Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: SiongSA on January 30, 2011, 02:15:28 pm

Title: Some advice
Post by: SiongSA on January 30, 2011, 02:15:28 pm
Hey guys me again,
Waiting for some ash to season so i'm bored again lol so i went to the wood and cut a mulberry branch, its about 2inches thick and about 59" in length and has 1 part sapwood to 1 part heartwood, obviously the heartwoods gunna be the belly and the sap on the back, but what style should i make ELB, flatbow, pyramid etc? i'm aiming for 35-40lb @ 26"

South Africa
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: Pat B on January 30, 2011, 04:27:29 pm
I'd say a flatbow. That is a pretty short stave.
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: crooketarrow on January 30, 2011, 06:11:17 pm
  I agree if it's going to be that short make it wide. 2 Inchs at least.
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: Pat B on January 30, 2011, 06:21:02 pm
...and bend through the handle!  ;)
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: SiongSA on January 31, 2011, 01:38:36 am
Cheers guys,
also how thick should it be from belly through to back if i'm aiming for 35/40 lb? and you say at least 2" wide surely there has to be some tapper towards the ends if so, how wide at the ends?

South africa
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: Pat B on January 31, 2011, 02:23:13 am
I never measure thickness but remove wood until I get the bend I want at the draw length and weight I want. A short bow like that might want to start at 5/8" at the handle. I would take the width out 8" or so before tapering to 1/2" tips(for now). You can make the tips smaller later when you are ready to finish the bow.
Title: Re: Some advice
Post by: DEllis on January 31, 2011, 07:59:20 pm
Some of the answers when taken together may be a bit confusing. How will he make it "at least 2 inches wide" when his branch is only 2 inches thick?  Also the poster staes he only wants 35 to 40 # at 26 inches of draw. I have never worked with mulberry before but according to what I read about it it should be at least as good as some of the mid weight maples.
If it were me I'd make it 1.5 inches wide for the center 2 feet or a bit more (this would be narrow enough to allow the arrow to paradox Ok), and then taper to 1/2 inch nocks as Pat B suggests. Handle area bending slightly, most bend at mid limb, and little to no bend closer to the nocks. Thickness adjusted to get the tiller shape and draw weight correct. Not trying to stomp any toes but it really is no trick to get 26" of draw and 40# out of nearly 5 feet of any reasonably good wood. Certainly no need to go 2" wide in my opinion, for what it is worth(maybe not much ;))
Best of luck,
Darcy :)