Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: artie on April 01, 2007, 09:31:46 pm

Title: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: artie on April 01, 2007, 09:31:46 pm
I have been reading a lot of threads and finally worked up the courage to try one for myself.  Thanks to all of you who helped (without knowing it).

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Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Badger on April 01, 2007, 10:01:05 pm
Man, thats a great job you did there, they don't look like a brgainer did them for sure, keep at it. Steve
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: mnewcomb59 on April 01, 2007, 10:02:18 pm
Oh my gosh! Those bows are phenomenal for a pro! Are you sure these are only #2 and 3?
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Coo-wah-chobee on April 01, 2007, 10:07:40 pm
..........Whoo- Weee....................bob
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Minuteman on April 01, 2007, 10:19:48 pm
Sheesh !!My first two looked like they were done by a one eyed,one armed, five thumbed , cave man compared to those two. Fine work I'd say. I AM on dial up and didn't look at all the pics though . ;)
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Hillbilly on April 02, 2007, 08:39:24 am
Great job! You guys are giving me an inferiority complex just casually spitting out bows like that.
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: a finnish native on April 02, 2007, 09:13:13 am
damn dude! that's some nice work, keep it up. how many pounds do they draw?
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: ridge on April 02, 2007, 09:30:14 am
  Artie, Saw them on the other site. I was wondering why i hadn,t seen you for a while.  Great looking bows! CUL   Ridge
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Dustybaer on April 02, 2007, 11:05:51 am
very nice bows.  how did you do the "tigerstripes"?
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: DanaM on April 02, 2007, 11:45:01 am
Nice job, they look awesome.

Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: OldBow on April 02, 2007, 02:41:39 pm
How some specs about these bows: Materials used, ntn length, draw weights....the usual.
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Stickhead on April 02, 2007, 03:33:40 pm
Must be an April Fool joke.  Those look way pro to me  :)
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Pappy on April 02, 2007, 09:18:16 pm
You will be hard to handle when you figure out what you are doing ;D just kidding looks like you already know.Good job
very nice,tiller looks good also.
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: venisonburger on April 02, 2007, 10:15:33 pm
Pretty impressive workmanship, looks like years of experince.
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: artie on April 02, 2007, 10:58:29 pm
Thanks for all of the kind words.  Like I said though, I learned a lot from all of you.
1- raw boo back, fast flex boo mid lam, fast flex boo belly, bocote power lam, paduak and bocote riser
    poor attempt at fading with rit dye

2- raw boo back, hickory mid lam, fast flex boo belly, walnut power lam, walnut and zebra riser
    fiddleback stain I copied from another site

Both bows are 66" ntn and about 55#@28.  Glued up with about 5 inches of reflex.  I lost a lot during tillering, but I'll work on it.
Thanks again!  Can't wait to start on the next one.

Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: mnewcomb59 on April 03, 2007, 02:32:39 am
Just a tip - If you use boo on the belly and fastflex on the back you will retain lots more reflex. Fastflex isnt particularly strong in compression, and coupled with bamboo on the back could be why you didnt retain more reflex. If you switch it around the bamboo on the belly will be alot more compression strong and might turn out better. The fiddleback pattern looks really good. What did you use for the dye? Rit? I cant wait to see #3. :)
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: Gordon on April 03, 2007, 03:02:40 am
If those are only your 2nd and 3rd attempts then the rest of us are all in trouble  :D

Those turned out very nice indeed.
Title: Re: 2nd and 3rd attempt
Post by: DBernier on April 03, 2007, 07:50:29 am
Really beautiful job Artie. Have you tried 0000 steel wool to fade out your die job. That is what I use. Don't forget you can use Acetone to remove it all and start again. I use the Tandy leather die after I scrape and sand the back. I learned a lot from a friend of mine. Practice, practice, practice. Your skill with design and composition tells me you are talented in other areas also. ;)

Dick Bernier