Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: recurve shooter on May 06, 2010, 06:01:02 pm
i have only got one decent shooting bow so far, now im trying a hickory board that island piper gave me today. i got the profile cut out and have started scrapeing on it. long way to go. im hopeing that if i dont break it, island piper is going to help me flip the tips and rawhide back it. if all goes well this should make a decend bow. i'll keep puting up pics as i make progress.
grrrr. i need some hickory! ive been told to flip the tips first, then tiller
Hickory is pretty tough to tear up, I remember your last bow you made and if you put as good a tiller on this one as you did that one, it should be a very sweet shooter. Good luck! :) -josh
thanks guys. by the way, hickory is hard lol been workin on it for five hours and im just now geting the darn thing to flex when i put my weight on it. ;D
Take yer time Trey, and if its just starting to bend when you lean on it then its a stout piece of wood ;) :D 8)
Take yer time Trey, and if its just starting to bend when you lean on it then its a stout piece of wood ;) :D 8)
lol yeah that would put it at about a 350 pound draw. give or take fifty. ;D :P
got it bending a little more. gunna bring it to Mr. Kieth tomorrow to see if he's ready to flip the tips for me so i can go on with the tillering process. looking good so far, just lightly stout lol. should be a beast if i can keep from screwing it up.
anyway, my hands hurt. seems there may be some issue with the handle on my drawkinfe. anyone see any issue here? :P ;D :D
gloves ;D
gloves ;D
lol i was a little late figureing that out. :D
just get some wood clsoet rod and drill some holes and tap them on ends
yeah sailordad im planning on putting something on it soon. never thought of the closet rod idea though. ;D
hey! that's my draw knife! Seriously! Even the ahndle's bent the same.
Anyway, best way to go about it is to file the nubs off the ends of the grips and go get file handles. Hammer them on and bam...draw knife handles.
- got a Harbor Freight close by?? If so...go and buy a set of thread On File can't beat them...Dowel or Drive On Handle come back off...these won't...and they are a cheap Item to purchase...and they last forever too...
El D, im not sure about a harbor freight, but ther is a tractor supply co. bout a mile from me. think they would have it?
Didn't think about the thread-on beat-on handles haven't come off yet :)
Trey...should have them there also....they sell files and they have them..
been workin on it more. it was comeing along nicely untill i somehow managed to scrape a darn hinge in one of the limbs. by the time i got it all straightened back out i think it might be a little light, not sure if im going to keep workin on it or just shorten it, lighten it, and give it to my future little step brother. waiting on mr. kieth's advice, lol. here are some pics.
marked the "DO NOT TOUCH" hingeing part with sharpie
here it is beding a little bit after i got it streightend out. still not perfect, but this is where it is right now.
it's bending enough it should go to a shorter string, at least 2" or 3" brace height