Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Pat B on February 28, 2011, 10:28:39 pm
...and they're off! 8) Josh and Marie will soon have the names coupled and will start sending out PMs to everyone involved.
Everyone have fun! Post pics of your successes and failures, ask questions if you need to know something, help another when you can and put your all into the bow for your recipient. Remember, this is a secretso don't tell who you are building for...but we want all the other details! ;)
Some folks like to notify a reciepient when their bow is shipped so they can be on the lookout for the package. That is fine to do but only after you ship the bow.
As you recieve a bow, we need pics!!! First, I would like to know who built your bow. Then a description of it and a few pics. A pic of the bow braced, unbraced, back profile(and all decorations that are present) and most of all, FULL DRAW!
To everyone building a bow, please inscribe the bow to your recipient with the date, wood(s) used, draw weight and draw length, overall length(n/n or t/t) and don't forget to sign it!
Let the chips fall where they may!
Sounds great ! Looking foward to getting my name :)
Me too :P
While I am really excited to get another bow (like I don't have enough) I'm really nervous and uptight about who I get to send a bow to...makes me really want to bear down and do my best ever!
And what extras can I throw in? A bundle of Black Hills sage? Maybe jar of chokecherry jelly? I'll thnk of something!
man i feel like an expectant father
and the wife in labor :D
josh that jelly sounds good
i havent had any cc jelly since i was a kid
my grandma used to make it
after us grandkids picked the tree clean for her ;D
man i feel like an expectant father
and the wife in labor :D
josh that jelly sounds good
i havent had any cc jelly since i was a kid
my grandma used to make it
after us grandkids picked the tree clean for her ;D
are choke cherrys from black cherry tress, small and blackish maroon? i have ALOT in my yard and if i can eat them i would be sooooo happy ;D
are choke cherrys from black cherry tress, small and blackish maroon? i have ALOT in my yard and if i can eat them i would be sooooo happy ;D
Yes you can eat, jelly, ferment them. The wood will also make a bow.
Bevan R
Chokecherries are from the chokecherry shrub, very astringent fruit when eaten fresh, but makes a great jelly!
sadiejane if you are reading this I need your first and last name pm it to me please, Marie (calendergirl) needs it please. thanks Josh
are choke cherrys from black cherry tress, small and blackish maroon? i have ALOT in my yard and if i can eat them i would be sooooo happy ;D
Yes you can eat, jelly, ferment them. The wood will also make a bow.
Bevan R
just to make sure, this is what you are thinking of too, right,
i dont want to die from misunderstanding someone ;D
The berry's look right but all my chokecherry's have a smooth bark.
Bevan R
The berry's look right but all my chokecherry's have a smooth bark.
Bevan R
what size are they, the bark that im showing looks similar to the larger trees in my yard, but i have seen smaller smooth bark ones,
now i have something else to look forward t this spring and summer ;D
what would you think about dye from the berrys
As far as a dye, all I know is after they pass through a bird, NOTHING will take the stain off. :D
The trees I had at my previous residence were about 6" across at the base at least. and tall. Had always planned to cut one for a bow but moved without cutting any. I remember reading an article somewhere about a 'survival' type of class and the students made bows out of chokecherry saplings.
Bevan R
Look what you started sailordad ;D I keep thinking someone is posting a bow stave. Maybe we should change the name of this thread to Identifying choke cherry trees ???
Look what you started sailordad ;D I keep thinking someone is posting a bow stave. Maybe we should change the name of this thread to Identifying choke cherry trees ???
sorry to get off topic, if you want ill start a new topic dedicated to this ;D
Got my name. Excited but nervous.
I know what you mean about being nervous. The guy I got in the TG bow swap is a REALLY good bowyer, trying to put something nice in the hands of a pro can be a bit nerve racking ;D I'll be looking for tool marks with a magnifying glass and probably staring at tiller shape until I start to drool and go cross eyed.
Ya I got a experianced one too I am just going to take my time and do my best work and I cant go wrong. ;D
Well I know two that don't have my name lol
not fair
im still waiting in getting my name :(
sorry didnt meant to take it off track with my chokecherry comment
but damn,grandma made some sweeeeet jams ;)
and the mention of it reminded me of happy less stressfull times as a kid
are choke cherrys from black cherry tress, small and blackish maroon? i have ALOT in my yard and if i can eat them i would be sooooo happy ;D
Yes you can eat, jelly, ferment them. The wood will also make a bow.
my mom used to make syrup from them...hmmmm come to think of it, I have a couple of chokecherry staves I can start on.... ;D
this is gonna be fun!!!!
Bevan R
not fair
im still waiting in getting my name :(
sorry didnt meant to take it off track with my chokecherry comment
but damn,grandma made some sweeeeet jams ;)
and the mention of it reminded me of happy less stressfull times as a kid
every time you mention it, i get more exited for those cherry's to start popping up so i can try some ;D, ill just sit there and befor you know it my face will be covered ;D
Well I know two that don't have my name lol
ah you don't know that yet ;D I haven't gotten my name for this trade yet.
Oops you said TG trade lol.
Yeah I won't give any more details. See you guys in four months when I come up for air, this will make me slow down and strive for perfection to the best of my abilities. This trade and draw are exactly what I need.
Don't be a stranger, Justin. We need to look over your shoulder and make comments while you work. ;D
It's great to see the enthusiasm and there is no need to be intimidated. Take the opportunity to learn from what others are doing. There is no need to rush(but please do remember there is a deadline! ;) ). Take your time and have fun.
Now! When do I get mine! >:( ::)
Im pretty sure you got me pat ;) ill send you my mailing address just disregard any pm's from calendergirl :D
Woohoo ;D Got my PM! I don't want to flood her inbox so I'll say the thank you here. Thank You Marie!!!
Just so you know ***** *****, Shavings from your bow were the first to dirty up my nice clean shop!!!
i finally found out who the poor sap,i mean the luckiy recipient is ;D
i just hope i can live up to his expectaions of what my interpetaion of a bow is
and a special thanks to calendergirl for doing her part in this ;)
I got mine too. ;D 8) I'll have to study my staves and pick the right stave for the job. A little thought first! ??? :-\
I got mine too. ;D 8) I'll have to study my staves and pick the right stave for the job. A little thought first! ??? :-\
A 'Little' thought Pat? I'm going to be cogitating on this for some time. This is definitely something I want to take it slow and steady and do it right.
Bevan R
wanna play in bow trade!!!
I don't know a THING about the person I'm building for. Should be interesting...
Don't be a stranger, Justin. We need to look over your shoulder and make comments while you work. ;D
It's great to see the enthusiasm and there is no need to be intimidated. Take the opportunity to learn from what others are doing. There is no need to rush(but please do remember there is a deadline! ;) ). Take your time and have fun.
Now! When do I get mine! >:( ::)
Well said Pat. Remember guys this is for fun, so don't stress, enjoy the journey and go the extra mile! ;)
I know who I have :P :o :o Just resarched and think I have this person dialed in on the radar >:D >:D >:D I'll post some pics as I go ;D Also a special thanks to Marie , Josh, and Pat you guys are great.
ive already decided one thing
i am going to do things to this bow that i normally wouldnt
like give it a good tiller ;D lol
I don't know a THING about the person I'm building for. Should be interesting...
Ya I just skimmed through around 3000 posts to get to know my pick and I sent a couple of his build allongs to my e mail some great stuff. Funny how sertian people stand out to me on here and others who are very knollegable and have lots of posts go right under the radar. This is a great way to get to know each other as well.
sailordad that is just funny lol ;D
While I am really excited to get another bow (like I don't have enough) I'm really nervous and uptight about who I get to send a bow to...makes me really want to bear down and do my best ever!
And what extras can I throw in? A bundle of Black Hills sage? Maybe jar of chokecherry jelly? I'll thnk of something!
John, I think you're the chokecherry culprit. I was amazed to see this thread start tonight and get to 3 pages so quickly. But, I have the answer to your question, just put jack-a-lope antler tip overlays on your bow. Nobody else is gonna do that...
I got my name too. I want to make a short bow, but the draw length is pretty long. Looks like I'll be pounding some sinew.
I think calendergirl is done for the night, she sent me a message saying she got 19 out for the night then sent me 9 to send out. It was 11:00pm her time when she sent it to me so im sure she is calling it a night.Thanks a bunch for doing this for us Marie we all appretiate it. So 28 people should have got pm's the rest will probably get theres tomorrow, so dont stay up all night waiting lol ;D If I had more names I would go all night ;D but my wife is already yelling at me to get off the net lol
Ive got my person, wood chosen, and bow style. Now I hope it doesnt explode like the last bow I made with this type wood. Good Luck Everyone and have fun.
I can't wait to start working on my bow. I am 7 hours into a 15 hour shift tonight. I might just stay up all day and see what I can get done. Who can sleep when there are bows to be made.
I woke up early just to see who s name I got, and nothing yet :( Oh well I reckon I'll go out and straighten some cane and drink coffee. ;D Then go to work UUUUGGGG >:(
I got my name and as I expected, am a little intimidated after "researching" my recipient. I shouldn't be nervous though, all I can promise is my best, right?
At least whoever gets my name shouldn't be intimidated in the least, I'll be happy with anything! ;D
I can hardly wait to see who I get...
Pat I was just kidding. I'm too addicted to this site to duck out. I was really nervous when I got my name, but I'm actually relaxed and glad I got who I got. Already got the ideas flowing. Just gotta procure some back up wood just in case and start "whittling away what don't look like a bow" as jed clampett would say.
Fishfinder 401, Denny here , looks like black cherry tree too me. I wouldn't recommend them, They kill horses around here. Also I got about a thousand of them in my back yard to compare to your photo. Grouse love choke cherries around here, I find the berries to be a little more reddish than black and as been said the bush is smooth bark, if I recall.
John, I think you're the chokecherry culprit. I was amazed to see this thread start tonight and get to 3 pages so quickly. But, I have the answer to your question, just put jack-a-lope antler tip overlays on your bow. Nobody else is gonna do that...
Jackalope antler tip overlays! Why didn't I think of that?!?!?! OH YEAH! Now I know! DUH!!! All I ever see are the does. Finding a doe jackalope is easy, but them bucks are wiley, reallly wiley!
I gotta go read every single post my person has made since joining this forum so I can profile him. Then I'm gonna google him, hire a private detective, and pay every one of his friends to rat him out. Oh wait, this is the PA forum, not sorry.
I got mine last night and I had a hard time getting to sleep, but now that I am awake I can't stop thinking about how I'm going to approach this bow. Seems like everyone has the right mind set though and they want this to be the best bow they've ever made, so I think there are going to be some sweet photos and happy shooters in the end. Can't wait to get home so I can look over the stave's and make a pick. Good luck everyone and I said thanks to Marie last night but I'll say it again thanks to Pat and Josh to for getting it started and helping organize it, this is going to be awesome.
Got my name! The poor sap wasn't counting on that I am sure ;) ;D
it'll be a little while fore I can get whittlin........but my stave shortage is gonna end soon ;D been talking to Mike Yancey ;)
Darcy :)
havent got my name yet... dang i gonna be behind on this bow , hope i can get it done in time !!
ken, you could start at 11:30 pm july 3rd
and still have it done on time for promt delivery on the fourth ;D
This looks like fun. Count me in on the next one! :)
OK I'm almost done....I drew I am putting some finishing touches to his bow...going to stop on the way home and get some logging chain for the 'string'/.....good luck with your endevor for world record fishfinder!! Hope you like it! ;D
Just kidding....about it all....I didnt even draw you fishfinder...just messin with ya....seriously though, good luck with your attempt! :P
OK I'm almost done....I drew I am putting some finishing touches to his bow...going to stop on the way home and get some logging chain for the 'string'/.....good luck with your endevor for world record fishfinder!! Hope you like it! ;D
Just kidding....about it all....I didnt even draw you fishfinder...just messin with ya....seriously though, good luck with your attempt! :P
;D ;D ;D ;D
darn, got exited there for a second ;D
Just messin with ya, relieving a little early week stress and you seemed like an easy victim. Anyway I won't derail this any further lol
Just messin with ya, relieving a little early week stress and you seemed like an easy victim. Anyway I won't derail this any further lol
i am easily fooled, speaking of rails, that sounds like a good place to get staves big enough for me >:D
Still Haven't got my name yet.And i gotta go teach a handgun class, hope i can quit thinking about bows long enough to
just remember drawing a gun is differant than drawing a bow ;D
OK I'm almost done....I drew I am putting some finishing touches to his bow...going to stop on the way home and get some logging chain for the 'string'/.....good luck with your endevor for world record fishfinder!! Hope you like it! ;D
Just kidding....about it all....I didnt even draw you fishfinder...just messin with ya....seriously though, good luck with your attempt! :P
Im sorry but I havent laughed that hard in a long time ;D thank you for that ;D
I just sent out 5 more names but calendergirl said I couldnt have any more or I would figure out who was building for me ;D I picked out the stave I will be useing its Vine Maple 64 ttt and natural reflex at the ends of both limbs but it is kinda sudden so im not sure how its gonna go but we will see it should be nice, I have a back up incase something goes hay wire its cascara and I will also be working on it as I work on the Vine Maple and pick the best one of the two. Ill post pics in a sec
let me know what you think I am just finishing a Vine maple that had about 5 inches of reflex in it and most of it tillered out so I think I can make this one work without to many problems. I think im going to also do a Cascara stave as well and maybe pick the best of the two, I will most likely back the Cascara with Cherry bark ???
Well, after a long nite at work, I made up my mind to stay up all day and get started making my trade bow. Of course life got in the way; replacing the brakes on my car, fixing a flat tire, replacing a broken swaybar link, and then a friend of the family that we haven't seen in 10 years stopped by. So, I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but I got it cut out. Tomorrow I will chase a ring and cut it to thickness.
Wow thats nice outlaw, that makes mine look like a nitemare ;D I might take a little bit of reflex out of the one limb ??? but it is the bottom limb so im not sure I will wait and see how it goes
:)Im still waiting but,maybe tommorow
Ill check and see if calendargirl will let me do some more ;D
Got mine and spent the morning doing a bit of a "back ground check" on my my work cut out for me that's for sure!
bareshaft12 yours is on the way... we saved our very favorites for the last...
ok really I am just being super meticulous so forgive me for the delay... oh plus I am playing American Idol fantasy league (a super hysterical game) and i had to get my picks in and am watching and and trying NOT to make any mistakes!
i already caught one... no one drew Elktracker... I checked and rechecked and got tired and went to bed... Oh well..I'm sure he'll be fine with hit.
Ha ha ha funny ;D I dont need a bow any way :'(
hehe >:D
Ok we are done! all have been sent out. If you didn't get one. Go over to Josh's house and give him "what for" in person!
O:) O:) O:) O:) O:) O:) O:) O:)
great i wonder how many pm's im gonna get now ;D
But really if any one didnt get their person let me know and ill figure it out for you. As far as bow info for your person you got what they gave me so if it doesnt specify shelf or no shelf ect. just do whatever you want. Thanks again calendargirl ;)
Thanks to Marie and Josh for all their help...and Josh your work might not be over yet. ::)
I haven't shifted into PA Bow Trade mode yet so I haven't picked a stave. I just sent a bow off for a TradGang Bow Trade and I need a few days to get over the loss. :'(
;D I recieved the name,thank you all for your hard work putting all those names together .Now its on like donkey kong,ha ha ha !
Got my name, now to decide witch stave, and what style. Going to be fun.
Thanks all for organizing this trade! I got my name and am excited to start building. I've been looking at every tree and shrub with ''that'' look... they're not asfe anymore!! ;)
Have fun! I know I will!
Went out to pick out my bow wood today.....ran across a nice Ironwood stave. I dont use staves but thought if anybody in the trade could use this they'd be welcome to
It's allready dried and cured, bark and cambium are's sawed flat on both sides and what would be the belly. It's 79" long right now about 1-5/8 to 1-3/4 wide across the back and probably 2" thick back to belly. Been air dried 3 years in a closed wood shed no checks or cracks....hard enough it rings when ya whack it.
anyways, let me know if ya can use it, eh?
Nice offer Rich, Ironwood makes great bows !
Hope somebody takes you up on the offer :)
I agree that is a very generous offer for someone who is in the trade and doesnt have dry seasoned wood ;D Just out of curiosity what type of Iron wood is it?
Went out to pick out my bow wood today.....ran across a nice Ironwood stave. I dont use staves but thought if anybody in the trade could use this they'd be welcome to
It's allready dried and cured, bark and cambium are's sawed flat on both sides and what would be the belly. It's 79" long right now about 1-5/8 to 1-3/4 wide across the back and probably 2" thick back to belly. Been air dried 3 years in a closed wood shed no checks or cracks....hard enough it rings when ya whack it.
anyways, let me know if ya can use it, eh?
I could Rich!
Let me know if it's still available...thanks!
Got my name. Looking forward to this! :)
Got my name yesterday and went to work like mad. I found a nice blank that I had been saving for myself. It was a sister stave of the one I made for turkey season,canebreak osage. I decided to use it for the trade because my recipent has the same draw as me. The blank was heated on my d/r caul, straightened and floor tillered when I picked it up yesterday at 10:00 am. I worked all night until 2am this morning. I had it drawn to 55@20 and bending well. I woke up early this morning and went right back at it. I had it drawing to full draw by noon today. Took a little break to go be at the hospital for the birth of my little brothers first child. My new neice arrived at 1 safe and health at 7lbs 812oz. Mele I got home and added tip overlays, sanded it down some to smooth the edges a bit and started shooting it tonight. I'm going to shoot it for a bit before I finish it and put on the grip leather.I'm thinking about going with the shellac finish thanks to the article in the newest mag. That or a simple oil/wax finish. There is no way this one is leaving anytime soon. I'll probably keep it until after OJAM in a couple of weeks. I might even save it until after the classic. ;D I'll get some pics up soon.
So I went back and read over every name on the list. Wow. What a list of Who's Who! I feel like I hit the lottery and I haven't a clue who is sending me a bow. I'm already honored and in deep obligation to whoever has drawn my name. Thanks, I promise to treat that bow right and give it the respect it deserves.
So I went back and read over every name on the list. Wow. What a list of Who's Who! I feel like I hit the lottery and I haven't a clue who is sending me a bow. I'm already honored and in deep obligation to whoever has drawn my name. Thanks, I promise to treat that bow right and give it the respect it deserves.
That's for sure. We should see some sweet bows come out of this trade.
To whomever I have draw...I am a novice, but I promise to do my best and take my time. Please understand that it may not be perfect but that I will do what I can within my abilities, which I hope to improve through this.
I also say thank you to the person that drew me as well!
Well, I didn't like my stave I had roughed out. I threw it in the corner and started again. Removed the bark and sapwood and layed out the bow. Tomorrow it will be cut out and a ring chased.
Here are a few pics of my trade bow and one of my new neice Melanie with her dad who at the time was about 10 minutes into the rest of his life.
And this is about where it is for now. I'll shoot another 100 shots through before I finish sanding and finishing it in case anything needs adjustment.
Osage outlaw thats funny I keep looking at my stave scratching my head ??? did I make the right choice lol I figure there is enough time ill make it a bow and if I dont like it ill make another one, but im going to work on two and pick the best one ;D
DVShunter congrats to you on your new niece :D now you will have another kid that will look up to you and you can make bows for. That bow you got there is really looking nice! Im sure whoever you are building for will really love it. I had another question for you I sent you a pm but havent got a response back yet. I notices on the list I have I gave to calendergirl you didnt have a draw length, unless she pm you and got it, the person building for you may not know it? Just checking want to make sure you get the right draw length. This is what you gave me to put on the list "Right handed, shelf or no shelf, I'll shoot anything but 40-80 is best" thanks and again that bow is nice!
Broke 2 bows today!
One was a vine maple with static tips. It just blew, no warning! It still had most of the bark on.
Something nasty musta been hidding under there.
And the other was a cascarra that had sudden break while floor tillering. I not sure how that one happened. It was even the upper limb, in my hand...
Wasnt destined to be a bow I suppose. Sure was pretty though.
It was a rough day
Broke 2 bows today!
One was a vine maple with static tips. It just blew, no warning! It still had most of the bark on.
Something nasty musta been hidding under there.
And the other was a cascarra that had sudden break while floor tillering. I not sure how that one happened. It was even the upper limb, in my hand...
Wasnt destined to be a bow I suppose. Sure was pretty though.
It was a rough day
Wow sorry to hear that ??? Im suprised the vine maple blew? Where you useing the tension side of the tree or limb? Vine Maple is what I have used most and I have put it to the test! I have helped friends build three in the last month and one was 48" very narrow, we heat treated it because it took excessive set(my fault didnt have my scale and we over stressed it while tillering) Then my friend was working on it while I wasnt there and tried to straighten it in the handle and cracked it through the belly and into the back. I will be doing a Bow break allong on that one, we pulled it to 60# to see if it would break and it didnt but the string was about to come off lol and it really didnt take that much set after being pulled to 60#. luckily you have allot of time to try try try again ;D good luck on the next one
Working on mine. Actually it's the one I'm doing in the build-a-longs. Hope my recipient likes it.
Josh, the bark could have cracked under the tension and broke into the bow wood. It is a good idea to remove bark before you start tillering.
Some barks are appropriate for backing like choke cherry and birch bark but they are glued to the back of the bow.
OK, Got my name and as a very new bow-yer im hoping that i can make a bow of the quality that he is used to. I want to thank everyone that got this started. This is going to be fun. have started 3 bows already, 2 Osage, 1 Vine Maple and i dont think any of them will be the one for him. So i talked Friend in Oak. into sending me a couple more Osage staves. But i do have if anyone interested a 67'' Quarter sawn White Oak Billet its 2 1/2'' x 1 1/4'' and several Black Walnut billets over 72'' also qtr sawn. All cured and stored dry for lots of years. Will trade for Osage LOL or whatever.
To whomever I have draw...I am a novice, but I promise to do my best and take my time. Please understand that it may not be perfect but that I will do what I can within my abilities, which I hope to improve through this.
I also say thank you to the person that drew me as well!
Like he said...
Will post some pics of the ones i have started
Wow fantastic start to this great adventure! I'm very impressed with the thought and efforts I already see going into this community event. I am excited to see the results of so much care being poured into these bows.
DVhunter; that is looking awesome. You and a few others have made a very great "Kickoff" for this, and I admire that.
I am also glad to see the generous offer by Rich to help with a stave if needed. I already have a stave being gifted as well but want everyone to know that if you need help in that area I could and I know a few others that could possibly help. With building wood bows occasionally a stave will blow. We would rather make sure everyone gets a bow the have anyone come up empty handed. Please don't take advantage of that but if the need is real don't hesitate to ask.
I think I have a stave picked out and will hone in on the target today. I had a wheel on my bandsaw that was bad and developed a crack so I'm waiting on the replacement that I hope gets hear today.
Got my name and am giving some thought to it. I have 4 bows that need to be made in the next couple of months. This one included. I love having multiple projects going at once though. That way if I run into a snag or get frustrated with a piece of wood I can lay it aside and work on something else.
I am going to reach into the private reserve stave stash and pick out a beauty for this one ( these are locked in a vault and gauarded like the gold they are, lol ). Fortunatley for me the guy I drew likes draw length and weight right where I do so I should be able to execute a respectable meat maker.
I am determined to make this one as perfect as I can. I think its a matter of pride when you make something for someone else that knows what they are looking at. I want him to be verrrrry happy with it and I look forward to making some new friends because of this trade. Danny
In regards to my busted vine maple.
I'm not sure if i was using the tension side or not.
It was given to me and wasn't properly marked, I just used the more reflexed side.
I think the bark cracked an took some the the back of the bow with it.
The bark on Vine maple is very tight on the wood and a major SOB to remove when very dry.
Thus the want to leave it on.
Last time I'll do that.
So I have been asked if I would be interested in writing an article on the Primitive Archer Bow Trade. At first I was a little intimidated because I'm obviously not a writer as some of you may well know by reading my posts ;D but I agreed to do it for a very large sum of money ;) ;) and the hopes that the article may make it into dec. "passing it on" issue. So what I will need from you all is your best high quality pictures, the better the pitures and the work the more chance your bow may make it in the issue, if the article does. I will also probably submit more than one persons pictures or bows so it takes up more room on the page and I dont have to write as much ;D For those of you who dont want to have pictures of you or your work in the article dont worry I wont submit any photos without asking that person first. So post up those pictures I will need allot to choose from and we all just like pictures.
So I have been asked if I would be interested in writing an article on the Primitive Archer Bow Trade.
Best news I heard today! ;D
Looking foreward to this!!! ;)
Super Cool Josh!
That's great news.
Josh, very good for you.after organizing this you deserve that honor.
although i wont be posting any pics.
i may p.m. a pic to certain people if i need help tillering.
i want to keep this bow a total surprise untill it hits the hands of it rightfull owner ;)
I was hoping this would make it to the magazine. Thanks again to everyone that put this together.
The weather was so nice today, I rolled my saw and work bench out of the shop and out into the garage. It was nice to get some fresh air while working. I started over on a new stave. I just wasn't happy with my first one. I actually started on 2 new ones. I got them both roughed out and chased a ring. This weekend I hope to get the kinks out of them. I got a nice piece of fiberglass angle iron to use for straightening. It should work much better than how I was doing it before. I am really having fun with this.
Josh, this is great news. I was thinking about asking someone if they would ber interested in writing an article so I'm glad you are doing this. I bet Marie talked you into it! ;D
The pics everyone posts here on PA can not be high resolution. They have to be the on the low end of that scale. The pics for the magazine have to be the highest resolution you can produce so folks need to consider this and set high res pics aside for the magazine but down size them for PA. Photobucket will down size pics automatically and for free.
Josh, this is great news. I was thinking about asking someone if they would ber interested in writing an article so I'm glad you are doing this. I bet Marie talked you into it! ;D
The pics everyone posts here on PA can not be high resolution. They have to be the on the low end of that scale. The pics for the magazine have to be the highest resolution you can produce so folks need to consider this and set high res pics aside for the magazine but down size them for PA. Photobucket will down size pics automatically and for free.
Bevan thought of a good idea if you want to take some high res pics you can just send those to my e mail and I will put them all in a folder until i'm ready to pic some. And ya pat you are right Marie talked me into it ;D
I put another hundred shots through my trade bow today. Sure enough I had to touch up a few spots, so back on the bench it went. After a few more scrapes I'm happy with it. I'm still up in the air about a finish. I'm going to keep shooting for a bit longer. I really like this one. I still want to dress it up some too. Any suggestions for a finish?
I'm still trying to decide what wood I want to use, tempted to make one from locust, Maybe some elm, maybe osage hmmmm maybe persimmon, some red oak, hickory...
Well this Rookie got started today...this one is Osage, we'll see if I can pull it off as this stave has some serious prop twist to it.
Having fun now! Nothing like yellow boogers and bloody hands >:D
(note to self...make sure you look at which side to grab the drawknife on :o)
Having fun no
picked out a nice osage stave today. perty thick rings. and plenty long to work with.
beings this will be my 5th, yes 5th, selfbow. it's a wee bit intimidating. ya'll wish me well. and i will put my very best into it...
thanks for this chance. its gonna be fun. just hope the fella who gets the bow likes er...
Weren't you poking fun at me for stabbing myself Lee :P
Weren't you poking fun at me for stabbing myself Lee :P
Not really poking but I got what was coming too me ;D Nothing a lot of super glue and instant skin couldn't fix though...after reading about your ordeal there was no way I was headed to the ER today.
I went into the shop tonight and decided to try something that I've never done for this bow. I added a handle overlay to the back side. It zebrawood to match the tip overlays. Hopefully it comes out alright.
The pics aren't the best, these are from my phone so. I'll definitly have better pictures when I'm ready to send it off. AS it sits now I'm at 52@26.
That's a sweet looking piece of wood Lee.
That's a sweet looking piece of wood Lee.
I just hope I can do it justice...time will tell I guess. I have a back up if needed.
Sweet Jesus,
You fellas are makin up some very fine lookin sticks there.....yer gonna make the old man dig clear to the bottom of the trick bag for this trade bow.....ought to be ashamed of yourselves ;D
picked out a nice osage stave today. perty thick rings. and plenty long to work with.
beings this will be my 5th, yes 5th, selfbow. it's a wee bit intimidating. ya'll wish me well. and i will put my very best into it...
thanks for this chance. its gonna be fun. just hope the fella who gets the bow likes er...
Hey Sadie, I'm sure I will love it!
I got my name today now the fun begins
Hey Sadie, I'm sure I will love it!
Nonsense John, I got your name and your bow is already done. You did say you had a 2" draw length?
Sorry about that hinge in the upper limb... ;D
PS. Actually this little bow was made by a bowyer up in the Nebraska Traditional Archers club and I won it in a string shoot.
George, excellent "pocket bow"...nice for those Grasshopper Grand Slams >:D
Hey Sadie, I'm sure I will love it!
mr. halverson-i do believe you are phishin! ;)
;D ;D ;D
I've been busy on the trade bow as well. I thought I'd make a war bow this time! Shooting for 450 pounds at 38 inches >:D >:D String is 3/8 nylon. ;D ;D
Of coarse I will have to use my feet and all of my 5'6" frame to hit full draw ::) Just kidding of coarse. When I found this heavily deflexed stave I couldn't resist >:D >:D >:D
didnt ealize you could pull 450# :D
tiller looks real nice too
Keenan, If I see you pulling a heavy bow again I'm gonna tell Nurse Ratchet! :D
oh ya, forgot to mention
i am about 3 hrs into the bow im working on
i have about 18" of bark/cambium removed
still got a lot more to go
then i will know if its a usable stave or not
gotta love winter cut,3 yr dried minnesota grown hhb ;D ;D
thats all im gonna say for now
maybe,just maybe once i get it all debraked
i might post a pic of the stave ;)
Hmmmm...I wonder who Keenan is building for :-\ I love it ;D
:-X :-X :-X No telling, John
Pat, Don't tell Nurse Ratchet, I'll behave ,,,,I promise >:D
Sailordad; 450 # is easy. Just hang the bow on the tree, stand on the string, pull up then push over your head, just befor your arms are stright, let go........ :o :o i wonder how far a 180 # human arrow would fly :D :D
Got a stave chased to 'A' ring. Not 'THE' ring but a ring. Laid out the bow. Will not know until I cut it out and chase the 'Good' ring if this is the one or not.
Bevan R
Hey George,
I think I found the drawknife used to make your 'pocket' bow!! ;D
Bevan R
Bevin R Nice rings on that osage.......gonna have a bit of character to boot.
Darcy :)
Thanks Darcy,
Really taking my time on this one, Double and Triple thinking everything before I take of any wood.
Got pretty lucky on the stave. It is one I got off ebay.
Bevan R
I did some more work to my trade bow the last few days. I finished blending in the handle overlay and thought that I'd try out that "new" fangled racket handle thats all the rage lately. ;) It didn't turn out bad for my first time. I'm going to pull it off and redo it before I send it off. I want it to be just a bit longer, but it works for me while I'm shooting it in. Here are a few pics.
Which one? both are sapling BL bent with dry heat. They fit the weight and length of the person I am building for.
Bottom one in the top pic gets my vote.
Bevan R
DVS that looks really nice! I like that zebra wood!
grunt I think they both look good, look forward to seeing them finished
Bottom one gets my vote to.
Thanks Josh, I really like how its turning out too. I can't wait to see it under a finish. I just can't decide which finish to use. ??? :-\
Looking good guys.
DVS, I really like the accent overlay, and of course the handle wrap is right up my alley ;)
Tuff choice there Grunt both look good to me :-\
Love the Zebra wood overlay Dvs :)
Cool bows guys. The zebra overlay on your's Dv is striking!
Grunt, anyone would be pleased with either bow. Can we see some full draw pics?
Hey George,
I think I found the drawknife used to make your 'pocket' bow!! ;D
Bevan R
I believe you're right. ;D ;D ;D
Both are great looking Grunt, we don't seem to see as many BL bows as we used to. There's always another solution if you really can'T decide which one to send... ;D
You're really doing good time on that one DVs, looking great too. good job!
Going to fell some wood tomorrow. Thought I would go out today but it snowed 20'' since last night...
When is the sign up next year? I got to get in over here.
Probably next January of February Kris. We'd love to have you join us. 8)
Cool bows guys. The zebra overlay on your's Dv is striking!
Grunt, anyone would be pleased with either bow. Can we see some full draw pics?
I agree I would like to see a full draw and un braced :)
Those are both great looking bows Grunt, I actually decided on a BL stave that has been eyeballing me for about 3 months now. I was a bit intimidated after all of the horror stories of getting a perfect tiller and having one snap on you. I guess their tillers weren't perfect enough ;D
Dvs, That overlay came out great. Love the contrast lines.
Grunt, Those both look great and as Pat said I think anyone would be more then pleased with either one. An unbraced shot might help dial it in ;)
here's the bow I made for my recipient, cant show all the picks or tell ya what the futhark says but the bow is done....thinking about making a bow case from heavy hair-on cow hide (hair in) the tassel on the grip is hair-on black bear. Hope they like it !!!!
The bow is hickory backed red elm (sort of looks like poor-mans yew) draws 51# @ 28", it's 57" ntn....draws very smoothly and shoots very well. The finish is 6 coats of mink-oil, liquified and rubbed in. The limbs took about 5/8" set and like all the Mollegabets, it draws like it "weighs" 10 pounds less than it really is. Mass weight is 12-1/2 ounces.
Anyways, this is what I got so far.
Looks great Rich, just my weight and length ;D I'll be watching the mail ;)
Very cool Rich someone is going to be VERY happy with that beauty
Excellent Rich! Someone is going to be happy!!! 8)
;D ;D ;D
I've been busy on the trade bow as well. I thought I'd make a war bow this time! Shooting for 450 pounds at 38 inches >:D >:D String is 3/8 nylon. ;D ;D
Of coarse I will have to use my feet and all of my 5'6" frame to hit full draw ::) Just kidding of coarse. When I found this heavily deflexed stave I couldn't resist >:D >:D >:D
So, are you shooting an arrow with that or launching your German Sheppard with it!! :o :o
Looks awesome half eye.
here's the bow I made for my recipient, cant show all the picks or tell ya what the futhark says but the bow is done....thinking about making a bow case from heavy hair-on cow hide (hair in) the tassel on the grip is hair-on black bear. Hope they like it !!!!
The bow is hickory backed red elm (sort of looks like poor-mans yew) draws 51# @ 28", it's 57" ntn....draws very smoothly and shoots very well. The finish is 6 coats of mink-oil, liquified and rubbed in. The limbs took about 5/8" set and like all the Mollegabets, it draws like it "weighs" 10 pounds less than it really is. Mass weight is 12-1/2 ounces.
Anyways, this is what I got so far.
I wish I was the lucky person. That is so sweeeeeeet!
Nice bow Rich!
Rich that looks awesome! Very sweet tiller and nice theme. Whoever gets her will be a lucky man
here's the bow I made for my recipient, cant show all the picks or tell ya what the futhark says but the bow is done....thinking about making a bow case from heavy hair-on cow hide (hair in) the tassel on the grip is hair-on black bear. Hope they like it !!!!
Who in their right mind wouldn't like that bow, it is a piece of art! Somebody's getting lucky... in Kentucky hopefully ;D
Yeah I have to agree that is a super sweet bow Rich, whoever is getting it will be well pleased and if they aren't they can send it to me :)
Wow, that bow is awesome, Rich! :o
Really nice bow halfeye!
nice bow Rich , i like the hickory red elm together
Is this a one time thing?
Youngbowyer, we will probably be doing this at least once every year. It might be to hard to do it more then that do to allowing build time plus time to receive and post pics.
Good grief, it looks like we have enough late comers to do a second drawing! Of course, some of you are so fast you could get in on that exchange too. Not me, I'm in for one and done!
That's a great looking bow Halfeye. Someone's gonna be pickled tink ;D
Darcy :)
Here's the bow case I made for the's tanned buffalo hide, double hand stitched and turned inside out (skin side in and hair side out with the stitching inside. It does not have a bandolier as the vikings did not carry them on their backs so I tried to make this as a protection thing. The extra straps are for securing the case if it was on board as ship, or tied to a horse etc. The last pic is the art. sinew that I used to double stitch the thing.
Guess it's about ready to go out.....wanted to see what all of ya think. Thanks for lookin
Beautiful work Rich. Someone will be very pleased with the bow and case!
Seems a shame to cover such a nice bow but you did it proud. Very nice indeed.
Bevan R
Great package all around. Someone's gonna be quite happy with that. Thanks Rich, for being the spark that started this trade.
Very nice package ;D
Great looking bow and case.
I love it. Just AWESOME.
Some Viking warrior will be very pleased ;D
Nice looking bow Rich, looks like that bear hair was expertly tanned ;D >:D If it is half the bow like the ones you made me someone will be very pleased.
Just curious if I'm wasting my time with this stave or not...I think I know the answer but some confirmation would be great. I've got this stave down to floor tiller and last night I was doing some heat treatment to straighten a bit of prop twist on both limbs. After the oil soaked in a bit and the stave had cooled I pulled it off the caul and noticed these...
Seems there are what appears to be worm holes or some type of wood borer tracks on the belly. Once the oil for heating was applied these soaked up the oil/saw dust and were pretty hard to not notice. I imagine these will compromise the strength and integrity of the limbs enough to warrant a halt on the project and a search for a new stave?
I tend to look at a bow that has something like this as an opportunity to "smoke test". I just keep tillering away and let 'er blow if she's gonna. After all, we have all agreed we learn more from a blown bow than one that just comes together easy.
Short answer: Tiller it.
I agree with JW i'd keep going those might tiller out !
What kind of wood is that Ash ?
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll keep at it and see where fate brings me. The stave is Ironwood.
Good luck, Ironwood is good stuff !
when you say iron wood
are you refering to hop horn beam?
if so just use it ;D
i see stuff like that in it all the time and dont even have to use heat to find it
like they said, tiller that sucker out and if nothing else you will learn something
Good to know! Onward and upward...
I started my trade bow today. It's starting as a heavily propellered, recurved 62" osage stave. Planning on a 60" recurve. It'll need some untwisting, and matching reflex and recurves added to the limbs. Have the back done, but will start another thread for the build when I get a little more done. But, for now, this is the starting point:
Whooee George, I'll be watching this one for sure. Can't wait to see what you get out of that. You are a braver(more experienced) man that I. ;D
I got my stave for the trade today.......hickory from Mike at Pine Hollow. No pics be continued ;)
Darcy :)
I started my trade bow today. It's starting as a heavily propellered, recurved 62" osage stave. Planning on a 60" recurve. It'll need some untwisting, and matching reflex and recurves added to the limbs. Have the back done, but will start another thread for the build when I get a little more done. But, for now, this is the starting point:
:o ;D Ill be watching
I see a bow in there George !
That's a nice challenging stave there, George. I built a bow with a similar one last year fro the TradGang bow trade. Looking forward to seeing your techniques.
I have chosen the stave bow my trade bow. It is locust that Alan(Woodland Roamer) gave me a few years ago for my birthday. I'm gonna make an Eastern Woodland style bow , bending throughout the bow with single side nocks.I will probably heat treat the belly and may finish it with hand rubbed bear grease. I'll be using the K.I.S.S rule on this one! 8)
I removed most of the extra wood from the stave but have had a lung and sinus infection for a few weeks now and won't attempt any wood work until it clears up.
Thanks guys. I like your choice Pat, can't wait to see it. There are going to be a lot of very cool bows by the time this is done. It gets more interesting by the day.
Sorry to hear of the infection, seems to be the season for colds and sinus infections.
Look forward to seeing you progress Pat, get well soon
Anybody know the due date on all these bow trades?
July 4th Grunt ;)
OK, in need of some advice or direction...
I am currently working on what is intended to be my Trade Bow from Hophornbeam. As I was working the back & belly I came across a few borer holes so I am definitely going to back this bow for some added insurance. He's my question/dilemma...I had originally planned on backing it with Cherry Bark but am concerned the bark backing on it's own will not provide enough strength. How much strength does a bark backing add, if any, and would I be OK putting down a thin goat rawhide down as the real backing and add the Cherry bark on top?
Many thanks~
never used cherry or rawhide myself
but if i am right,cherry is for looks only
so put dwn the rawhide then add the cherry
Choke cherry bark is very strong. It will add a few pounds if you glue it up in reflex. You will need to fil the voids the grubs made if they are not too deep. For that I have successfully used super glue and saw dust.
Thanks guys...Pat, would the cherry bark have to be in 1 continuous piece for each limb? I have 1 piece that is 40" long and another the same length but it separated along a scar in the bark. As for the borers, I'm not sure what kind they were...the holes/tracks are very, very small, about the diameter of pencil tip. I could try a super glue/saw dust mix but would there be a risk that the mix is harder than the wood which would result in sanding humps during the finishing process?
If you get sanding humps, just wrap a bit of sandpaper around a popsicle stick and sand away. Or do like me and buy emory boards like the ladies use on their nails.
I took my trade bow with me to OJAM over the weekend and got some advice, and made a string for it. I will ship it after the classuc. I've got a special accent piece that I'm working on for it. I'd show yall but it would be a dead giveaway to the new owner.
just checking in on the bow trade. If you need me to find out anything about your giftee send me a p.m. Those of you who want to bring your bow (if finished ) to the classic and hand deliver it, i can find out if that person is attending.
Marie, Thanks for the info on my victim,,,,,,,I mean recipient >:D
Thanks Marie, i think have my guy figured out :D
Some serious back issues have put my building on hold, but i got some finish work on my trade bow done ;D
here are some pices of the work. i had to hide the accent so not to give away the name. check out the color differences of osage, the trade bows is farthest back and far left in the pics
I cant wait to see the results before i ship.
looking good. I should have my trade bow done in a couple of weeks. cant wait to see what everybody esle builds.
Very nice bows Dvs. You've been busy!
I can sympathise with a bad back. I was down for 3 months last winter with back and sciatic nerve problems. My worst eppisode in 20 years! :'(
I did a littlemore on my trade bow yesterday. Still not shaped yet, though. Need more rainy days! ;)
Very nice bows Dvs. You've been busy!
I can sympathise with a bad back. I was down for 3 months last winter with back and sciatic nerve problems. My worst eppisode in 20 years! :'(
I did a littlemore on my trade bow yesterday. Still not shaped yet, though. Need more rainy days! ;)
if you can substitute snow for rain, come up here to work ;D
i cant believe it, snowing the 1st day of april :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(, now how will the fish warm up :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Got my trade bow floor tillered tonight just got home wish I had more than one day a week to work on it :( definately some character in this wood should be interesting to see how it goes. Worked a little on my back up bow as well ;D
I hear ya Fishfinder, I woke up to a little white blanket this morning... I think we're the april fools....
Oh yeah, talking about april fools, busted my trade bow 10 minutes ago. it was a pyramid ash flatbow, 68'' long. Had pulled it 30 or so times to 26 inches (intended draw length). all of a sudden WHAM, shredded to bits. Tension failure on the back. No hinges or anything. It one of them weaker ashes (red ash) and it wasnt that dense. Oh well... It was my last dry stave though :'(! I'll have to go and cut some wood soon I think.
Cheers and good luck to all you wood benders!
got my trade bow started over the weekend...and I used "started" loosely
Which one? both are sapling BL bent with dry heat. They fit the weight and length of the person I am building for.
well, ya recall grunt posting this pic and asking which one? somehow i missed that post...
maybe its a good thing-for me!
today i received a big ole long heavy tube in the mail
and what do you think it was?
a bow? you thinks
well, yeah, but not just one bow, TWO bows!
grunt drew my name and since he couldnt decide which one-he sent me both of those bl bows.
they are super sweet, really lovely. the pix he posted really dont do either of em justice.
draw great. now to get some arrows thru em this weekend!! i can hardly wait
sorry no camera until next week. will get some more pix posted then.
grunt THANK YOU!!! i am thrilled!
now i feel sorta guilty, have only had the time/opportunity to work on my trade bow a bit
its osage orange, nice thick rings, got the back ring chased, but thats it so far...
have two other bows i gotta get finished
then i can got at it in full earnest
thanks again
what a great day!
Didnt he tell you? You are suppose to pick your favorite one and ship the other to me ;D Thats sweet man you must be stoked! Now im going to have to go find that thread and check them out, look forward to seeing your pics of the bows.
josh-let me get em shot in for a few years and then we can talk about it...
reckon the day will come when i get old enough i cant pull a 45# bow anymore...
pix are on page 9 towards bottom.
thanks again grunt!
Cool just found em congrats on your bows!
well i got my trade bow in the mail today
its from widlman
its hickory/hickory with rawhide backing and grip,and cherry tip thingies along with 3 arrows
its supposed to be 42# @ 28"
cant say that i truly know what it pulls
but i can say i am disappointed as i will never be able to shoot it as is
one of the tips was busted off right at the string groove(just my luck)
right out of the box it was like this,and no physical damage on the box
i still do appreciate the gesture though
heres a pic of the bow(unbraced of course)
and one of the tip
thanks for looking
Oh god man that looked to be an AWESOME bow, thats the kinda thing that makes me wary of mailing bows!!! How the heck does that happen!?! I remember seeing a beautiful elm warbow with 3" or so reflex that mark sent to someone just to have it break in the mail! What the hell is wrong with the postal service. You know he was just waiting and thinking about how happy you would be to see such a beautiful decorated little static recurve.
no i dont think it wasthe USPS that caused this
as like i stated,there was no physical damage to the container :-\ ???
That is weird was it able to slide to and fro in the box? I thought it was strung in the pic for a sec ??? cant say I have seen a bow with this design deflexed so much, or am i missing something? Maybe he will weigh in and shed some light on the situation. Sailor can you tell us a little more in detail how it was packed in the box? any news paper, bubble wrap? was the grain on the tips runnung with the break? Sorry about that
Tim, PM sent!
Sorry to see this Tim ! Was this an April fools joke ?
Please let us know what happens .
Sorry to see this Tim ! Was this an April fools joke ?
Please let us know what happens .
not a joke on my part
if it was a joke,then the joke was on me :(
Just to try and keep this thread on a "positive note" here is a sneak peak of the Trade Bow I'm working on...
HHB, double backed with goat rawhide & wild cherry bark...still cogitating on the tips, handle wrap and finish but I have time. One more week to make sure all is dry/cured and then back onto the tiller tree with the long string.
i was looking at this in your other thread
very nice work so far
raly cant wait to see it finished up
that bark is sweet looking 8)
Looks great Lee !
Thanks guys, just hoping to do the bow and future owner proud...goal #1.
well finnaly got a week off been on the road working for 8 weeks hopin wind lets up so i can cut some juniper and get a few days work in on my trade bows befor i head back out winds doin about 70 mph now brock
Got my stave for trade bow today will post pics later >:D
Looking great Lee.
Sailordad, Don't lose heart I'm sure between all of us on the board we can cover if we need to. ;)
I've been on the couch and not able to do much for days but today I got a little shaping done on a nice long yew stave for this bow trade. And I've been working on another bow trade that is almost finished so I am hoping to poor more time into ????????S bow in the days to come. ;)
just watch your back keenan..and take some breaks... ;) ;)
had the opportunity to get out and shoot those two bl bows i received from grunt.
dude-those are some sweet shooting bows! i am thrilled. thanks again!
had the opportunity to get out and shoot those two bl bows i received from grunt.
dude-those are some sweet shooting bows! i am thrilled. thanks again!
COOL! congrats! ;D
had the opportunity to get out and shoot those two bl bows i received from grunt.
dude-those are some sweet shooting bows! i am thrilled. thanks again!
COOL! congrats! ;D
Glad you like them Sadiejane. Those sapling bows were my first go round with saplings. I got to learn a lot from making those bows. One more lesson I got to learn is to make my mind up on something!!
Grunt that was very generous of you to send two bows wow! :o
Sailor dad new bow started go with what I know sorry for any inconvinience :'( get a long bow going
Wildman, You're a hard man to find. You must be a busy man. Thanks for stepping up. That is the true spirit of this trade! 8)
had the opportunity to get out and shoot those two bl bows i received from grunt.
dude-those are some sweet shooting bows! i am thrilled. thanks again!
COOL! congrats! ;D
Glad you like them Sadiejane. Those sapling bows were my first go round with saplings. I got to learn a lot from making those bows. One more lesson I got to learn is to make my mind up on something!!
well, to be honest, sure am glad right now, that you havent been good at making up yr mind.... ;D
can ya tell me a bit more about the saplings. how long(if at all) did ya let em cure?
did ya take the bark off right away?
split right away?
after much reading about traditional na bows, ive got a hankering to work with saplings...
really wanna make one using no metal tools.
a sapling bow seems like that may be the simplest to try with no metal tools.
anythign you'd like to sahrea bout the process, id ge grateful
btw the bows came absolutely unharmed as grunts pkg was impressively sturdy.
a 4" or so diameter heavy duty cardboard tube(like 1/4" walls) the bows were wrapped well.
both ends of the tube were wood cut to shape and screwed in at 4 pts.
no way was bow gonna get damaged. and no way was usps or ups or whomever, gonna tear that tube apart.
and now i have the perfect container to ship my trade bow in when complete.
Sounds like Grunt used the free shipping tubes courtesy of his local carpet store. Marines know how to scrounge, but he'd probably refer to it as "adaptive field tactics".
Yeh, I went to Lowe's and scrounged a carpet tube, borrowed a handsaw from a salesperson and cut the tube in two. I had two mailing tubes.
Sadie, I took four 3 1/2 dia saplings down last fall and split them within hours. Drawknifed the bark off and coated all with shellac. After two weeks outside under cover and then inside for a couple of weeks I laid out a bow and band sawed the shape. Got them floor tillered and set them by for a couple of more weeks. I steamed the staves and clamped them up Perry style. After drying a while I got them on the tree and got a short string on them. I then decided to flip the tips with dry heat. Got the heat gun out and clamped the tips in a form and slowly recurved the tips. Black locust saplings reacted real nice to dry heat so I decided to strengthen the compression factor by toasting the bow's belly. It worked!! Then it was just a matter to tiller the bows out toast the belly's a bit more and wrap a handle.
Grunt the sap wood was left on im guessing? I have some saplings and bigger logs and was not looking forward to chaseing a ring on any of it as the rings are fairly tight and I was under the assumption you had to take the sap wood off?.
Sailordad, I am going to send a check to cover shipping the bow back, I will fix it and keep it , if it cost more let me know and I will send the rest along with a new bow.
Hit a snag with my trade bow! Saw some cracks and don't know what to do. I started a thread looking for help or some other ideas.
I've got my bow to tiller stage. I am hoping to get it braced by this evening.
Grunt the sap wood was left on im guessing? I have some saplings and bigger logs and was not looking forward to chaseing a ring on any of it as the rings are fairly tight and I was under the assumption you had to take the sap wood off?.
Yep, did it the easy way. The diameter size [3 1/2"] and the damp soil where the sapling was grown yielded 5 nice fat rings. I just removed the bark and went to work. Mind you the four saplings I cut were second growth from one stump of a eight inch diameter tree I cut five years ago. A whole bunch easier than chasing a ring. One other thing, I kept the bottom limb towards the earth from which it grew and the top limb towards the sky that the sapling was reaching for.
K thanks Grunt
I got my trade bow to a 4" brace height today. The left side is the lower limb. I am trying to leave it a little stiffer than the top. How does the tiller look?
That whole thing with the broken bow is one of my biggest fears about making bows for people who live outside my area. I guess its a control thing, but I need to launch about 100 arrows on my own, then put the bow in their hands and watch them shoot the thing a few rounds to make sure that we both know the bow is where it needs to be. This way we both also know that any issue that arises is more likely to be a maintenance issue versus a "manufacturing" issue. This bow trade is definitely taking me out of my comfort zone, which I think is a GOOD thing. Anyhow, my trade bow is going to be a design that I have been wanting to try for the longest time. Basically, if my mad scientist idea works, the end result will be a cool bow that also relieves my personal insecurity. And to my intended, you'll be glad to know I'm about halfway there.
>:D lol
I got my trade bow to a 4" brace height today. The left side is the lower limb. I am trying to leave it a little stiffer than the top. How does the tiller look?
Osage, that looks real good. Is the bow sitting perfectly horizontal on the tillering stick? If I rotate it a little counter clockwise to line the bow back up with the grid it makes the lower limb look a little weaker but not a big deal. I think it's going to be a good bow.
First of all, my picture is crooked. Didn't notice it until I posted it last night. The lower limb has just a bit of a natural hump or deflex right below the handle. It is straight on the tillering board, but just looks crooked due to the shape of the stave. You have a sharp eye.
Ah, sorry. I should've known better than to assume the osage was straight. :D Good work.
I got it to 5 1/2" brace height. I might just leave it at that. I think the tiller looks good. Now I just need to do shape the handle and sand it.
Tiller looks great. That's gonna be a beauty.
Darcy :)
I agree looks great!
I'm shipping my bow out Monday.
Hope my person get lots of use out of it :)
I'm shipping my bow out Monday.
Hope my person get lots of use out of it :)
I plan to!
I received my trade bow from John K today, a very nice 60# Black walnut AFB, 68" long. John left the cambium on the back for a unique camo effect. I will have to wait 'til the weekend to shoot it due to other commitments, but I'll make sure to get plenty of photos to post.
Thanks again John.
LUCKY YOU!! that was a sweet bow I bet you will love it! Look forward to seeing some pics of you with her ;D
Thanks Jason, Glad you like it, hope it shoots good for you ! She like a heavy arrow :)