Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: carl on February 17, 2011, 01:19:30 am
Greetings all, my neighbor is going to take out a cotton wood tree. Has any one made a bow out of this wood or is it just good for dug out canoes ;-)
Cottonwood is not a good option for bows but might be just fine for arrows.
The woods next to my work is loaded with huge Cottonwood trees. Judging by the way healthy branches break off I wouldn't use it for anything but firewood :(
i wouldnt use it for a bow
but i have seen a lot of people on here try woods that werent supposed to be bow woods
make some decent bows
like they say, keep it long and keep it wide
just a guess but if you go 6" wide by 9' long
it might make a decent bow ;D
The Apache used cottonwood roots and heavily deflexed the tips so that they were under no strain when strung. many Apache considered the repeating gun to still be a weak choice and suitable only if you didn't have a bow handy!
Remember an article in PA where a guy in Hungry (I think) used cottonwood for his arrows.
I've tried cottonwood and it is weak in tension. It is very light wood, and I guess I would compare it to white pine. You can make a bow out of it but you can't put much strain on the wood.
I think the Apaches used willow, not cottonwood.
Thanks, just as I suspected. The fire wood rout sounds good to me. I'll check on the root idea.