Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: n2huntn on October 28, 2010, 07:28:18 am

Title: super glue finsh
Post by: n2huntn on October 28, 2010, 07:28:18 am
Anyone trie this on a bow? Wondering how it does on the bending sections. Have also looked at the Massey finish with epoxy/acetone and wondered if it or the ca glue finish provide a measure of prorection.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: jthompson1995 on October 28, 2010, 08:04:42 am
I use a superglue finish on wooden pens I make but I don't think it would do well on a bow. The finish itself is quite brittle and can crack if put on a pen too thick and the pen is dropped or tapped hard. It is also intended for use on smaller project; it would be difficult to get a good finish on larger items like bows because the glue sets so fast.

I think the massey finish works better because epoxy is significantly more flexible than superglue when cured.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: n2huntn on October 28, 2010, 08:39:49 am
Thank you Mr. Thompson, I had seen the ca finish on a woodturning site and that's what gave me the iddea.
That's a great signature on the bottom of your reply.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: medicinewheel on October 28, 2010, 04:47:42 pm
My friend uses it on glas bows; seems to be common for glas bows as a prime coat, than epoxy laquer on top.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: NTD on October 28, 2010, 05:31:17 pm
I have used it and while I have not had any cracking issues I don't like it.  I prefer tru or tung oil...they don't make me hallucinate :)
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: sonny on October 28, 2010, 07:02:55 pm
A buddy of mine uses superglue on the back of most every bow that he makes.
He applies the glue then literally polishes the back of the bow to practically a mirror
finish. Seems like a great deal of work to me but he swears by it!
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: medicinewheel on October 28, 2010, 07:11:07 pm
....  I prefer tru or tung oil...they don't make me hallucinate :)

Good point!
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: Catahoula on October 28, 2010, 08:46:07 pm
Gee La,

I use the stuff in making flutes on holes, cracks and such...makes me loopy to be around it!...can't imagine what a whole bow covered with the stuff would do to your lungs if you are not using a respirator!  Jus' my thoughts...

Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: NTD on October 28, 2010, 08:49:08 pm
Gee La,

I use the stuff in making flutes on holes, cracks and such...makes me loopy to be around it!...can't imagine what a whole bow covered with the stuff would do to your lungs if you are not using a respirator!  Jus' my thoughts...


LOL my point exactly!  IMO opinion there are much more user friendly finishes.  But it does work.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: Gordon on October 29, 2010, 12:45:01 am
I've used superglue as a primer coat over oily woods, but I prefer shellac for that purpose as it is much cheaper and easier on the brain cells.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: walkabout on October 30, 2010, 01:49:40 pm
ive had someone suggest using ca over rawhide for a finish, they said it turns out very well and is smooth as well as durable. ive also seen it used on snakeskins. my personal opinion is that the labor involved in sanding it clear enough over wood wouldnt be worth the exposure to the fumes given off. in knifemaking i only use it for minimal pieces such as bolsters/end caps or spacers of diferent materials. i have, however also used it to seal handle wraps of hemp twine.
Title: Re: super glue finsh
Post by: n2huntn on October 30, 2010, 01:55:37 pm
anyone try the Massey finish ? Does it add durability?