Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Timo on February 21, 2010, 07:37:25 pm
Gordon and I did a stave trade last winter,(osage for vine maple). I had never had the chance to build a bow from it so figured I'd better get my feet wet.Gordon was gracious enough to send me one of his better pieces? ;)
I wished this stuff grew straight and clean, cause I think it would rival any great bow wood out there. Even with all the thicker areas that you think would make this stuff shoot like crap, it still performs very well! I'm a believer. 8)
Had a terrible time with all the knots and dips/curves, I swear it was like a bad mt road at times,but I muttled through it.
65" ntn
50# @ 28"
belly sturgeon leftover skins
American bison horn tips.
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Here is the before and after.
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Oh my, that is about as nice a vine maple bow as I have ever seen. You did well with that piece of wood!
Timo, You did excellent with that VM. The sturgeon skins look great and very nice job on those tips. VM can definitely give you some learning curves with the dip dives and grain swirls but it really is a great bow wood. You did yourself and Gordon Proud. Congratulations.
Starry Nights...I see waht you mean 8) Looks very nice...for what ya had to work with ::) ;D
That is SWEET, Timo. I think Vine Maple is my next favorite wood. Now you need to try Cascara.
very nice bow there timo! ;D
Good looking bow, I like the braced profile and the horn tips.
Wow!That is a very nice bow.Great job. I'm going to have to get a hold of some of that VM and give it a try myself. God Bless
Gordon, I wasn't sure I could pull this off! Thanks again for the wood.
Keenan, This vm could really grow on a fella,hint hint.I do have snake wood ya know? ;)
Shannon,I told you it had some issues.
Mullet,I'm always game for different woods.How could I get my hands on some of that cascara?
Thanks all for all the good words.
Very nice, I really like those skins and tips. Great job on a tough piece of wood.
Cool bow, Tim with perfect tiller. The skins are quite nice also. Heck, the whole thing is nice! 8)
very impressive! doesn't look like it was easy, either...
That's a very nice bow you carved out, Timo! I think a stave with all them crooks and dips would intimidate the crap outta me but you bent it to your will and produced a very fine bow from it! Great job! :)
If you liked the challenge of that one i can send you one with bout twice as many dips dives,bends and whatever else could cause headaches. ;D Gordon and Dave H, handed me one last year at the end of our rendezvous and said bet you can't make a bow out of this one. :o :o :o Nothing like good buddies to give a next to impossible dare. ::) It had a side bend that is almost a half circle giving it a crescent moon shape. But I think I'm going to try it anyway.
Ps. I'll see what I have in my piles for ya.
That is one fine stick. I especially appreciate your success because i'm in the throws with a narly piece of VM myself. I think I've steamed it 4 or 5 times already. Wife walks in... "oh, your cooking a stick again" :D
What a nice lookin weapon u got there and to top it off you put skins of a sturgeon makes it pop. I was hoping to catch some Muskys or even some huge chain Pickerel...which theres an old hole I have caught them as big as 35 inches. Great job and good luck on ur bow quest!
This one is really nice!
The backing looks great!
Very nice work Tim,just beautiful,I have a couple of pieces of that I need to get on one of them. :)
Absolutely beautiful bow! I love the look of that sturgeon skin.
Looks great Tim, VM maple is some great wood :)
... Wife walks in... "oh, your cooking a stick again" :D
That's really funny!
A lot of times people probably think we'd really need treatment when we talk of steamed wood and toasted bamboo, sometimes simply the word rawhide makes them look at us funny... ;D ;D ;D
Thanks again everyone. It was a..... well I guess it was a joy to work something a bit different? :D
Josh, come on you can do it!
Looking forward to see how you come out Keenan.
Ross factor,Cooking sticks.... Never thought of it that way. 8) Stay at it son!
Venom, I've seen pike on bows, but never seen musky. Get ya some a lets see um.
Pappy, I thinned these alot before I layed them down and wrapped them with ace bandage until set. Otherwise they want to roll up on the edges.
There's some real craftsmanship here. A serious candiate for Feb Self BOM fun, too.
that is so great timo...i love it..some people call vm rookie wood..but i don' has allot of challenges and and the nodles can be fun all so...i just figure its a exotic wood that most people cant get...hey, did you draw knife it or raspe it...thanks for sharing...john
Tim, that's a mighty fine lookin' bow.
Timo, that's just awesome! Jawge
some people call vm rookie wood
I've heard that too. Some folks think that probably because it can take so much abuse. However with all the grain swirls, whoop-de-doos, twists, and tension induced reflex it is anything but.
Beautiful balanced full draw, ..and overall bow.
Got a Gordon VM myself, ...gotta get of my butt and do something about it ;D
My first thought was, "Man, that fella does good work!" Beautiful Bow.
great looking bow Tim
that is saaaweeet.
Awesome, and I tought the one I just did tested my eyes.
Thanks again to everyone.
I can't imagine this stuff being called "rookie wood"? Goodness gracious I would have hated for someone to hand me one of these when I first started and say,"here ya go probey"! :o :o
Nice bow Timo! Are you going to be in OK in a three weeks?