Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Badger on December 18, 2009, 01:59:20 pm
I just had a brain fart! The bowyer thread made me think of this. What if we had a topic where once each week a member here would introduce himself and discuss his particular interest in archery. What his goals are, what got him involved, how it has impacted his life, anything he wants to talk about. For one week his thread would stay at the top. Not sure how we could select the bowyers to write, maybe anyone interested could throw his or her name into a hat and and when his name came up a moderator could notify him or her. Should we limit this to bow makers with at least 1 year experience? 3 years? Any feed back on this? Steve
Maybe on the selection process the moderators could select one week and they could draw from a hat the next week? Steve
Might be an excellent way of sharing more information.
Steve that is a great idea. I have often thought of writing a short piece about my obsession. I would want it to include; where I'm at right now, how i got to this stage, and where I want to be in the next few years. A short essay if you like. Mind you now I come to think about it, it wouldn't be such a short piece, as there is so much I would want to include. I think it should be open to anyone who wants to write about it. If it comes off I would be up for it.
Nathan, thats kind of what I had in mind. If it ran for a full week you could continue to add to it throughout the week. We have a lot of members here so it would take a few years to get everyone covered. How many memebers do we have anyway?
Steve, we have 3044 members now. Not all active though.
Sounds like cool idea. 8)
Wow that would take a while, I talk alot :)
Steve, I can look up the members by when they joined or by how many posts. Perhaps one of those would be a way to sort this out. Or we could start with you, Marc, George, Pat and a few others, since so many of us look up to you fellers. Many of the members have never posted so naturally we would not include them.
You could chose a random person to start with and that person could choose someone they would want to learn more about to take it the next week. Every week, the current person would choose the next person.
I didn't realize you had so many members, I guess there should be some criteria. Maybe bow of the month winner is offered a slot each month, if he hasn't allready posted one? The enthusiasm of new commers is also good to hear about. Some of the old timers aren't very active anymore and would be good to hear from. Maybe 2 a week instead of one. A mix of old timers, relative new commers and when possible a guest speaker. I certainly don't want to creat any more work for you guys, maybe even appt someone to handle the invitations if it gets to be a pain. The desire to write a bio being sent in would also help to narrow the field a bit. Anyone interested would have to put their own name in the hat. Maybe some could be random names drawn and some selected. Steve
I like this idea, i think you should just start with whoever has the most posts and go down the list from there. this will automatically weed out the members who have never posted or only posted once or twice. If the individual who is in line declines to do it then just move on to the next. I think that would be the simplest, no muss, no fuss method.
Well I am sure there is an easy way for them to sort people by last post in their database, I think that the picking the first person randomly then them picking someone else is a cool idea. I'm sure that would actually serve the same purpose that your proposing with the most post thing, because people that aren't active aren't going to be known. At least it makes sense to me in my weird mind :)
Sounds good to me. Everyone has a story. I think we " myself included" tend to form opinions about members based on a few words and often get the wrong impression. I'd like to hear your stories.
I like it! It always helps me appareciate a bow or arrows or whatever more if I know the reson behind it all :)
I think, it maybe nice if person posting also post picture of bows they have made.
We do like pictures :)
The sight has probably gotten too big to really do this. Maybe the best way would be just any time someone felt like posting their own mini bio they could feel free to do so, whenever they felt like it even if a few others were currently running. I always enjoy the stories in face to face meetigs which never happen often enough. Steve
what if we had an entire section dedicated ENTIRELY to just bios? Kinda like how we have a "bows", "arrows", "flintknapping", "primitive skills", "anything else", "shooting and hunting" etc. etc. We could have a "Member Bios" section or something like that and everyone can post their bios at will. I feel this is the best way to do this cause we can post in it when we want and read it at our leisure. :) -josh