Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: NTD on January 10, 2010, 05:56:26 pm

Title: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 10, 2010, 05:56:26 pm
Alright, I finished this bow before Mackenzie was born but didn't have time to post pics.  You guys helped me out on the tiller with this and I messed with it as much as I dared.  I'm still not entirely happy with it but it'll do. 

It is 67" total length 66"ntn.  It draws 55lbs @ 29".  Tip overlays are Ipe as well.  Ipe is from a store here called Woodworker's Source and the Boo from the great KnightD   (the arrows were also made from tonkin I received from David)  It is skinned with an albino reticulated python.  Sorry MedicineWheel, in hindsight I should have traded with probably would have done the skin justice.  I glued in 3 inches of's pipe straight after being shot and relaxes to about 3/4" reflex after sitting for awhile.

All in all it is a nice bow it's fast and shoots nice.  I'm hooked on the Ipe and Boo combo unfortunately my local source is down to a few boards and they are all knotty.  I have one more board and piece of boo so the next try is going to be a R/ that I've got a BBI in hand I think I have the nerve to start one of those. 

Oh yeah almost forgot...I cheated on my handle's a tennis handle replacement wrap with a self adhesive...but it is LEATHER!  ;D


Nate Danforth 
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Justin Snyder on January 10, 2010, 06:07:45 pm
It looks really good Nate. The tiller is great. I can't hardly believe that had 3" of reflex. I dont think I loose more than 1/2" of reflex on any of my Ipe bows.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 10, 2010, 06:11:44 pm
Thanks Justin!  You are right though...I had it glued up on 3 inch blocks it didn't take 3" of reflex...I phrased that probably only had 1 1/2 inches or so of reflex off the form... my bad  ;)

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Pat B on January 10, 2010, 06:26:51 pm
Very nice Nate. Tiller is spot on!  My only suggestion would be to round off the corners(edges) a bit more.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Keenan on January 10, 2010, 08:06:24 pm
Very sweet bow Nate, That is a nice straight unbraced profile and tiller looks dead on. Congratulations
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 10, 2010, 08:34:15 pm
Thanks guys!  Pat, I'll keep the rounding mantra in my head on the next one...I always round them a bit but get nervous getting too agressive.  I do most of the round when I'm near my length and weight and I'm always worried I'll come in under weight.  I round a little and burnish the hell out of them...don't know if that helps any  :-\

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: El Destructo on January 10, 2010, 08:44:25 pm
Looks nice Nate....I like the Backyard Shots....wish we had Cactus like that......... ;D
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 10, 2010, 09:02:11 pm
Thanks Mike,  I love the saguaros...I actually live right near the saguaro natonal forest lots of them.  And if you notice you can't see any neighbors in the back yard that's why I moved to this side of Tucson...I have the Tucson Mts between me and the city so I can even see the stars at night.  I've only got an acre but with all the county, state and federal land around me it seems like more.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Pat B on January 10, 2010, 09:37:59 pm
Nate, those edges generally can be rounded with little if any draw weight loss. They are basically dead weight. Less chance of a splinter lifting too.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: woodstick on January 10, 2010, 09:38:44 pm
very nice bow and the skins look real good.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Rich Saffold on January 10, 2010, 09:47:14 pm

Your bow looks good real good, and the skin is a nice touch as well.  Did you eat it?  I had to laugh when you said you cheated on your handle wrap..I figured you had one of Tiger's 9-Irons ;).

That is a  great location where  you are at, and I'm sure watching the lights in the sky there can be rather interesting.. ;) I too love the desert and live at the western edge..

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Pappy on January 11, 2010, 07:23:30 am
Nice bow,looks great to me,Should be a shooter. :)
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Okie on January 11, 2010, 09:41:42 am
Great lookin bow Nate.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: brownhillboy on January 11, 2010, 10:24:56 am
Great looking bow, and I love the arrows too!  I know how much work those shafts can be, but they're worth it.  Nice work! :)
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: OldBow on January 11, 2010, 10:56:27 pm
Excellent bow! Looking forward to seeing this one again at the end of the month. Thanks for the great pics and the pics of the saguaro!
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: StickandString88 on January 11, 2010, 11:26:38 pm
Great looking bow!
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Josh on January 13, 2010, 12:27:06 pm
Great bow there Nate!!!   Tiller looks great and so do the snakeskins.... Beautiful finish work!    :)   -josh
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 14, 2010, 10:26:39 pm
Thanks Everyone for the nice comments.

Rich, especially means a lot coming from the guy who "discovered" Ipe.  Nah didn't eat this snake, but then again I didn't kill it either :)

Brownhillboy, thanks for the far as the arrows I cheated with those as well.  They are pre-straightened and spined shafts that I got from David Knight.  Also cheated by using plastic nocks LOL.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: Rich Saffold on January 14, 2010, 10:52:52 pm
Nate, I have had some large pythons and boas when I was younger, and I regret never skinning my 12' male Columbian Redtail when it kicked.  My twisted sense of humor is a result  of working on the bottom of the ocean for years longer than I probably should have :o ;D

That was a very beautiful snake and this is a great way to remember it..


Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 14, 2010, 11:36:03 pm
My thoughts exactly Rich.  I have some really special snakes and while I don't look forward to them dying I know that they will live on in a way on the back of a nice bow.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: knightd on January 14, 2010, 11:46:22 pm
NTD you did a great job on this one.. Cant wait to see your next one.. ;)
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 15, 2010, 01:25:26 am
Thanks David.  The first BBI went to a friend..this one is mine...all that He has a bow and I've got a BBI in hand I've GOT to try a R/D,  the tiller on them scares the hell out of me though.

Those shafts you sent me are great..turned out some nice arrows.  Now where the heck are those Mojaves I sent you?  Too much hog hunting not enough bow making :)

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: barebo on January 15, 2010, 07:50:15 am
Your tiller is really making me envious!!! I just finished my first Ipe - backed with Ash. I was (still am!!) amazed at how much material you can remove and still retain tremendous tension. I'm also envious at the beautiful, smooth finish on your belly. Can you tell me what tools you used and how you obtained such a nice finish ?? Just a Beautiful, Graceful example - NICE !!!!!
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: gmc on January 15, 2010, 08:45:24 am
I won't hardly look at anthing other than a selfbow but I really like the looks of this one. The skin is very unique and contrast quite nicely with the bow. Very nice indeed, good job on that bow. The arrows look nice too, nice overall rig for sure.

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: knightd on January 15, 2010, 10:16:28 am
Too much hog hunting not enough bow making

 ;D ;D :) ;)
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 15, 2010, 10:38:16 am
Wow thanks for the nice compliments Barebo and GMC.  Barebo, I used a rasp to rough out, Mystik Scraper for most of it and a cabinet scraper for final tiller.  Finished with a bit of sandpaper then Tru-Oil with steel wool between coats.  I LOVE the Mystik scraper on Ipe, it makes wood removal easy and keeps the ipe smooth.  I keep it sharp by running it on my belt sander for a few seconds.                   David, that is a valid reason to take a respite from making shavings.
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: luke the drifter on January 15, 2010, 11:03:36 am
sir,  i like the look of your bow very much.  couple of questions though,  how much string follow did you have and did you follow the width from your handle to mid limb and then taper to the tips? 
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on January 15, 2010, 12:19:16 pm
Hi Luke,  as you can see in the picture it has taken no string follow.  It has of course taken some set, a little over an inch.  The bow is 1.25" wide until midlimb and tapers to 3/8" tips.

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: skyarrow on February 04, 2010, 11:28:06 am
most excellent job on this bow NDT i love the colors of the snake skin  hope my bow looks this good when i get done with it :) ttys

Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: elk country rp on February 04, 2010, 03:51:24 pm
Title: Re: 2nd BBI
Post by: NTD on February 04, 2010, 10:16:36 pm
Thanks for the compliments guys.  I've shot the hell out of it too and I like it even more every time I shoot.