!!! ;)
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Wow, that's absolutely gorgeous with the bull snake skin for a backing. Next Spring you'll be able to simply hold that up within eyesight of a big Tom and he'll fall over from shock. ;D
Fine work!
Great little bow and beautiful to boot! ;) Congrats! Pat
Dang that is a pretty bow. And the tiller looks spot on.
Came out great....nice job.....Brian
It looks pretty darn good to me. The snakes do look great. Justin
looking good man.
as they all say: NICE BOW!! - hey why don't you show us a few more close-uped details??
Thats a neat little bow. nice job.
Thanks all!!
I like to see good pictures too. Sorry I didn't take the time to get better ones. Here are a few more, hope they are better!! :)
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trying a different size?
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You came a long way with that,it is beautiful.Good job.Love the finish and tiller turned out nice. :)
A remarkable looking bow. Great job. Looks like flawless workmanship. The turkeys ought to drop dead when they see it. It is that intimidating. :o
Dick Bernier