Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: KShip85 on November 08, 2009, 01:20:16 pm
Ok, well I have a roughed out American hornbeam bow that I am trying to get the cambium off of. After spending an hour or so scraping without much progress I am thinking of trying something a little different. I am wondering if it might work to sandblast or pressure wash it off. I'm leaning towards sandblasting just to keep from rewetting the wood. Just wondering if anyone else has ever tried it. I figure since the cambium is softer than the wood it could work. I am going to try it on a scrap anyway and if it looks promising I'll try it on the bow. Worst case I lose a bow I have doubts about already. Thanks!
I wouldn' are taking a chance at violating the Back....Sandblasting will damage the Outer layers of the wood on a Microscopic level...perforating the Pores of the Wood...I would lean to either light sanding...or maybe even Steel Wool to remove it...I myself have always left it on to give such a White Wood some Character
I'd leave it on.
or maybe give it a steam bath in the shower to loosen it.
nah.. leave it on. ;D
i´ve never tried, but i heard from a friend that he has sandblasted the cambium off successfully!
ya sandblasting is not a good idea,dont thinki would use a pressure washer either
them things will take the paint off of steel siding,atleast mine will.dont ask how i know
i would put it in the bathroom and take a looonngg hot shower and just let the cambium get damp and loose that way
or light sand or steel wool or just leave it,looks cool.done a few hick bows like that
have a stave of hhb in the house right now,when i start debraking it i know cambium will be left on
this is just as bad as the one your working on to get rid off all the cambium