Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: DanaM on May 19, 2007, 01:33:08 pm
Hope you folk can help, I believe this is a cherry of some type. I know its not immature Black Cherry. I always called it pin cherry.
Perhaps Chokecherry? They don't get very big 3" to 4" diameter trunk is about max maybe 20' tall is big. Tend to grow in clumps.
Took a walk at lunch today and took the camera with.
Last two pics are looking down Lake Michigan shoreline, and looking inside the breakwall on the Manistique River entrance.
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The tree and leaves look like sarvis(Amelanchier sp) but I haven't seen the flowers that big. Could be
A. sanguinea(roundleaf juneberry, shore shadbush). This tree grows from west of the Great Lakes to New England and down into Tenn and NC. Pat.
I looked up June berry it could be it These things grow all over up here, seems that they like the sun find em
on the edges and open areas. June berry good eatin?
Looks like serviceberry to me.I think its( Amelanchier arborea) . Also called shadbush in some areas by coast.In laws lived in north by Onondaga Lake, used to see it all the time when we used to visit in spring....bob
Yessir berries are delicious, can eat them raw right by tree or make jam like my mother-in-law used to...bob
Heres a good link for June berry
The berries are very much like blue berries. The problem is that with the trees growing taller than a man it's hard to beat the birds to the berries. Makes good bow wood also. Don (OldBow) built a service berry bow a few years ago with the western variety. The eastern variety I sent him blew up I believe. Pat
Seems like the birds sit on the branches and wait for the berrys to ripen. We hardly ever get any off the tree in Dad's yard. >:(
Get about 4 rubber snakes at a pet store etc. Drape snakes over top limbs around tree. Birds wont go near tree. Ole' NDN trick was to use skins from dead snakes they found stuffed with grass and draped on tree. Works ;D.........bob
Thanks guys I'm gonna keep an eye on the trees by work and see if I can get some berries.
Dana, Don't discount the wood for bows and shoots for arrows. Pat
Gonna take a walk at lunch today and see if I can find something straight.
Do like Bob said. The farm supply stores usually sell a plastic horned owl about 15" tall. They work great to keep the birds away from several trees at a time. Justin
Definitely Serviceberry. Good luck finding a straight stave. ???
Definitely Serviceberry. Good luck finding a straight stave. ???
Who wants stright. ;D Justin
I went fer a walk at lunch and these babies are everywhere! But their small diameter do you think 2" is enough to get a bow out of?
Yup, I use 2" branches all the time.........bob
Dana, Find yourself a nice 2" pole, cut it long and bring it home. In a month or so, split or band saw it down the center and strap it to a board to dry without twisting. Be sure the trunk isn't twisted before you cut it. Study the bark for spiral growth. By cutting it long the ends can check a bit and you will still have enough wood for a bow after you cut off the checked ends. Look for arrow shoots while you're at it. I think it makes good shoot arrows. I have some shoots of our service berry(sarvis) drying now. Pat
Thanks Pat & Bob if its not raining after work I will be takin another walk about.
My vote for serviceberry
The tree structure however looks more like bird cherry, but the leaves do not match.
Heres some serviceberry I cut yesterday, nice and straight the way Justin likes them. ;D
I was surprised how heavy they are. Will see what can be done with em.
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Looks kinda like muscle wood. Leaves are way different, and it apperantly isn't as gnarly as muscle wood. I hope it works out for ya.
I think they will check and split if dried as round.
I would paint the ends ASAP.
Then I would work the thickness to somewhere around the final thickness. and use c-clams to clamp the to something non bending.
Then I would cover them with newspaper and leave them to dry.
I am not sure if the best would be to dry them with bark on, or bark off.
I sealed the ends with glue but they will have to wait to split them no time now.
I have them stored in a cool place. I also took a piece about 18" long and stripped the bark off I want
to see if that checks. I think this stuff is going to be like v maple as it looks like its gonna have tension wood on one side.
Heres some serviceberry I cut yesterday, nice and straight the way Justin likes them. ;D
I was surprised how heavy they are. Will see what can be done with em.
Dana, I like them any way you send them to me. ;D ;D Justin
Here's some pics, I know how much everyone likes pictures :) This is one of the serviceberry
staves after debarking and sawing it in half. I tried to split it but didn't want to go, maybe Justin Bunyan could of done it ;D
Its tight grain and the heart wood is quite striking. Under the bark there are raised lines that look
like veins. Appers to me that if I follow the wave in the heart wood that should give me the profile.
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Wow that's pretty wood.Are you going to try to leave some heartwood in the bow?
I doubt if the heart wood is thick enuf, after one day the wood is turning an orangey color.
I finally got em all peeled and cut in half heres some pics
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Forgot front and side profile
Looks like some good bows to me. Justin