Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Frode on November 06, 2010, 05:37:01 pm

Title: Kids bows...?
Post by: Frode on November 06, 2010, 05:37:01 pm
Hi all,
I've seen several posts here lately on kids bows, and it turns out we've got a whole passel of great nephews, aged about 3 and below.  I guess you know how this is gonna turn out.  How early do you all generally start kids out with bows?  Just curious.
Great Uncle Frode
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Klandaght on November 06, 2010, 06:18:01 pm
My daughter started shooting with me at 3D shoots at age 4.  Just enough time to make some bows I think.  Hmmmm.
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Lombard on November 06, 2010, 06:50:23 pm
Looks like you will be responsible for arming the family Frode.
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Pat B on November 06, 2010, 06:52:57 pm
as soon as their momma's let them!  ;D   Kids are natural archers. I'd say as soon as they understand how it works. Lots of supervision while they are young.
  I hope you are ready to make a passel of bows!  ;D
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Story Teller on November 07, 2010, 12:14:22 am

My oldest son caught me working on a bow one evening and stood there in his pajammas and said, "You make a bow for me too, Daddy?"  He had just turned four at the time.  The next day I wiped the work bench clean and got started.  His younger brother asked for his first bow when he was three and was watching his older brother shoot.  His grandpa beat me to it and built his.  In both cases, my boys have been able to understand basically what to do.  Their attention span was short - they would shoot 2 or three rounds and be done, but they would frequently ask to shoot their bows, especially when they saw me practicing.  Based on this, I'd say 3 is certainly a good age to get started.  The real answer may be, "hand them a bow the minute they show an interest, age is irrelevant."  My oldest is now 7, has a good grasp of archery safety and form, and I'm building bows for all of his friends, because he has infected them with the bug.  Archery lives on!

Have fun with it too... it's a real treat watching them light up when the arrow flies!

Story Teller
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Kitsu on November 07, 2010, 11:53:35 pm
heh, i am making one as well for my cousin, he is barely 3 but honestly, he really likes bows (and the tools i use, i had to catch the bugger because he kept taking my plane and grinding it against the cement... not a pleasant sound to hear, and not a fun thing when i need it sharp heh.) in my opinion, if they show an interest, make them one, if not, make them one for later in their lives, either way, be careful when you give a super young one a bow, they will bash it up if you arent careful (well, my cousin will for sure, he's a little demon)

the reason i really wanted to make him one, is because i had a stave break during the splitting process because my wedge hit a knot and decided to break off there, a perfect length for a "longbow" at his size, i figured, rather than throwing it into the fire pit, ill jump on the bandwagon and make him one,

its a shame i don't have any dry hickory left, those bows are almost kid proofed naturally, after all, there is a reason that wood is used in tool handles, can handle an impact :P (im going to cut off here, before i get off topic)
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Bevan R. on November 08, 2010, 03:37:40 pm
I like to make 'kids' bows out of rattan. It's inexpensive and almost indistructable. It will also 'grow' with them. As their drawlength get longer, you can just pull the bow further. I tried to break a rattan bow I made. Stood on the string and pulled the handle up to over 36 inches. (The bow is less than 60" ntn). Never broke, did not take additional set. Still using it.
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Frode on November 09, 2010, 08:34:49 pm
Thanks everyone!
I wouldn't have guessed 3, quite, but it makes sense.  Kids used to learn all kinds of stuff just as soon as they could pick up the tool.  I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time in Chicagoland (where all those nephews are).  ;D
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: HoBow on November 09, 2010, 09:09:15 pm
How far are you from Chicagoland?  I'm in the NW burbs.
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Frode on November 10, 2010, 11:53:57 pm
I'm on the north side of Indianapolis.  Most of the kids are around Warrenville.  I say kids, meaning if I make a bow for one of the boys, Mom and Dad (both ex Marines!) will probably have to have one too!  ;D
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: jonathan creason on November 11, 2010, 02:42:50 pm
It's not very primitive, but my son's first bow was made out of PVC.  After I was convinced he could handle it I made him a red oak pyramid bow (which he's actually outside shooting right now).
Title: Re: Kids bows...?
Post by: Utahbowyer on November 14, 2010, 03:13:21 am
I have eleven children, ranging from 19 down to one year old. The oldest (out of the home now) and youngest two don't have a bow, but the others do, made by their father! Ages 4-18 shoot with me, along with their mother.
I have just handed them the bow, and said, 'shoot.' During the past year, I have tried to instruct them in a bit in foot placement as well as anchoring. But mostly want to make it fun for them.
I too, would be interested in knowing any techniques that folks use in teaching children. Thanks.