Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: fishfinder401 on January 26, 2011, 09:26:46 pm
i am new to bow making and i was wondering were i can get some osage, i just made a bow from most lickley the only osage tree in rhode island and i am hooked, anyone know where i can get some cheaper than on ebay, or is that stuff a good price
thanks for any help, as soon as i can figure out how to get pictures up ill show my first bow
Just a thought but try, looking for Osage lumber? Possibly a Bamboo backing?
i know im sounding a little picky, but i would prefer to not use pieces cut for lumber, i would prefer something more in the line of a stave, where could follow a growth ring, which i for some reason i get enjoyment out of
I betcha the best place to find an osage stave would be this forum, or
Yeah I have to agree with toomanyknots lots of guys on here are willing to trade for stuff or there are some good vendors in the classified ads down below on the home page. Ebay is a good way to get in trouble in my experience and it's hard to tell anything from photos and lots of people sound like they know what they are talking about because they read something somewhere. There are a couple of good vendors on there but they are few and far between.
If you have any trade items go on the Trading Post and ask who has osage. All you can do on this siute is trade. No money talk.
If you think Osage is scarce where you live , try to find it in Alberta!!Try to find any staves .
With luck there will be some guys selling staves at the Longbow Safari in Calgary this year.
It is darn hard making a bow from Oil and Wheat.
thanks for the suggestions, what type of things could i trade, because that sounds like my best bet
thanks for all the replies
Osage is a highly valued bowyers wood, and is usually traded for something of equal value. But equal value will be different for different people. I livein northern ontario canada where quality hardwoods seldom grow, so staves and knapping stones are a premium. but rawhide, sinew, antlers and things of the like are easy to find. Trick is to find someone who has what you want and find out what he/she wants :D
But no osage......sorry :S :D
would somebody trade an osage stave for black locust, might be bale to get some of those in the future? would that be considered of close value?
Best thing when you start out find whats handy.I've got a couple from Mike Yancey but they don't come cheap.
But they are nice. ;) My freind has a US address where he winters I ship there he's my mule
Note to petew call Bert at quartermoon he da man :D
Thanks Leroy