Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Shooting and Hunting => Topic started by: Mark Anderson on October 11, 2010, 03:16:25 pm

Title: Awesome Morning!
Post by: Mark Anderson on October 11, 2010, 03:16:25 pm
Well I got to go for the second time today. Season here in MO started the 15th of Sept. but I've only been out twice now. Great morning. In the stand at 6:00. It's not in a funnel or anything but it is where five different trails converge. At 7.30 I had a HUGE tom come in but hung out at around 30 yards. All I could do is scare him just a little at that distance. Meanwhile through the trees I saw five young bucks chasing each other around and racking their antlers together. Watched thm for a good 11/2 hours. Then presently a nice healthy doe came in and stopped at 18 yds. I started to raise my bow slowly to shoot, just began to draw and here came two fawns with a few spots on them still. So I let off and just watched them little buggers run and play and nibble on stuff for a bit. The doe was fat especially considering the babys I'm sure were still nursing. About 10:30 everything was stil and quiet so i got downand took a walk. Found two big rubs and another trail that I didn't know was there. Came home empty handed but for the experience which is just about as good anyway!
Title: Re: Awesome Morning!
Post by: mullet on October 11, 2010, 05:45:00 pm
 Sounds like a really great morning, hard to beat that without some meat hanging.
Title: Re: Awesome Morning!
Post by: El Destructo on October 11, 2010, 06:13:04 pm
It ain't always about the Kill....I have more  fun with a camera taking pictures....or trying to get as close as possible stalking me a feeling of satisfaction thats irreplaceable when I can fool them and get that close....makes you feel like you really did your job right...sounds to me like you had a great experience.....