Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: luke the drifter on December 05, 2009, 06:47:05 pm
hey y'all,
i do not know if it was on this community or some other website. i remember someone making a hedge apple bow the had a hole all the through and about half way up the limb. i would like to see that bow again. what was the idea or input about longitudinal cracks in a bow limb? what if they go to the side as well?
Pappy has done a couple. I cant remember where they are. Cracks that go to the side are bad news. Tiny cracks in the back can be dealt with.
I made one and so did RyanO
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so did HoleinthebowChuck.....,8073.0.html
and I did too....everyone at the Classic seen it last year.........
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Every one oughta build one, at least to learn how to work around big knots, and get over the fear of them. Of course if you work with wood like osage long enough you will build a few of them. ;D
Are those perhaps "primitive peep sights". ??? that's incredible.....
I traded Eddie for the bow he has pictured and can attest to the fact that it was one fine shooting bow,excellent workmanship.Unfortunatly someone had tryed it out before and braced it too low and had the string flip out of the nocks several times,unfortunatly shortly after I got it, it developed a good sized linear crack down the side of the limb,what a shame.
Here is a couple and if you follow the grain all the way down into the knot they hold up
very well.These were built a few years back and still shoot just fine. :) I'm with Dano,everyone that wants to learn to chase a growth ring should try one.If nothing else get a short piece with a big
knot and practice.It took about a day to Chase the ring on both of these bows. :)
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Pappy, I'm still really impressed you got that piece of wood to be a bow!!! It was among the first bows I heard about when I first X came here.
They are all incredible, that multiple holed one I saw in the magazine, a year ago or so covering the classic. Always just awed me. Earlier on, I didn't even understand how it was possible. All incredible - that's a goal.
It's tricky to get them to bend perty when they fall right in the working area, but it turns out wood is wood even if misshapen and you can get away with more than you'd think.
George Nagel bought this bow at the MoJam auction several years back. I wonder if anybody is in touch with ole George. It was fairly modest draw I recall, shy of 50# anyway. I wonder how it held up, but don't expect it saw much use. It has been said the knarly ones don't hold up like the right and regular stuff, but I'm not necessarily convinved as long as it's designed and built for it's intended use. Might not get the cast out of one you would a pristine shape, but the knarly ones I've made weren't necessarily poor either. This one was a fair shooter as I recall.
Pappy that second one is over the top bud, plumb knarly to the max!
I am with you David,I have heard that also on knotty bows,as far as holding up and keeping there shape,I have seen and have had better luck with hole bow than with snaky bow,althow have had no real problems with either,if I get them made into a bow. :) That last one is a beauty. :)
I also like snakey knotty Osage
David, George is doing well, he's retired, enjoyin life.
I still have a bow I built 7 or 8 years ago. It is lighter weight
put still shoots. The bow in the picture above is still together,
but is starting to creak. The two hole bow I made last year
I shoot all the time and hunted with it this year. I'm working
on a new one with at least two maybe three holes. If it works
out I'll post pictures.
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Cool,I knew you would check in sooner or later.Good to hear from you Chuck,king of the hole in the limb bows. :)
George Nagel was the first person I met when i became interested in bow building about 5 years ago, had i known what an accomplished bowyer he was at the time i would have spent a lot more time with him before he retired.
I saw a posting on another forum that he and another bowyer from MN were getting together to build bows one weekend, so i kind of invited myself to George's house. What i learned is that George and Chad Holm (the other MN bowyer that was there) are two of the nicest guys around. Chad was getting into building FG bows so he gave me all the osage and HHB staves he had on hand, about 12 osage and 2 or 3 HHB. George gave me one of the nicest osage staves i have ever seen, i still have that one, i'm waiting for it to call my name for a special bow, but i think i can hear it murmur at me when i walk by it :)
Chad now hosts a bow building weekend every summer at his place in brainerd, i've tried to get George to come to it, but he's so hard to get a hold of.
I wish George were still active online, but i sure can't blame him for retiring, i think he moved to his cabin in Wisconsin? lucky guy
I've done a couple. Here's one with a small hole.
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.... George gave me one of the nicest osage staves i have ever seen, i still have that one, i'm waiting for it to call my name for a special bow, but i think i can hear it murmur at me when i walk by it :)
Yes, they sure do murmur at you when you walk by; I heared them do that, too! ;D ;D ;D
Woah some bows are holier than others ;D I think if I make one with a hole as big as those I would have to name it "holier than thou".